It feels good to say that the Bruins essentially have a meaningless home game. Wait, I know what you're thinking, "This is not a meaningless game McKeon, they could get up to the 5th spot! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ok, first, don't yell at me. It's rude. Second, before you decide to yell at me (just go with it) you should ask the Buffalo Sabres how meaningful their game is tonight. This game is 90 percent meaningless and regardless of what happens today, the Bruins will have a tough match-up in the first round. I, of course, want the Bruins to get the 5th spot. I'd be a cock...erspanial if I didn't want them to get as high as possible BUT, it's all gravy from here.
All I am saying is, the Bruins were playing meaningless games last season, back in what seemed like December. Now, the shoe is on the other foot, and these are some sweet kicks the Bruins have on right now. I am completely rambling but, who cares? I mean, you have read this meaningless (word of the day, Pee Wee Herman style. Ahhhhhhhhh. Ok, please stop yelling at me.) post up until this point and you are either peeing your pants from excitement and laughter or you're thinking that the writer of this blog is completely insane. Well, both points contain some truth. I prefer the first from the latter but, it's your call. Where the hell am I?
Let's gain some momentum going into the STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS! Whoa, STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS. Wow, the BRUINS are in the STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS!
Damn that has a nice ring to it.
Focker, out.
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