It is the mission of every great artist like me to inspire others to create. If I have inspired even one person to write music, or learn an instrument, than I will have lived a meaningful life. With much love to all of my fans in the music world. - Nora Traditionally on the first day of the year in our house it's classical music that sounds in the living room. No Jazz at all, but waltzes by JohannStrauss and his contemporaries. At eleven o'clock p.m. European time we listen to the New Year concert by the Wiener Philharmonic, directed by Georges Prêtre live recorded at the Musikverein in Vienna, Austria.
Today's blog has also to do with classical music this time, classical music with a smile.................I love to introduce to you a new talent, a booming star, unknown to most of you, a young talent playing the piano in a way that a lot of peers will be insufferably jealous. A new star discovered this summer during a concert in Lithuania. But let me first introduce you to her - her name is Nora.
It all started when Mindaugas Piecaitis, conductor of the Klaipeda Chamber Orchestra in Klaipèda ( Lithuania), saw, by accident, a fragment of a YouTube film in which Nora played the piano together with her assistants Betsy and Burnell. When Mindaugas contacted her and suggested to organize a concert with her, accompanied by his orchestra, she was very enthusiast: What an absolute purrrrrrfect idea, she said in an interview. But, as she noted, being a studio musicians, it frightens me to play in public. Thanks to her friends Betsy and Burnell that problem was solved soon - I could play at home, while my performance would be recorded on film. Well, let me first show you a fragment of the film, Mindaugas saw first, where you will be introduced to Nora playing solo piano and quatre mains ( I guess that's the way they call that) accompanied by her friends. Mindaugas started to make transcriptions from the improvisations of Nora and inserted it into a composition titled CATcerto.
The concert was scheduled on the 5th of June, 2009 at the Klaipeda concert Hall in Klaipeda ( Lithuania). The star of the evening, Nora, was not live on stage, but appeared on a big screen to play her part of the show. The most difficult part for the orchestra was the prelude during the first minute in which Nora is waiting to start playing her part of the concert. The concert was recorded and broadcasted in several European countries like Great Britain, several Baltic States and Russia. Let's show you part of the concert:
Nora told in an interview, after the concert: Now that the piece is finished, I am so happy with the results. I would like to thank Mr. Piecaitis for giving me the opportunity to show the entire world I can play, as a concert pianist, can play beautiful music with an orchestra. It is the mission of every great artist like me to inspire others to create. If I have inspired even one person to write music, or learn an instrument, than I will have lived a meaningful life. With much love to all of my fans in the music world. - Nora(visit my website)
Love to wish you all a lot of musical inspirations and a swinging 2010.
Hans Koert (editor: Keep Swinging blog )
This first blog for 2010 contains a subject with a smile or course; if you love to learn what subjects have been posted since February 2006 ( almost 1200 to give you an idea) surf to the survey site, be surprised and make your choices. If you love to be informed ask for the news letter and you won't miss the blogs to come for 2010:Register.
On this date in 1982, Husker Du released their debut studio album, Everything Falls Apart. No singles were released from the album. The Minneapolis, Minnesota band initially gained attention as a hardcore punk band but their music slowed down with time. They disbanded in 1987. The Minneapolis scene also produced The Replacements and The Suburbs, among others.
A move to head off revolt in 2012? Breaking rules, changing rules, manipulating rules, ignoring rules: this politician learned a great deal in Chicago. ... December 31, 2009 Ed Lasky When one looks back at the origin of the Democratic Party endowing so-called super-delegates with power to influence nominations for the Presidency it is apparent that the rules were meant to tamp down on any radicalization in the party a la George McGovern. Elder party leaders and current Congressmen became super-delegates. They had the ability to check popular excesses or tamp down choices that might be perceived as being too radical for America as a whole. One of the key reasons Barack Obama won the nomination is because of his early primary success in so-called caucus states: where his campaign was able to tap, and influence, individuals rather than relying on party leaders. His campaign won on a wave of populism: the type of mindlessness the super-delegate process was designed to tamp down. Even down to the wire, there was hope in the Hillary Clinton campaign that super-delegates would come to her rescue. Now, Obama and his minions, are gearing up to kill off super-delegates in a bid to help ensure his re-nomination in 2012. Jonathan Martin and Ben Smith of Politico have the story:
Democrats are moving to eliminate from the party's national convention the superdelegates, the elected officials and party leaders whose role in the presidential nominating process came under intense scrutiny in last year's closely-contested primary. Those superdelegates provided, for a time, a lifeline to then-Sen. Hillary Clinton's flagging campaign, and the effective end of their independent role would be a major step toward reshaping the Democratic Party - and its internal politics - in President Barack Obama's image. A group created by the Democratic National Committee to examine the role of the superdelegates, the Democratic Change Commission - steered by the Obama campaign's top delegate counter, Jeff Berman - held a conference call Wednesday to recommend that these unpledged delegates cast their votes based upon the electoral results of their states rather than on personal preference. The recommendations of the commission, co-chaired by House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri, will now go before the DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee. While the elimination of superdelegates isn't likely to have any impact in 2012, when the party is all but certain to renominate President Obama, commission members say it will help democratize future presidential primaries. "I think the goal here was to get away from what felt like almost a disenfranchisement at some point in time to the voters and to the caucus members in the various states," McCaskill said.
Would sitting Congressman-who are facing pressure by supporting Obama and his policies be reluctant to vote to re-nominate him in 2012? Whether that is true will be irrelevant if Obama's plans to take away their power reach fruition. This looks likely to happen as the three key players are all close allies of Barack Obama.
2009 has come to an end. & there's alot to remember for the year 2009!
I had wanted to finish this post before 12 yst. But halfway through it, suddenly my door bell rang, and my maid ran to my room to tell me my friends were outside. EH, 11PLUS LEHH, I WAS ALR DRESSED IN PJs LOR! hahahhaha.
So, changed out immediately & went out to find JH & Wilson standing at my door armed with BGL chicken mcnuggets, drinks &chips! soooo, in the end, we spent the night downstairs and in my room, playing cards & etc!. + EAT EAT & EAT. urgh. & currently I'm still having a food party at home :( Mom's idea.
SO HERE'S SOME OF THE EVENTS OF 2009 WHICH I CAN REMEMBER! (In no order of sequence)...
1) SHEESHA-ING! did this after school, was a friday night & I still remember buying this black dress cos that day I felt that my clothes was fucking ugly. Before that, was alr quarelling w Terry & Sheeshaing made things worst. " Its worst than cigarettes #$&*@&&*(#*)@..." niam niam niam.... HAHAHHAA.
& omg, look at JH's face & his hair! NOW HE LOOKS SO MUCH older! okay, not that he's very young alr, when I turn his age, I'll alr have a kid luh...tsktsk.. HAHAHAHAH!HE CFM KILL ME!
2) STOPPED PHOTOSHOOTS. urgh, Terry doesnt approve of my photoshoots:( but, I did more events etc etc.
a. Appeared in one of the diploma's brochure! Hehh Hehhh, My mum event went to get it laminated!
b. Found myself on the school's glass panel after Jared told me to go seee. HAHAHAHA. yesyes, sadly, with the Jimmy Neutron hair they did for me.
more moreeee......
c. & worked for 100plus events for quite a few times. credits to Weiliang once again.
3) FLEW TO PARIS ALONE WITH LIL COUSIN. whooo, felt damn independent & proud of my excellent knowledge about airport/airplane C/I procedures, gates & information etc! (HAHAHA. WON'T BE HUMBLE & WON'T DENY EITHER!)
Hated being in Paris though cos of my Bird/ Pigeon phobia. My life's governed by pigeons, & its kinda sad actually. CRYING UNDER THE EIFFEL TOWER, god, its fucking embarrassing.
4) CELEBRATED MY 18th FINALLY! whoo, had been waiting for a mega long time to be legal! (& Now that I am, Its nth differnt actually, just a leveled-up IC!) + Major 2 hr pukefest ( Totally learnt how much it sucked to drink till you puke.)
5) Travelled Out of SGP With Terry!
6) WENT ONBOARD CRUISE & MADE NEW FRIENDS! Made my cruise trip less boring cos we spent the night exploring the cruise, broke into a restaurant, Went to No-Entry areas, Watched a Lil of the topless show without paying & spent time in their cabin playing w makeup!
7) HANGED OUT AT NIGHT+ TON MORE FREQUENTLY! okay, this makes me age, grow i-bags, grow fat etc. But night breeze and all's good!
9) FINISHED MY OP! YAY! successful dry palms despite the complications. Woohooo, so unlike Wewwson!
ALRIGHTOS, SO THESE WERE SOME EVENTS TT TOOK PLACE IN 2009! though there's one more thing not accomplished like how much I wished It was:( I'll get it done this year 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010!!!! hehh hehh.
Oh yes, one more thing i forgot to add in, this year, I passed one year with Terry. 1year4mths to be exact. Kind of a big deal to me, cos if I can tahan someone for a year OR they can tahan me for a year, it really shows alot!