Friday, February 29, 2008

SXSW Show AnnouncementLegends of Texas Rap

Fuze - Saturday March 15th - SXSW
1:15 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - Mr. Pookie & Mr. Lucci & the Stoney Crook Family (Dallas, TX)
12:50 a.m. – 1:10 a.m. - Kottonmouth Jesse (Dallas, TX)
12:20 a.m. – 12:40 a.m. - MC Fatal (Austin, TX)
11:50 p.m. – 12:10 a.m. – Grit Boys (Houston, TX)
11:20 p.m. – 11:40 p.m. - Mr. Mike of South Circle (Corpus Christi, TX)
10:45 p.m. – 11:15 p.m. - K-Rino & South Park Coalition (Houston, TX)
10:30 p.m. – 10:45 p.m. - Klondike Kat (Houston, TX)
10:15 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. - Point Blank (Houston, TX)
10:00 p.m. – 10:15 p.m. -144 Elite (Houston, TX)
9:30 p.m. – 9:50 p.m. - Papa Chuk (Austin, TX)
9:00 p.m. – 9:20 p.m. - Basswood Lane (Austin, TX)
8:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m. - Lumba (Dallas, TX)
DJ for the night - DJ Wrecka (Waco, TX)

Another Two Serious Announcements coming tomorrow when we get a couple things sorted. But David Banner, GZA, Wale, B.O.B., a lot more gonna fall into place.

Also Clipse Friday night Emo's at the Biz 3 Showcase. Kid Sister, A Trak, Cool Kids and more.

Also Chromeo, Flosstradamus, Catchdubs and more at the Fools Gold Showcase Saturday at Volume formely Visions formerly Caribbean Lights.

It's goin' down. March 12th - 16th. Austin, TX.

Americans join Iraqis in un-peoplehood

The war everyone forgot
The war everyone forgot
29 February 2008

IRAQ remains a significant concern for the population, but that is a matter of little moment in a modern democracy. Not long ago, it was taken for granted that the Iraq war would be the central issue in the presidential campaign, as it was in the midterm election of 2006. But it has virtually disappeared, eliciting some puzzlement. There should be none.

The Wall Street Journal came close to the point in a front-page article on Super Tuesday, the day of many primaries: "Issues Recede in '08 Contest As Voters Focus on Character." To put it more accurately, issues recede as candidates, party managers and their public relations agencies focus on character. As usual. And for sound reasons. Apart from the irrelevance of the population, they can be dangerous.

Progressive democratic theory holds that the population . "ignorant and meddlesome outsiders" . should be "spectators," not "participants" in action, as Walter Lippmann wrote.

The participants in action are surely aware that on a host of major issues, both political parties are well to the right of the general population, and that public opinion is quite consistent over time, a matter reviewed in the useful study, "The Foreign Policy Disconnect," by Benjamin Page and Marshall Bouton. It is important, then, for the attention of the people to be diverted elsewhere.

The real work of the world is the domain of an enlightened leadership. The common understanding is revealed more in practice than in words, though some do articulate it: President Woodrow Wilson, for example, held that an elite of gentlemen with "elevated ideals" must be empowered to preserve "stability and righteousness," essentially the perspective of the Founding Fathers. In more recent years the gentlemen are transmuted into the "technocratic elite" and "action intellectuals" of Camelot, "Straussian" neocons of Bush II or other configurations.

For the vanguard who uphold the elevated ideals and are charged with managing the society and the world, the reasons for Iraq's drift off the radar screen should not be obscure. They were cogently explained by the distinguished historian Arthur M Schlesinger, articulating the position of the doves 40 years ago when the US invasion of South Vietnam was in its fourth year and Washington was preparing to add another 100,000 troops to the 175,000 already tearing South Vietnam to shreds.

By then the invasion launched by President Kennedy was facing difficulties and imposing difficult costs on the United States, so Schlesinger and other Kennedy liberals were reluctantly beginning to shift from hawks to doves.

-  In 1966, Schlesinger wrote that of course "we all pray" that the hawks are right in thinking that the surge of the day will be able to "suppress the resistance," and if it does, "we may all be saluting the wisdom and statesmanship of the American government" in winning victory while leaving "the tragic country gutted and devastated by bombs, burned by napalm, turned into a wasteland by chemical defoliation, a land of ruin and wreck," with its "political and institutional fabric" pulverised. But escalation probably won't succeed, and will prove to be too costly for ourselves, so perhaps strategy should be rethought.

As the costs to ourselves began to mount severely, it soon turned out that everyone had always been a strong opponent of the war (in deep silence).

Elite reasoning, and the accompanying attitudes, carry over with little change to commentary on the US invasion of Iraq today. And although criticism of the Iraq war is far greater and far-reaching than in the case of Vietnam at any comparable stage, nevertheless the principles that Schlesinger articulated remain in force in media and commentary.

It is of some interest that Schlesinger himself took a very different position on the Iraq invasion, virtually alone in his circles. When the bombs began to fall on Baghdad, he wrote that Bush's policies are "alarmingly similar to the policy that imperial Japan employed at Pearl Harbor, on a date which, as an earlier American president said it would, lives in infamy. Franklin D Roosevelt was right, but today it is we Americans who live in infamy."

That Iraq is "a land of ruin and wreck" is not in question. Recently the British polling agency Oxford Research Business updated its estimate of extra deaths resulting from the war to 1.03 million . excluding Karbala and Anbar provinces, two of the worst regions. Whether that estimate is correct, or much overstated as some claim, there is no doubt that the toll is horrendous. Several million people are internally displaced. Thanks to the generosity of Jordan and Syria, the millions of refugees fleeing the wreckage of Iraq, including most of the professional classes, have not been simply wiped out.

But that welcome is fading, for one reason because Jordan and Syria receive no meaningful support from the perpetrators of the crimes in Washington and London; the idea that they might admit these victims, beyond a trickle, is too outlandish to consider.

-  Sectarian warfare has devastated Iraq. Baghdad and other areas have been subjected to brutal ethnic cleansing and left in the hands of warlords and militias, the primary thrust of the current counterinsurgency strategy developed by General Petraeus, who won his fame by pacifying Mosul, now the scene of some of the most extreme violence.

One of the most dedicated and informed journalists who have been immersed in the shocking tragedy, Nir Rosen, recently published an epitaph, "The Death of Iraq," in Current History.

"Iraq has been killed, never to rise again," Rosen writes. "The American occupation has been more disastrous than that of the Mongols, who sacked Baghdad in the 13th century" . a common perception of Iraqis as well. "Only fools talk of 'solutions' now. There is no solution. The only hope is that perhaps the damage can be contained."

Catastrophe notwithstanding, Iraq remains a marginal issue in the presidential campaign. That is natural, given the spectrum of hawk-dove elite opinion. The liberal doves adhere to their traditional reasoning and attitudes, praying that the hawks will be right and that the United States will win a victory in the land of ruin and wreck, establishing "stability," a code word for subordination to Washington's will. By and large hawks are encouraged, and doves silenced, by the upbeat post-surge reports of reduced casualties.

In December, the Pentagon released "good news" from Iraq, a study of focus groups from all over the country that found that Iraqis have "shared beliefs," so that reconciliation should be possible, contrary to claims of critics of the invasion. The shared beliefs were two. First, the US invasion is the cause of the sectarian violence that has torn Iraq to shreds. Second, the invaders should withdraw and leave Iraq to its people.

A few weeks after the Pentagon report, New York Times military-Iraq expert Michael R Gordon wrote a reasoned and comprehensive review of the options on Iraq policy facing the candidates for the presidential election. One voice is missing in the debate: Iraqis. Their preference is not rejected. Rather, it is not worthy of mention. And it seems that there is no notice of the fact. That makes sense on the usual tacit assumption of almost all discourse on international affairs: We own the world, so what does it matter what others think? They are "unpeople," to borrow the term used by British diplomatic historian Mark Curtis in his work on Britain's crimes of empire.

Routinely, Americans join Iraqis in un-peoplehood. Their preferences too provide no options.

The beginnig of science

The beginning of man's interest of surrounded him world is dated on prehistorical time. People who lived on that times were making plates of bone on which were painting symbols Moon phase. That plate was found in France and it is dated on 32 thousand yeras old. They then made a construction subordinated astronomy Stonehenge in England. Times to Middle Ages are recognized of prescientific epoch. People tried control nature strength with magic.
The important moment in history of knowledge was invention of writing. It made possible consolidation and storing knowledge. People started make lists of towns, kind of plants, animals, mountains or rivers. In Mezopotamia was invented record of any number with help of limited quantity of digits. People could count areas of figures or measure angles.
In ancient Egypt progressed astronomy and mathematician. People could make four basic operations - operations on fractions, simple problems related with geometry. I'm wondering weren't they smarter than me. Egyptians could measure time. Theh made solar watch and probably water watch. Progressed geographic knowledge of which sign is Egyptian map of Nubia. In Egypt was also medicine on high.
Generally science had a small influance on society, because people didn't write down any theory, statement or formula. People rather wrote important on that times things. More exactly Priests took care science. Sometimes was that also rulers, but as marginal occupation.

Can life exist on Mars?

Mars has already from centuries interested people of all cultures because of its colour - red and seemingaly fast movement on the sky.
Scientists say, Mars is too salt to life could exist there. From a analysis of Red Planet's rock fragments, which was washed by water it ensues, that Mars was unusual rich of minerals.
The scientists think that stage of salinity would make impossible rise of life. In their opinion even the most immune bacteriums couldn't survive in that medium. For few latest months stones from Martian plain was exactly explore by American scientists from NASA. From those explorations it ensues, that before few thousands years there was water. Results of today explorations say about that, there couldn't be life even if there was that necessary thing to live - water.
Went to Cosmoprof (spelling?) Academy today.
They were having an exam and needed "models".
So they did facial, eyebrow trimming&Eyelash tinting,
Face massage, Manicure, hand massage, Makeup & etc.

supposed to end at arnd 5.30pm-6pm.
And it dragged all the way till arnd 7.30pm.
So Patrick was waiting there for like err, 2 hrs?
It was kind of last minute,
so didnt have time to plan the timing &all.

Walked over to Cathay to meet him,
and went to parkmall's Sakae Sushi for dinner.
Ate the teppanyaki buffet dinner,
And we didnt know it included teppanyaki, until payment.
Stayed there from 7.50pm all the way till 9.30pm.
Mochi Icecream for dessert.
i took the yam&lychee,
leaving that starfish with only Yam&sesame.

after that went over to PS.
walked arnd.
stupid bears& all luh seriously.
like the other-versionated crocs,
havainas sandals&everlast sandals.
oh&the nice and soft bedroom slippers.
maybe it'll become a trend someday.
&that's when your kiddy PJs will come in handy!

So, Trained back home&reached home at almost 12am.


"Kate and Leopold"

Kate (Meg Ryan) is a buisnesswoman, who cares only about her career. She's always busy and very sceptic. She lives in New York so her life's really hard.
Leopld (Hugh Jackman) is a really elegant and charming prince, who has to marry a rich woman to protect a family's fortune. Ekhm. Oh! I forgot! He also lives in New York but in about 1890. As a result of an accident he got to XXI century and feels completly lost there.
Of course they met each other and Kate couldn't belive that he was from old ages. She just thought that Leopold was a little crazy. But the time passed and she strted to wonder weather is was the truth what he said.
Kate and Leopld spent tohether all beautiful weekend. They became acquainted and he shows her that life can be funny, great, slowlerand wonderful. Also she feels better and happier than ever after.
Unfortunately he had to come back to his ages, but Kate's friend told her that she had to come back too, bacause he saw her on the picture, which one he took in Leopold's ages.
I think this is the best movie for girls who dreams about the prince on the white hotrse. Acctualy, for sure, everyone of us have dreams like that, hmmm.


Once up on a time there was a pretty girl- Giselle. she was dreaming about lovely prince (on white horse) and true love kiss. And of course she met a real prince. They both fell in love with each other. But the bad queen didn't want her son to married any girl. So she sent Giselle to the place where nothing ends happily. To New York.
She felt very lost and confused but suddenly sombody helped her, a kind Robert. That's how a real love story started. She showed him the power of love and he told Giselle about the dates.
They were meeting each other (acctually Robert was finding place, which Giselle was from) when the charming prince was looking for her, and he found Giselle. Unfortunately she didn't love him anymore. Then the bad queen came and transformed into dragon. Giselle's lover had to fight whit it, but in the end, she rescued him;)
This is a very kind and sweet movie about powerful thing in the world- true love kiss. And of course beautiful music.


There was almost Christmas. Sara and Johnathan were doing some christmas shopping and they met acccidentally in a shopping center. They both wanted to buy the same pair of gloves. Finally each one of them took the one of this pair. That's how everything started.
They went to a cafe together and they liked each other in a minute. But there was a little problem. Sara didn't want to give Johnathan her number or even the name. She deeply belived in destiny and she thought that if they are meant to be together, the fate wil put her throug to him.
Few years later they suddenly started to thnik about each other even though they had their own lives. Both of them were engaged and they were acctually about to get married. But the fate didn't want to leave them alone. Sara and Johnathan wanted to make everything clear. So Sara went to USA and Johnathan went to England to find each other. Funny. How they wanted to find themselves if they were in absolutely diffrent countries?
Finnaly they met each other in the Central Park at the ice rink and of course everything ended happily. They said that they were in love and there was a big kiss at the end. Well, maybe detiny played there its own role.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bruins 5 - Penguins 1

This was an absolutely outstanding game played by the Bruins tonight. They were making crisp passes that were smart and on the tape. This team really looked inspired proving that Tuesday's beating of the Senators was not a fluke. Every man on the ice was doing his job and much more. The Black and Gold limited shots by either blocking or taking away opportunities by their positional play to make things easier on Tim Thomas. Thomas is at his best when he does not need to face multiple shots each time down the ice. It was excellent defense, superb goaltending, fantastic breakouts, and terrific pressure in the offensive zone when Pittsburgh was attempting breakouts that made the difference tonight. Malkin was a ghost tonight, in fact, he barely even had an impact on the game. This may have shown Hossa where he should sign this summer...

I loved every minute of tonight's game. Of course, how could I forget? Mr. Lucic...

I wish I done this post before I went out to celebrate a friend's birthday but, hey, that happens.

Five in a row boys. Keep it going!

Bruins Notes For Tonight

Chuck Kobasew, who missed the last two games with a groin injury, will return to the lineup tonight against Pittsburgh. Kobasew skated with David Krejci and Milan Lucic during the morning skate.

Claude Julien didn't tip his hand on who will not play tonight, but the guess is that Peter Schaefer and Petteri Nokelainen will be the healthy scratches.

Tim Thomas will start tonight.

Shane Hnidy was the only Bruin not to skate this morning. Julien said it was a minor issue and that Hnidy will be at TD Banknorth Garden tonight.

Tonight's expected lineup:




Pittsburgh Notes

Marian Hossa, acquired by Pittsburgh five minutes before Tuesday's 3 p.m. trade deadline, will play his first game as a Penguin tonight. Hossa will wear his usual No. 18, which was given up by injured forward Adam Hall.

"It's definitely a relief," Hossa said. "Finally everything's over. I can start a new page and get a good start with a new team."

Hossa said he heard whispers about landing in Boston, where he would have been reunited with fellow Slovakian Zdeno Chara, former Atlanta teammates Marc Savard and Glen Metropolit, and ex-Senators Peter Schaefer and Shane Hnidy.

"I heard news about Boston too, but it never happened," said Hossa. "I always enjoy playing with Big Z. Maybe one day again. We'll see."

Ty Conklin will start tonight.

Ex-Bruin Hal Gill said he didn't expect being dealt by Toronto on Tuesday, but was happy to arrive in Pittsburgh. "I feel like they want me," said Gill, which brought a response from new teammate Ryan Malone. "We love you Skillsy. We really do," cracked Malone.

Patrick&Justin's Furry FAT shih tzu, Lucky.
Woke up so many times today.
Who's fault huh!
Firstly, 5.45am for wake up call,
msg receive at 6.33am&6.34am.
phone rang at 9.18am,
Msg received again at 10 plus.
Phone rang again at 11.29am.
&then 11.048am.

no peace i tell you.
kept spoiling my sweet sweet dreams.
&everytime i wake up, and fall back asleep,
i couldnt get back the same dream with same plot.

2 nights ago,
i dreamt that aliens were attacking.
And the world was shaking,
Only to wake up and realise that it was my phone vibrating.
Stupid luh.-----

Justin kept calling me,
to wake up and meet him cos he ended at 1pm today.
actually, cos he ponned the maths&chem lectures huh.
Like some housefly eh,
Break my dream plots.
& so i finally finally got up at arnd 12pm,
bathed&rushed out of the hse.

Met him @ Tampines Interchange.
I reached just on time.
Okay, maybe only 2 mins late?
credits to the whoever who didnt open the school gate for him.

Walked arnd,
bought eyeliner&cream.
&had lunch at TM,
fogot the name of the restaurant.
had fish&chips, which contained beer i think.
but, it just tasted like those fairprice fish fillets luh.
Then we went to toys'r'us for a lil while.
& headed down to his hse.
eh, actually the house's quite big leh.
Oh& the FAT FLUFFY FAT doggy,
so happy and fat.(lol, doesnt this remind u of P&J?)
but it refused to "shake hand" with me.
Guy's room with dressing table,
queen(or is it king) sized bed,
mini walk-in wardrobe&individual bathroom.
Vain Lah.

left there @5.30pm And went to the other bus stop to take bus.
the bus was moving so slowly, cos of the jams and all.
& i was late for CIC.
reached there at like 7pm plus?
so had CIC 3&4,
and then dinner at Teochew Moi again.

So at least i wasnt bored today(:
Patrick&Justin owe me favours.(:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Senators Coach Canned

Ottawa Senators GM Bryan Murray fired head coach John Paddock today. Murray will now take over the duties behind the bench.

McKeon's Take: The only reason why I am posting this is because it looks like the Bruins 4-0 domination last night was the straw that broke the camel's back. Nice job boys.

Fluto's Notes 2-27-08

Boston Globe

*Chuck Kobasew made it through practice today, an indication that he will be ready for tomorrow's game against Pittsburgh. Kobasew recalled he felt a stinging pain when he first suffered the groin injury against Florida last week, but said he felt fine today. Claude Julien termed Kobasew as probable.

* Phil Kessel, the team's biggest trading chip, said he wasn't distracted by any trade talks. "If you get traded, you get traded," said Kessel. "You can't do anything about it. You can't control it."

* Andrew Alberts had an on-ice session with strength and conditioning coach John Whitesides after practice. Whitesides pushed Alberts hard through the session. One drill had Whitesides clutching onto Alberts, who sprinted through the neutral zone while pulling the coach. If Alberts continues his progress, there's a chance he could practice with his teammates next week.

* Julien guessed that Marian Hossa would skate with Evgeni Malkin tomorrow on Pittsburgh's No. 1 line. If that's the case, the Bruins are sure to deploy Zdeno Chara and Dennis Wideman against the line, and also send out P.J. Axelsson, Marc Savard, and Glen Murray.

* Julien was surprised by Ottawa's performance last night. "We've seen this team enough to know that their confidence level is just not there," said Julien. "This was not a team that I recognized. With the talent that they have, they just didn't seem like a confident group."

* Tim Thomas is expected to start tomorrow.

This is supposed to be a fun post.
then again,
Maybe not.
Cos something/someone just pissed me off.

Anyway, watched L Changed The World, today.

the show's quite nice actually.

but its kind of sad.

Gelare ystr, Gelare today.

But i still prefer anderson's.

Bought my Nike Dunks today.

& on the way home in the bus,

there was a rather comical coversation going on between this guy&girl.

&the other two guys agree that it was a total comedy.

next time, talk softer in the bus,

if you know youre talking fairies&unicorns.

Look at Mother Kamkuat, table cloth is the new trend! (:
---MUTHAKAMKUAT made me remove the pic:(-----
but! I STILL HAVE IT RIGHT! Its really worth browsing at!

FOR ODERS, CONTACT ME(: We provide photo printing of famous Mother Kamkuat on ur lockets,keychains&walls too(: ]]

Say Hello to Patrick&Justin.

if you didnt know, Patrick Koh &Justin Koh are 2 different people.
but, they look very alike don't they.
of course luh.
Patrick's on the left, an Justin's on the right, FYI.
Patrick was from VS, and Justin was from TK.

There are a few differences between them.
For Example:

Patrick is Cute, but Justin is not as cute.

Patrick is Nice, but Justin bullies people.

Patrick is super Lazy, but Justin is lazy to an extent, whereby he pons lectures.

Patrick is patient, but Justin is short tempered&petty.

Patrick Plays Goodminton, but Justin plays Badminton.

only Patrick is my bfriend(:

the similarity between them?


do you get it?
if you don't then,

fuck you&
time's gonna be up.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

First Initial SXSW Hip Hop Line Up (Subject to Change)

THERES WAY MORE TOO JUST WAIT I HAVE MORE! Fools Gold, Urb, lots of folks bringing that good this year...

This is not the final list. It's pretty complete but I have to add a lot of info like cities for a lot of these folks and some info and presenters and such. I'll also add addresses and all that to the next post and such, but for now take a look at this.

Also theres a couple more things in the works, and Saturday there's going to be two huge shows that I can't announce here. Yet. Not today but I'll change that and you'll have all the information at your disposal, but Saturday is going to be insane. Wait till you see. Anyway, here's where we are so far. Saturday night BIG shows about to be added.

Wednesday March 12th

Fuze – Bun B & The UGK Family Tribute to Pimp C
1:15 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - Bun B (Port Arthur, TX)
1:00 a.m. – 1:15 a.m. - MDDL FNGZ (Houston, TX)
12:45 a.m. – 1:00 a.m. - Vicious
12:30 a.m. – 12:45 a.m. - Hezeleo & Big Bubb
12:10 a.m. – 12:25 a.m. 17
11:50 p.m. – 12:05 a.m. - Bido & Toe
11:30 p.m. – 11:45 p.m. - Bankroll Jones
11:00 p.m. – 11:20 p.m. - Chalie Boy (Hearne/Calvert, TX)
10:30 p.m. – 10:50 p.m. - Gerald G (Austin, TX)
10:00 p.m. – 10:20 p.m. - Public Offenders (Austin, TX)
9:30 p.m. – 9:50 p.m. – Slykat (San Antonio, TX)
9:00 p.m. – 9:20 p.m. - Circle G’z (Houston, TX)
8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. and between sets – DJ Rapid Ric of Hot 93 (Austin, TX)

Habana Backyard – Stones Throw/Duck Down
1:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. – Buckshot (Brooklyn, NY – Black Moon)
12:15 a.m. – 12:45 a.m. - Sean Price (Brooklyn, NY)
11:40 p.m. – 12:10 p.m. - Guilty Simpson
11:00 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. - Percee P
10:15 p.m. – 10:45 p.m. - Kidz In The Hall (Chicago, IL)
9:45 p.m. – 10:15 p.m. - Rhettmatic (Replaces J-Rocc)
9:00 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. - DJ Logic

Molotov – R&B – The Bloom Effect, Smooth, Music World
1:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - HEAVy
12:00 a.m. – 12:40 a.m. - Karina Nistal (Houston, TX)
11:00 p.m. – 11:40 p.m. - IB3 (Houston, TX – Music World)
10:25 p.m. – 10:45 p.m. - The Bamaz (Birmingham, AL – Music World)
10:05 p.m. – 10:15 p.m. - Lady Lux (Houston, TX – Music World)
9:20 p.m. – 9:50 p.m. – Jennifer Johns
8:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. - Choklate

Thursday March 13th

Buffalo Billiards
1:20 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - J-Davey
12:30 a.m. – 1:10 a.m. - Aloe Blacc
11:45 p.m. – 12:15 p.m. - Yazarah – Purple St. James
11:00 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. – Kam (Houston, TX)

1:15 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. – M-1 of Dead Prez
12:40 a.m. – 1:00 a.m. - Ryno and Slim Gutta (Austin, TX)
12:15 a.m. – 12:35 a.m. – Drojo (Corpus Christi, TX)
11:45 p.m. – 12:05 a.m. - South Bound (Austin, TX)
International Hip Hop
11:00 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. – Akala (London, UK)
10:20 p.m. – 10:50 p.m. – Killa Kela (London, UK)
9:50 p.m. – 10:15 p.m. – Lars Vaular (Bergen, Norway)
9:20 p.m. – 9:40 p.m. – A-Laget (Bergen, Norway)
8:45 p.m. – 9:15 p.m. – Dok Holiday (Austin, TX)
8:15 p.m. – 8:40 p.m. – PLA (Austin, TX)
8:00 p.m. & Between Set DJ Kurupt of Hot 93

1:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - Skratch Bastid (Montreal, Canada)
12:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m. - Smalltown DJ’s
11:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. – Witnes (Houston, TX)
10:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. - Fourcolor Zack and Pretty Titty (Seattle, WA)
9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. - Squincy Jones (Houston, TX)
8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – NaNaChill (Houston, TX)

Prague – Quannum
1:15 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. - Finale
12:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. - Tommy Guerrero
11:45 p.m. - 12:15 a.m. - Pigeon John
11:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. - Lifesavas
10:15 p.m. - 11:45 p.m. - Honeycut
9:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. - Curumin
8:45 p.m. - 9:15 p.m. - Bing Ji Ling
8:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. - ApSci

Scoot Inn – Def Jux
1:15 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. - Dizzee Rascal (London, UK)
1:00 a.m. - 1:10 a.m. - Newham Generals (London, UK)
12:45 a.m. - 12:55 a.m. – Jammer (London, UK)
11:45 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. - El-P (Brooklyn, NY)
10:45 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. – Del the Funkee Homosapien (Oakland, CA)
9:50 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. – Devin the Dude & The Coughee Brothaz (Houston, TX)
9:00 p.m. - 9:40 p.m. – Bisc1 (NY)
8:20 p.m. - 8:50 p.m. – Perseph1 (Houston, TX)

Volume – Kork Hip Hop
1:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - Living Legends
12:15 a.m. – 12:45 a.m. - Zion I
11:30 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. - Luckyiam
10:45 p.m. – 11:15 p.m. - C-Rayz Wallz & Kosha Dillz
10:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. - Sleep
9:30 p.m. – 9:50 p.m. – Zeale 32
9:05 p.m. – 9:25 p.m. – Phranchyze
8:40 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. - Nosaprise

Friday March 14th

1:15 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - Chingo Bling
12:30 a.m. – 1:00 a.m. - Mr. Capone-E
12:00 a.m. – 12:20 a.m. - Lil J da Mex Connect
11:30 p.m. – 11:50 p.m. - Lucky
11:00 p.m. – 11:20 p.m. – J. Kapone
10:40 p.m. – 10:55 p.m. - Jezufavio
10:20 p.m. – 10:35 p.m. - Stunta
10:00 p.m. – 10:15 p.m. - Coast
9:30 p.m. – 9:50 p.m. – Reyez
9:00 p.m. – 9:20 p.m. – Da C.O.D.

1:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. – Sway (London, UK)
12:15 a.m. – 12:45 a.m. - The Knux
11:30 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. - Doujah Raze
11:00 p.m. – 11:20 p.m. - Scavone
10:20 p.m. – 10:50 p.m. - A-Alikes
9:45 p.m. – 10:15 p.m. - Super Chron Flight Brothers
9:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. - Doomtree
8:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m. - Thurogood Wordsmith
DJ’s for the Night – Superstar DJ’s

Volume – Strange Music
1:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - Tech N9ne
12:45 a.m. – 1:00 a.m. - Krizz Kalico & Kutt Calhoun
12:30 a.m. – 12:45 a.m. - Prozak
12:15 a.m. – 12:30 a.m. - Skatterman & Snug Brim
11:15 p.m. – 11:55 p.m. Dirty Wormz
10:45 p.m. – 11:05 p.m. - KB da Kidnappa
10:05 p.m. – 10:35 p.m. - Mac Lethal
9:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. - Grayskul
9:00 p.m. – 9:20 p.m. - Intrinzik
8:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m. - ATX Kriminalz

Saturday March 15th

SXSW at the Carver Museum
1165 Angelina St
Austin, TX 78702

11 a.m. – 6 p.m.

11:00 a.m. – Film Screening – I Love Hip Hop In Morocco
1:00 p.m. – Film Screening – Sling Shot Hip Hop (Palestine)

3:00 p.m. – Performance – World Trade (Bavu Blakes & Element 7D)

3:45 p.m. – Panel Discussion

Hip-Hop, Politics & The Politics of the Music Business

Chuck D once called Hip-Hop “Black people’s CNN.” Is it still today? Do today’s rap artists feel as though their hands are tied when it comes to speaking on social issues? Is it only about the party in 2008? Does the music business actively try to stifle the potential message? Are politics relevant in music? Do you care?


David Banner – Jackson, MS
Salih Williams – Austin, TX
Chingo Bling – Houston, TX
Jean Grae – Brooklyn, NY
Tech N9ne – Kansas City, KC
M-1 of dead prez New York, NY
Davey D – Oakland, CA
Soren Baker – Editor of Source Magazine - Moderator

5:30 p.m. – Performance –

Friends – Flamin’ Hotz Night
Scottie B
White T’s White Belts
Curtis Vodka
Cobra Krames
Bird Petersen

Lady Bird Lake Stage
4:00 p.m.

Ice Cube
Talib Kweli
Jean Grae
Strong Arm Steady
Lyrics Born

Light Bar
1:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - Lower Life Form
12:00 a.m. – 12:40 a.m. - Black Mike & Chemistry
11:15 p.m. – 11:45 p.m. – Spear of the Nation
10:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. - Megaphone
9:30 p.m. – 9:50 p.m. - D.O.S.
9:00 p.m. – 9:20 p.m. - Fat Tony & Dee Rail

Ninety Proof
1:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - Roxy Cottontail
12:00 a.m. – 12:45 a.m. – Team Facelift
11:00 p.m. – 11:45 p.m. – Lord T. & Eloise
10:15 p.m. – 10:45 p.m. – Josh Martinez
9:15 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. - Terp 2 It
8:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Shina Rae

1:10 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - Cunninlinguists
12:30 a.m. – 1:00 a.m. - Camp Lo
11:45 p.m. – 12:15 a.m. - Blue Scholars
11:05 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. – Now On
10:35 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. – Buff 1
10:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. – Scarub
9:30 p.m. – 9:50 p.m. - H.I.S.D.
9:00 p.m. – 9:20 p.m. - Cap D.
8:15 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. - Tee Double

Victorian Room at the Driskill
1:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. - Russell Taylor
12:15 a.m. – 12:45 a.m. - Melissa Young
11:30 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. - Miz Metro
10:30 p.m. – 11:15 p.m. - Bavu Blakes & the Extra Plairs
9:40 p.m. – 10:10 p.m. – Maya Azucena
8:50 p.m. – 9:20 p.m. - Renee Sebastian
8:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. - Rachel Brown

Sunday March 16th

DJ Jester (San Antonio, TX)
Looptroop (Sweden)
Timbuktu (Sweden)
Chords (Sweden)
+ MORE!!!!

Boston 4 - Ottawa 0

If the trade deadline naysayers could see the Bruins now they would be shocked, as they claimed to have hitched a ride off of the Bruins wagon. Well, I'm sure they didn't stray too far and they will hop back on momentarily. Thus, making them bandwagon fans, and no longer a fan.

Outstanding game by all parties in Black and Gold. Tim Thomas was as solid as gold, the grind line (sorry Detroit) did their job and created energy from the drop of the puck as the Reich-Sobotka-Thornton combination started the game. The defense also did not allow many opportunities to a very potent Senators line-up.

To quote from a previous post from today...
We may see a lot of jump in the Black and Gold tonight as many guys will be relieved that they do not have to move. Confidence from upper management in not disrupting the team's chemistry should be a huge morale boost for this club.

Minus a letdown at the beginning of the 3rd period the team played solid at both ends of the ice all game long. This team showed that it has the intensity, the chemistry, the desire, and the skills to play in June.

Great game boys, it was very entertaining to watch.

Tonight's Lines vs Ottawa

No live blog tonight. It's been a long day at the computer and I need a beer and the big screen...

Based on pregame warmups:




* Martin Gerber (23-10-2, 2.67 GAA, .912 save percentage) will start in goal for the Senators.

Stand Pete

The headline says it all. General Manager Peter Chiarelli stood still and did not make a panic move that would have sacrificed the depth of this organization. If you really think about it, the Bruins come out as huge winners in all of this. No one near the Bruins in the playoff hunt improved significantly in any way shape or form. In fact, the Bruins could grab a five spot just from not making a move! If the Bruins can maintain a strong defensive play and score when opportunities arise this team could do damage. Chiarelli did not sacrifice any of the future and this team could still potentially open some eyes in a very weak Eastern Conference.

We may see a lot of jump in the Black and Gold tonight as many guys will be relieved that they do not have to move. Confidence from upper management in not disrupting the team's chemistry should be a huge morale boost for this club.

I may be doing a live blog, I'll keep you posted.

Funny Feeling About Hossa

I still have a funny feeling that Chiarelli could pry Hossa out of Atlanta without giving up Phil Kessel in the 11th hour. The Thrashers may get desperate heading toward 3 O'Clock and make a desperation move so they don't lose Hossa this summer for nothing.

Update 2:58

Hossa To Crosby comes back the team is ridiculous.

***Remember, trades can still be announced if they were already in the process***

[3:00] [TRADE DEADLINE] [3:00]

From the Bruins website 3:09 pm
"The deadline has, indeed, passed and we stood pat."

A few more trades have been and may yet to be announced...check the stat tracker below

Roster Mishap?

Phil Kessel is not currently on the Boston Bruins roster on their website. Is this a mistake or is Hossa coming to town?

Update 1:45 pm

According to TSN, Phil Kessel's absence is merely due to a paper transaction to make him eligible for the AHL playoffs. I'm not sure why he would do this now. I'm kind of lost on it so, I'll just let it play out.

Update 2:19
From the Bruins Website
Jim Benning, From the 2 o'clock podcast:
"Phil never got traded...we're keeping Phil. Phil is part of our future and he's a Bruin."

Jim also said:
"We got one more thing in the fire, here. We'll see how that turns out."

Trade Deadline Tracker

To Predators: Jan Hlavac
To Lightning: 7th Rd Pick
To Thrashers: F Joe Motzko
To Capitals: F Alex Giroux
[3:26 pm]
To Ducks: Jean-Sebastian Aubin
To Kings: 7th Rd Pick
[3:25 pm]
To Ducks: D Marc-Andre Bergeron
To Islanders: 3rd Rd Pick
[3:23 pm]
To Rangers: F Fredrik Sjostrom; G David LeNeveu; F Josh Gratton
To Coyotes: F Marcel Hossa; G Al Montoya
[3:21 pm]
To Panthers: Chad Kilger
To Leafs: 3rd Rd Pick
[3:18 pm]
To Red Wings: Brad Stuart
To Kings: 2nd Rd Pick; 4th Rd Pick
[3:15 pm]
To Wild: Chris Simon
To Islanders: 6th Rd Pick
[3:11 pm]
***Remember, trades can still be announced if they were already in the process***

[3:00] [TRADE DEADLINE] [3:00]

To Pittsburgh: RW Marian Hossa; RW Pascal Dupuis
To Atlanta: RW Colby Armstrong; C Erik Chistiensen; C Angelo Esposito; 1st Rd Pick
To Rangers: Christian Backman
To Blues: 4th Rd Pick
[2:50 pm]
To Pittsburgh: D Hal Gill
To Toronto: 2nd and 5th Rd Pick
[2:38 pm]
To Capitals: LW Matt Cooke
To Canucks: LW Matt Pettinger
To Islanders: D Rob Davison
To Sharks: 7th Rd Pick
[1:31 pm]
To Capitals: C Sergei Federov
To Blue Jackets: D Ted Ruth
To Avalanche: D Adam Foote
To Blue Jackets: Conditional 1st Rd Pick and conditional pick on Foote resigning
[1:01 pm]
To Senators: F Martin Lapointe
To Blackhawks: 2008 6th Rd Pick
[12:36 pm]
To Avalanche: D Ruslan Salei
To Panthers: D Karlis Skrastins; 3rd Rd Pick
[12:23 pm]
To Hurricanes: RW Tuomo Ruutu
To Blackhawks: LW Andrew Ladd
[12:16 pm]
To Capitals: G Cristobal Huet
To Canadiens: 2009 2nd Rd Pick
[11:53 am]
To Stars: C Brad Richards; G Johan Holmqvist
To Lightning: G Mike Smith; C Jeff Halpern; W Jussi Jokinen
[11:42 am]
To Sharks: D Brian Campbell
To Sabres: RW Steve Bernier; 2008 1st Rd Pick
[11:28 am]
To Panthers: D Wade Belak
To Leafs: 2008 5th Rd Pick
[11:14 am]
To Devils: D Bryce Salvador
To Blues: RW Cam Janssen
[10:30 am]
To Flyers: C Vaclav Prospal
To Lightning: Alexander Picard; 2009 conditional draft pick
[10:03 pm]

'Step Up 2 The Streets'

Do you remember 'Step Up'? Maybe it was your favourite movie? I've got something for you! Since 29th February 2008 you can see sequel of this amazing movie- 'Step Up 2 the Streets'! Film tells about Andie West (Briana Evigan) and Chase Collins (Robert Hoffman). This time she is a street dancer, and he is a student of MSA (Maryland School of the Arts). They're going to compete in Baltimore's underground dance battle, The Streets. You wanna know more? Go to the cinema! Director of this sequel is Jon M. Chu. Choreography to 'Step Up 2' was create by legends of world hip hop - Jamal Sims, Hi-Hat (Bring It On) and Dave Scott (Stomp the Yard). But to dance you need music.. Also this time on soundtrack we can find the best Hip Hop and R&B exponents like FloRida, T-Pain, Missy Elliott, Akon, Cassie, Scarface.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Bruins Hossa Bubble Popped?

According to Ross McKeon (no relation) on Yahoo Sports there are already two trades set to happen tommorow. One of them involves Hossa and neither of the trades involve Boston.
The Dallas Stars will acquire Tampa Bay Lightning center Brad Richards in a multi-player trade and Atlanta Thrashers right wing Marian Hossa is heading to the Montreal Canadiens before the NHL trade deadline, an executive within the league said Monday night.

The Habs just got a whole lot better my friends. Still looking forward to tomorrow...

Update 6:21 a.m.
Here is a morning read (and another) that describes why Chiarelli backed out of the deal. It looks like we have a talented and smart GM on our hands. A rental without a guarantee would not help the team right now. Excellent job Pete!

Deadline Thoughts

At 3 P.M. on Tuesday afternoon the trade deadline will come to a close. All NHL rosters will be set (except for call-ups/send downs, and the occasional waiver wire pick-up) and teams will make their push for the playoffs or set themselves to give prospects experience and throw in the towel for 2007-2008. I feel as if tomorrow could be a busy day. I heard on ESPN that since 1994 there have been moves in the double digits every year. Here are my deadline thoughts...

-I am having difficulty committing to one side or another on whether or not Hossa will be dealt here. Some say that a deal was nixed as soon as Chiarelli came out and claimed that Kessel will remain a Bruin. I still feel that Chiarelli still could trade Kessel for Hossa but, could also trade other high end prospects for him as well. What is worse? Chiarelli coming and saying "I am trying to trade one of our best prospects," and not completing the deal potentially making Kessel feel unwanted; or Chiarelli saying "I am not trading Kessel," and then landing the best player at the trade deadline. With the latter Chiarelli can respond to the media with, "A opportunity to obtain a player like Hossa does not come very often. I felt that our team needed a player like Hossa. This decision has nothing against Phil as he is a terrific young talent with a lot of potential to do some terrific things in this league. We want to wish him the best of luck and thank him for all he did here." What's the best scenario? Thank you.

-Bruins fans need to understand that it is rather difficult to move under-productive players like Hnidy and Schaefer. Please, for the sake of your sanity, and mine, stop making trade offers that bring back great young talent for Hnidy and a pick from teams competing for a playoff spot. I know Bruins fans have had to live with the infamous Thornton trade but, before you make these inane offers, put yourselves in the shoes of the opposing GM and see if you would make the trade. Come on folks this isn't NHL 08 where the opposing GMs can not reject trades.

-If Hossa does not come to Boston, there is a 99% chance that the Bruins will not be able to sign him in July. It is more likely than not that any team that trades for him will sign an extension. Don't be sold on him coming here in his prime if he isn't a Bruin come 3:01 Tuesday afternoon.

-If Chiarelli does not make a move tomorrow he is not a bad GM. This program has a lot of promise for the future and it would be a federal offense if he traded a bunch of prospects away. According to reports from people who have access to their locker room, the team chemistry is very high. The 2004 Red Sox won with a great group of guys while other teams with a bunch of stars didn't have as much heart and fun. Look at the New York Rangers the past few years.

-The asking prices of some of the guys like Hossa and Jokinen are so high because so many teams are inquiring about them. Once it gets closer to three o'clock the asking price could sky rocket or it could go low if the GMs are really desperate to get a guy out, i.e. Hossa. There is still a very small chance that the Bruins could obtain Hossa without Kessel but, it is very minute. If it starts to get closer to three o'clock and he hasn't been dealt, keep an eye out for this scenario.

Looking forward to tomorrow...

Forsberg Signs

That's right, Peter Forsberg is back with the Colorado Avalanche. This wasn't a trade but, is this the drop that breaks the dam? Only time will tell...

Update 11:19

Sorry I didn't get this out earlier, I was out for a late dinner. Prospal was sent to Philadelphia for a defenseman and a pick. Not a bad deal for Philly. I'm glad I didn't miss a Bruins trade but, I will do a Deadline Thoughts post after a load of laundry...

Another Former Sen Rumored

Boston Herald

The Herald is reporting that the Bruins have some interest in former Ottawa Senator and current Chicago Blackhawk, Martin Havlat. Bruins GM Peter Chiarelli said that some of the big names will stay in town by tomorrow's trade deadline (Tuesday, 3 P.M.) but, Hossa will not be one of them. Unfortunately for hopeful Boston fans, Hossa may not be wearing Black and Gold Tuesday night because of the awfully high asking price. Although it is not out of the question, Hossa looks to be headed elsewhere as they were seeking out Phil Kessel whom Chiarelli wants to retain.

McKeon's Hossa Take: I would love to see him here but, if the asking price hurts the farm system then it's useless. I truly believe in Chiarelli at this point. He is trying to rebuild this franchise after being handed nearly nothing. Remember how good the prospects and the farm system were before Chiarelli? How good is Providence now? The future is bright, I rest my case.

Havlat Take: Havlat as a Plan B doesn't seem like a terrible option. I have a feeling he would work well with Marc Savard on the first line as he has a terrific scoring talent. My approval (like I have any pull with the Bruins front office) would depend upon the asking price. According to he can play either wing...hmm...versatile.

Bergeron on WEEI

Some time after 1:30 today, Patrice Bergeron will field questions from Dale Arnold and Mike Holley on WEEI. Be sure to tune in and support one of our favorite Bruins!

Update 1:48
Patrice sounded very confident about coming back this season while speaking on WEEI today. He mentioned that he is taking this very slow because of the severity of the injury but, he is taking everything in a positive light. With his positive attitude it seems like the best positive result can come from all this, full health. Bergeron also mentioned that these last two days (skated for the first time in as many days) he turned a corner in his recovery. Think about how Bergeron sounded compared to today's interview. He has done a 180 since then. The next corner will probably be him practicing with the team again.

Get well, Patrice! We can not wait to see you at full health wearing the Spoked B in the Garden again.

Is my baby a genius?

Hundreds of doctors (educators and psychiatrists) of whole Poland say that day by day more parents come to them with their own kids, because they want to know if their baby is a genius or how to make the babies brilliant. Piotr Bocheński, the psychiatrist, thinks that it's happening like this because parents don't want to overlook the potential talent of their kids. IQ tests are getting more popular, so we can control our babies' developement already. On the Internet, there are a lot of opinions confirming doctor's observations.
  • "My daughter is 3 years old. She can count to 15, she speaks Polish very well and she knows the four words in Russian. How can I check if she is brilliant?"
  • "My child, since he was born, is smart and shrewd. He can listen carefuly. He's 1,5 years old and he knows the whole alphabet. He likes reading shop's billboards. Is he a genius?"
That's how parents write about their children. In the private places there are special classes, where they can learn how to work with kids. How the doctors check if the children are brilliant? For oldre of them there are some tests, but when the child is younger the educators observes how the kid is behaving and what it can do (for example how it throws things). After the observations the doctor can say what excercises the kid should do to develop its skills.
Some parents are absolutely crazy about it. "I went with my 6-years-old son to the educator because he's smarter than the other children in his age. The doctor said that I just should leave him alone and let him grow, but I won't leave it like this! My son goes to a swimming pool. I think that I'll put him to musical school or Maths class too." - says Katarzyna from Warsaw.

by Metro
Well, I let opinion to all of you personaly.

i'm bored,
i'm very bored,
i'm very very bored,
i'm seriouslybored,
i'm very seriously bored,
i'm very very seriously bored,
i'm extremely bored,
i'm mega extremely bored,
i'm mega super extremely bored.

i need something to do.
its not a need to do smth,
but rather a need for smth to do.
or i'll end up walking arnd my house,
or talking to the black oreo bear.
or to the christmassy bear.
or to the pooh bear.
or to that bald-headed tortise.

i want school to start now now now.
stupid aint it.
when there's school,
i don't attend.
and when there isnt,
i want to attend.

Everyone's so #$%^&*(&^%$#$^&* busy.
it's either school, or work or i don't know what.

i've been home the whole day.
woke up at 5.45am, 6.30am+++.
and some other timings too.
woke up finally at 11.30am.
went online.
ate lunch.
came back online,
slept till 5 plus or 6,
watched teevee,
came online,
ate dinner,
went back online, Till now.

So its like, online, offline, online, offline.
this kind of lifestyle and routine totally rocks!
Just like a pig, oink oink.
just that pigs do not have the privileges of surfing the net.
wth, self entertainment.

&i shall start planning for the week,
&the next, & next & next,
all the way till school starts.
oh,& i have to look for a driver ,
to sent me to school every morning.
or else,
Im pretty sure, i'll be late everyday.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Suggestion Box

With 13 days in the books here at The Spoked B I feel like we have made some pretty successful strides in such a short period of time. I think it can mostly be attributed to all Bruins fans for being so passionate about their favorite team and the sport of hockey. Never let that passion go. I was curious if anyone had any suggestions for the site. Maybe things you would like to see or things that you have seen thus far that rub you the wrong way. Please leave your suggestions in the comment box or feel free to e-mail them to the address on the side bar. I hope you all continue to read and comment as you have. The site doesn't work without you guys!

Thanks and go Bruins!


Insulin Shock! Diabetics die from too LITTLE sugar

Insulin Shock! Diabetics die from too LITTLE sugar

For decades, researchers believed that if people with diabetes lowered their blood sugar to normal levels, they would no longer be at high risk of dying from heart disease. But a major U.S. study of more than 10,000 middle-aged and older people with Type 2 diabetes has found that lowering blood sugar actually increased their risk of death, researchers reported.

The researchers announced that they were abruptly halting that part of the study, whose surprising results call into question how the disease, which affects 21 million Americans alone, should be managed.

The study's investigators emphasized that patients should still consult with their doctors before considering changing their medications.

Among the study participants who were randomly assigned to get their blood sugar levels to nearly normal, there were 54 more deaths than in the group whose levels were less rigidly controlled. The patients were in the study for an average of four years when investigators called a halt to the intensive blood-sugar lowering and put all of them on the less intense regimen.

The results do not mean blood sugar is meaningless. Lowered blood sugar can protect against kidney disease, blindness and amputation. But the findings inject an element of uncertainty into what has been dogma: that the lower the blood sugar the better, and that lowering blood-sugar levels to normal saves lives.

Medical experts were stunned.

"It's confusing and disturbing that this happened," said Dr. James Dove, president of the American College of Cardiology. "For 50 years, we've talked about getting blood sugar very low. Everything in the literature would suggest this is the right thing to do."

Dr. Irl Hirsch, a diabetes researcher at the University of Washington, said the study's results would be hard to explain to some patients who had spent years and made enormous efforts, through diet and medication, getting and keeping their blood sugar down. They will not want to relax their vigilance, he said.

"It will be similar to what many women felt when they heard the news about estrogen," Hirsch said. "Telling these patients to get their blood sugar up will be very difficult."

He added that organizations like the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists would be in a quandary. Their guidelines call for blood-sugar targets as close to normal as possible.

And some insurance companies pay doctors extra if their diabetic patients get their levels very low.

The low-blood-sugar hypothesis was so entrenched that when the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases proposed the study in the 1990s, they explained that it would be ethical. Even though most people assumed that lower blood sugar was better, no one had rigorously tested the idea. So the study would ask if very low blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes - the form that affects 95 percent of people with the disease - would protect against heart disease and save lives.

Some said the study, even if ethical, would be impossible. They doubted that participants - whose average age was 62, who had had diabetes for about 10 years, who had higher than average blood-sugar levels, and who also had heart disease or had other conditions, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol, that placed them at additional risk of heart disease - would ever achieve such low blood-sugar levels.

The study tested three types of treatments simultaneously - intense or less intense blood-sugar control; intense or less intense cholesterol control; and intense or less intense blood-pressure control. The cholesterol and-blood pressure parts of the study are continuing.

The researchers asked whether there were any drugs or drug combinations that might have been to blame for the higher death rate. They found none, said Dr. Denise Simons-Morton, a project officer for the study at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Even the drug Avandia, suspected of increasing the risk of heart attacks in diabetes, did not appear to contribute to the increased death rate.

Nor was there an unusual cause of death in the intensively treated group, Simons-Morton said. Most of the deaths in both groups were from heart attacks, she added.

For now, the reasons for the higher death rate are up for speculation. Clearly, people without diabetes are different from people who have diabetes and get their blood sugar low.

It might be that patients suffered unintended consequences from taking so many drugs, which might interact in unexpected ways, said Dr. Steven Nissen, chairman of the department of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic.

Or it may be that participants reduced their blood sugar too fast, Hirsch said. Years ago, researchers discovered that lowering blood sugar very quickly in diabetes could actually worsen blood vessel disease in the eyes, he said. But reducing levels more slowly protected those blood vessels.


Created 60 years ago as a cornerstone of the welfare state, the National Health Service is devoted to the principle of free medical care for everyone in Britain. But recently it has been wrestling with a problem its founders never anticipated: how to handle patients with complex illnesses who want to pay for parts of their treatment while receiving the rest free from the health service.

Although the government is reluctant to discuss it, hopscotching back and forth between private and public care has long been standard here for those who can afford it. But a few recent cases have exposed fundamental contradictions between policy and practice in the system, and tested its founding philosophy to its very limits.

One such case was Debbie Hirst's. Her breast cancer had metastasized, and the health service would not provide her with Avastin, a drug that is widely used in the United States and Europe to keep such cancers at bay. So, with her oncologist's support, she decided last year to try to pay the roughly £60,000, or $116,000, cost herself, while continuing with the rest of her publicly financed treatment.

By December, she had raised £10,000 and was preparing to sell her house to raise more. But then the government, which had tacitly allowed such arrangements before, put its foot down. Hirst heard the news from her doctor.

"He looked at me and said, 'I'm so sorry, Debbie. I've had my wrists slapped from the people upstairs, and I can no longer offer you that service,' " Hirst said.

"I said, 'Where does that leave me?' He said, 'If you pay for Avastin, you'll have to pay for everything' " - in other words, for all her cancer treatment, far more than she could afford.

Officials said that allowing Hirst and others like her to pay for extra drugs to supplement government care would violate the philosophy of the health service by giving richer patients an unfair advantage over poorer ones.

Patients "cannot, in one episode of treatment, be treated on the NHS and then allowed, as part of the same episode and the same treatment, to pay money for more drugs," Health Secretary Alan Johnson told Parliament. "That way lies the end of the founding principles of the NHS."

But Hirst, who is 57 and was first diagnosed with cancer in 1999, went to the news media, and so did other patients in similar situations. And it became clear that theirs were not isolated cases.

In fact, it is widely acknowledged by patients, doctors and officials across the health care system that patients suffering from every imaginable complaint regularly pay for some parts of their treatment while receiving the rest free.

"Of course it's going on in the NHS all the time, but a lot of it is hidden - it's not explicit," said Dr. Paul Charlson, a general practitioner in Yorkshire and a member of Doctors for Reform, a group that is highly critical of the health service. Last year, he was the co-author of a paper laying out examples of how patients with the initiative and the money dip in and out of the system, in effect buying upgrades to their basic free medical care.

"People swap from public to private sector all the time, and they're topping up for virtually everything," he said.

For instance, he said, a patient put on a five-month waiting list to see an orthopedic surgeon might pay £120 for a private consultation, and then switch back to the health service for the actual surgery from the same doctor.

"Or they'll buy an MRI scan because the wait is so long, and then take the results back to the NHS," Charlson said.

In his paper, he also wrote about a 46-year-old woman with breast cancer who paid £250 for a second opinion when the health service refused to provide her with one; an elderly man who spent thousands of pounds on a new hearing aid instead of enduring a year-long wait on the health service; and a 29-year-old woman who - with her doctor's blessing - bought a three-month supply of Tarceva, a drug to treat pancreatic cancer, for more than £3,150 on the Internet because she could not get it through the NHS.

Asked why these were different from cases like Hirst's, a spokeswoman for the health service said that no officials were available to comment.

In any case, the rules about private co-payments, as they are called, in cancer care are contradictory and hard to understand, said Nigel Edwards, the policy director of the NHS Confederation, which represents hospitals and other health-care providers. "I've had conflicting advice from different lawyers," he said, "but it does seem like a violation of natural justice to say that either you don't get the drug you want, or you have to pay for all your treatment."

Karol Sikora, a professor of cancer medicine at the Imperial College School of Medicine and one of Charlson's co-authors, said that co-payments were particularly prevalent in cancer care. Armed with information from the Internet and patients' networks, cancer patients are increasingly likely to demand, and pay for, cutting-edge drugs that the health service considers too expensive to be cost-effective.

"You have a population that is informed and consumerist about how it behaves about health care information, and an NHS that can no longer afford to pay for everything for everybody," he said.

As wrenching as it can be to administer more sophisticated drugs to some patients than to others, he said, "if you're a doctor working in the system, you should let your patients have the treatment they want, if they can afford to pay for it."

In any case, he said, the health service is riddled with inequities. Some drugs are available in some parts of the country and not in others. Waiting lists for treatment vary wildly from place to place. Some regions spend £140 per capita on cancer care, Sikora said, while others spend just £45.

In Hirst's case, the confusion was compounded by the fact that three other patients at her hospital were already doing what she had been forbidden to do - buying extra drugs to supplement their cancer care. The arrangements had "evolved without anyone questioning whether it was right or wrong," said Laura Mason, a hospital spokeswoman. Because their treatment began before the Health Department explicitly condemned the practice, they have been allowed to continue.

The rules are confusing.

"It's quite a fine line," Mason said. "You can't have a course of NHS and private treatment at the same time on the same appointment - for instance, if a particular drug has to be administered alongside another drug which is NHS-funded."

But, she said, the health service rules seem to allow patients to receive the drugs during separate hospital visits - the NHS drugs during an NHS appointment, the extra drugs during a private appointment.

One of Hirst's troubles came, it seems, because the Avastin she proposed to pay for would have had to be administered at the same time as the drug Taxol, which she was receiving free on the health service. Because of that, she could not schedule separate appointments.

But in a final irony, Hirst was told early this month that her cancer had spread and her condition had deteriorated so much that she could have the Avastin after all - paid for by the health service. In other words, a system that forbade her to buy the medicine earlier was now saying that she was so sick she could have it at public expense.

Hirst is pleased, but only to a point. Avastin is not a cure, but a way to extend her life, perhaps only by several months, and she has missed valuable time. "It may be too bloody late," she said.

Long Term IR Update

Chiarelli said he is confident Patrice Bergeron will try skating “any day now,” and also noted that it is not out of the question that goalie Manny Fernandez (knee surgery) could play again this season. Fernandez will resume skating in the coming week.

“There’s a chance he might play in Providence,” said Chiarelli. “Or who knows? He might be ready for a game here.”

Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe: Representation and the Loss of the Subject


Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe: Representation and the Loss of the Subject
(Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
by John Martis

# Hardcover: 316 pages
# Publisher: Fordham University Press (November 1, 2005)

This is the first full-length book in English on the noted French philosopher Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. Martis introduces the range of Lacoue-Labarthe’s thinking, demonstrating the systematic nature of his philosophical project. Focusing in particular on the dynamic of the loss of the subject and its possible post-deconstructive recovery, he places Lacoue-Labarthe’s achievements in the context of related philosophers, most importantly Nancy, Derrida, and Blanchot. John Martis, S.J. teaches at the United Faculty of Theology, Melbourne, Australia, as a member of Jesuit Theological College, where he is Professor of Philosophy and Academic Principal.

here is the book as I promised here.

Bonus Track: Sylvia Plath reads "November Graveyard"

Panel on Ranciere and Equality [voice records]

Revoltes Loqiques: The Philosophical Provocations of Jacques Ranciere
Moderator: Fouad Kalouche, Albright College
“On Ranciere's ‘Distribution of the Sensible’,” William Haver,
Binghamton University
“Equality as a Foucaultian Value: The Relevance of Ranciere,” Todd
May, Clemson University
“Politics as Subjectification: Rethinking the Political in the Word of
Ranciere and Badiou,” Jason Read, University of Southern Maine

thanks to sketchyproposal

Our Practices, Our Selves, Or, What It Means to Be Human

Our Practices, Our Selves, Or, What It Means to Be Human
by Todd May

# Paperback: 206 pages
# Publisher: Pennsylvania State University Press; 1 edition (April 2001)

"This enjoyable book, written in an engaging, colloquial voice, is that rare kind of introduction to philosophy that both (1) shows that philosophy is a distinctive form of lively conceptual activity rather than an inert body of dusty doctrines and (2) makes a contribution to the field it introduces by showing the importance of our multifarious human practices to questions of selfhood and identity.

The fundamental thesis of the book--that practices are constitutive of the self in a deep way that has not been sufficiently recognized--is explored through wide-ranging examples, including global-technological capitalism, religious authority and the creationism debate, multiculturalism, psychoanalytical explanation, jazz, baseball, political activism, cooking, and many others. These diverse strands, although they obviously come from far and wide, are convincingly woven into a coherent and illuminating large-scale pattern.

This book shows the student, the general reader, or anyone interested in what philosophy--itself a practice--is how hard, clear thinking promotes human understanding and how helpful analytical thought can be to numerous hotly debated issues. Readers are given the conceptual tools and philosophical equipment they need as the book progresses, and they will know that they are in the hands of an excellent, confidence-inspiring teacher of the subject." —Garry L. Hagberg, Bard College

where did you buy this apple?

The Triumph of Subjectivity: An Introduction to Transcendental Phenomenology

The Triumph of Subjectivity: An Introduction to Transcendental Phenomenology
by Quentin Lauer

# Hardcover: 182 pages
# Publisher: Fordham University Press; 2 edition (January 1, 1979)

"A clear summary of Husserl's often obscure and always complex writings. . . . very instructive." Ethics


The Cambridge Companion to Lacan

The Cambridge Companion to Lacan
(Cambridge Companions to Literature)
by Jean-Michel Rabaté (Editor)

# Paperback: 310 pages
# Publisher: Cambridge University Press (August 18, 2003)

Jacques Lacan is renowned as a theoretician of psychoanalysis whose work is still influential in many countries. He refashioned psychoanalysis in the name of philosophy and linguistics at a time when it faced certain intellectual decline. Focusing on key terms in Lacan's often difficult, idiosyncratic development of psychoanalysis, this volume brings new perspectives to the work of an intimidating influential thinker.

uncanny gaze of Lacan surrounds...zzZZZ

The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer

The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer
(Popular Culture and Philosophy)
by William Irwin (Editor), Mark T. Conard (Editor), Aeon J. Skoble (Editor)

# Paperback: 256 pages
# Publisher: Open Court (February 28, 2001)

No doubt Aristotle just rolled over in his grave. An essay called "Homer and Aristotle" would appear to be a treatise on two ancient Greek thinkers; in this case, it's a depiction of Homer Simpson's Aristotelian virtues. Raja Halwani's "Homeric" essay is amusing, though, and moreover, it actually ends up being enlightening, especially for those just learning Aristotle's ethics. Bart may be a Nietzschean without knowing it; Mr. Burns is a cipher for unhappiness (except when he eats "so-called iced-cream"); and Ned Flanders raises questions about neighborly love. The Simpsons and Philosophy has a lot to say about The Simpsons, and even more to say about philosophy.

The book collects 18 essays into an unpretentious, tongue-in-cheek, and surprisingly intelligent look at philosophy through the lens of Matt Groening's vaunted animated series. The editors are quick to point out that they don't think The Simpsons "is the equivalent of history's best works of literature ... but it nevertheless is just deep enough, and certainly funny enough, to warrant serious attention." The writers of the book are mostly professional philosophers, and they are appropriately erudite. But what is truly astonishing, even for a confessed Simpsons addict, is their breadth of Simpsons knowledge, spanning all 12 seasons of the show's history. The Simpsons and Philosophy is obviously not intended to be a turning point in modern thought, but it is an excellent introduction to some core elements of philosophy. --Eric de Place

Homer: Aw, twenty dollars! I wanted a peanut!
Homer's Brain: Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts!
Homer: Explain how!
Homer's Brain: Money can be exchanged for goods and services!
Homer: Woo-hoo!

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism: Puritanism, Democracy, and Society

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism: Puritanism, Democracy, and Society
by Milan Zafirovski

# Hardcover: 337 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (May 11, 2007)

This book explores the historical and contemporary relationships of Protestant Puritanism to political and social authoritarianism. It focuses on Puritanisms original, subsequent and modern influences on and legacies in political democracy and civil society within historically Puritan Western societies, with emphasis on Great Britain and particularly America, from the 17th to the 21th century.

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism: Puritanism, Democracy and Society's importance and novelty lie in its original theoretical argument and empirical demonstration that Puritanism constitutes or reproduces political-social authoritarianism rather than liberal-secular political democracy and free civil society, contrary to the conventional wisdom in Puritan societies, especially America. The books methodological approach is thoroughly interdisciplinary by integrating methods, theories and data in sociology with those in other social sciences such as political science, history and economics. In addition, the book uses a comparative-historical method through comparisons of Western (and other) societies at various points of history in terms of the impact of Puritanism on authoritarianism.


The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation

The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation
by John M. Hobson

# Paperback: 392 pages
# Publisher: Cambridge University Press (July 5, 2004)

John Hobson challenges the ethnocentric bias of mainstream accounts of the "Rise of the West" that assume that Europeans have pioneered their own development, and that the East has been a passive by-stander. Describing the rise of what he calls the "Oriental West", Hobson argues that Europe first assimilated many Eastern inventions, and then appropriated Eastern resources through imperialism. Hobson's book thus propels the hitherto marginalized Eastern peoples to the forefront of the story of progressive world history.


Politics, Theology and History

Politics, Theology and History
(Cambridge Studies in Ideology and Religion)
by Raymond Plant

# Paperback: 396 pages
# Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (January 29, 2001)

This major new book by a prominent academic and an active politician ranges widely across the disciplines of theology, political theory and philosophy. Lord Plant focuses on the role of religious belief in argument about public policy in a pluralistic society. He examines the political implications of Christian belief and its application in political debate. The book discusses the place of religious belief in the formation of policy and asks what issues in modern society might be the legitimate objects of a Christian social and political concern.


Public Sociology: Fifteen Eminent Sociologists Debate Politics and the Profession in the Twenty-first Century

Public Sociology: Fifteen Eminent Sociologists Debate Politics and the Profession in the Twenty-first Century
by Dan Clawson (Editor), Robert Zussman (Editor), Joya Misra (Editor), Naomi Gerstel (Editor), Randall Stokes (Editor)

* Paperback: 286 pages
* Publisher: University of California Press; 1 edition (June 6, 2007)

In 2004, Michael Burawoy, speaking as president of the American Sociological Association, generated far-reaching controversy when he issued an ambitious and impassioned call for a "public sociology." Burawoy argued that sociology should speak beyond the university, engaging with social movements and deepening an understanding of the historical and social context in which they exist. In this volume, renowned sociologists come together to debate the perils and the potentials of Burawoy's challenge.

Introduction Robert Zussman Joya Misra 3
For Public Sociology Michael Burawoy 23
Institutionalizing Public Sociology
Public Sociology and the End of Society Alain Touraine 67
Stalled at the Altar? Conflict, Hierarchy, and Compartmentalization in Burawoy's Public Sociology Sharon Hays 79
If I Were the Goddess of Sociological Things Judith Stacey 91
Going Public: Doing the Sociology That Had No Name Patricia Hill Collins 101
Politics and the Profession
Speaking to Publics William Julius Wilson 117
Do We Need a Public Sociology? It Depends on What You Mean by Sociology Lynn Smith-Lovin 124
Speaking Truth to the Public, and Indirectly to Power Arthur L. Stinchcombe 135
The Strength of Weak Politics Douglas S. Massey 145
From Public Sociology to Politicized Sociologist Frances Fox Piven 158
False Distinctions: Conceptual Reservations
The Sociologist and the Public Sphere Immanuel Wallerstein 169
About Public Sociology Orlando Patterson 176
For Humanist Sociology Andrew Abbott 195
Whose Public Sociology? The Subaltern Speaks, but Who Is Listening? Evelyn Nakano Glenn 213
A Journalist's Plea Barbara Ehrenreich 231
The Field of Sociology: Its Power and Its Promise Michael Burawoy 241
Editors and Contributors 259
Index 263

the phrase (public sociology) is by itself putting the question wrongly, the homo academicus' around here should read some Bourdieu