Tuesday, May 1, 2007

dispatch from dc

I am here to attend a workshop associated with the National Science Foundation. When I get back, I have this paper that is overdue and really must be done, which is not even to mention the other paper that is overdue and really must be done. Also, however, I am publicly saying as a matter of committment via this blog that I will need to restart my diet. I was doing well but not really so much tracking, but the last few days have seen that fall more by the wayside through a combination of certain unblogged stressors and traveling.

I should insert something wry or hilarious here, I suppose, but I'm tired.

Oh, and: When I checked into my hotel, the clerk got this strange smile as he was looking at the screen while checking me in and said, "Because you are the 100th customer of the day, I'm going to upgrade you to the club floor." I thought he was joking, but then I was, indeed, upgraded to the club floor. Would Hilton really be having something where they were upgrading the 100th customer, or is it more likely that they upgraded me for some other, possibly random reason and he was just joking/dissembling about why?

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