The list of demands from mercenaries collaborated with Carthage was given to government this country and after that members’ government sent one of three leaders of ancient Carthage that is to say Hanno II the Great to renegotiations demands of mercenaries. When he arrived and meet the officers from mercenaries units into the Sicca Veneria he immediately rejected their terms an also he said that they couldn’t expect so high wages for lose First Punic War with the Roman republic. In my opinion it was next mistake from side of government ,which didn’t know how solve this difficult situation. The commanders mercenary units were in furious when Hanno rejected their demands, they also didn’t like Hanno ,who wasn’t fight together with mercenaries in First Punic War. He didn’t realize how they fought for almost 23 years for nation ,which don’t belong to them. Although mercenaries came from different nations, they spoke dissimilar languages but they had one direction ,which join them. They hadn’t got money for all 23 years on war. It was the main reason thanks to which they broke down negotiations. All force of mercenaries that is to say about 20000 soldiers started march from Sicca Veneria to Tunis in order to capture that city. Mercenaries had huge army ,which was able to capture the Tunis. When the government heard about march of mercenaries to Tunis, it immediately ordered to send general Gesco for renegotiations a new deal between mercenary units and Carthage
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