What is being proposed and promoted is swimming against a very strong under-tow of other concerns; the economy, the conflicts in Asia, health care, etc. The idea of prosecuting Bush, Cheney, et al. makes most people wince, cringe or shudder with trepidation and some explode with indignation. The notion for many--at least as measured by the entries at various sites where such opinions can be freely voiced--is that the any action to bring Bush et al. to account in a court of law for their malfeasance is one that is without hope. The cause of this hopelessness is varied; ranging from an ineffective and complicit Congress refusing to take appropriate action to the unassailable power of international banking cabals and the Illuminati.
What we, the people, must come to understand, despite all of the horror stories about international conspiracies, world-shaping deals done at Bilderberger meetings, WTO conferences, and/or economic summits in Davos is a very simple truth: there are many more of us than there are of them. This is the essence of Democracy 101; we, the people out-number them, the elite. That is our power. We have the power to change things. We have the power to demand that our leaders be held accountable for their actions while in office. It is a simple elemental truth and the basis of democratic government. As former British parliamentarian, Tony Benn, recently stated, "Never, ever underestimate the power of determined people, if their cause is right."
Why, then, do so many Americans--the majority as it seems--fail to embrace and internalize this vital truth? Why are so many Americans prone to thinking "-What's the use?' regarding politics and political activism? Why have so many Americans failed Democracy 101?
One answer is that we Americans have been educated to feel powerless. We have been inculcated with the idea that our only avenue of democratic activity is the polling booth where we are called on to choose which corporate financed and anointed candidate we'd prefer. This is an extremely harmful delusion; one that is foisted upon us by very highly paid public relations corporations and their mouth-pieces in the corporate media.
The "powers-that-be" spend millions each business quarter on ads, reports, findings, articles, pamphlets, books, TV programs, radio shows, movies and other means of propaganda in an attempt to keep the public docile and would-be activists dispirited with smothering messages of hopelessness and powerlessness. They do this because "they" fear "Us." We have the power and they know it. Otherwise they wouldn't feel the need to pour millions into their PR campaigns aimed at keeping us apathetic, compliant and submissive.
To illustrate this, Noam Chomsky often cites this anecdote: whenever he speaks in Third World Countries with limited democratic outlet and where opinion and political action are restricted if not actively or violently suppressed, no one ever asks him 'What should we do?' They know what to do and often tell Professor Chomsky what they are doing often in the face of brutal repression to redress their grievances. On the other hand, whenever he speaks in the USA, "-Land of the Free and Home of the Brave' he is invariably asked, "What can we do?" Americans, who pride themselves on living in the strongest Democracy on earth and puff their chests about being "the Leader of the Free World," "-Beacon of Hope" and "-City on the Hill," generally feel unempowered and ineffectual when it comes to social and political activism.
This is very telling. It tells us that something is tragically amiss in the USA. It tells us that American democracy is faltering and in danger of becoming nothing more than a sham of staged, ritualized elections, devoid of real import.(Indeed, there are many who contend this is a fait accompli.) It needn't be that way, of course.
One need only look at Bolivia or Venezuela, countries without a democratic tradition. If the impoverished, indigenous People of those countries can overcome the combined machinations of the CIA, the US State Department, the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO, the kleptocratic elite and the economic hit-men of international corporations, then we, the People of the United States of America should and must be able to do the same.
Americans would do well to learn a lesson from the Bolivians and the Venezuelans; the first lesson of Democracy 101: Voting is not the sum total of democracy. It is an important albeit small part of the democratic process. The will of the people is not subject to election cycles. We must not be compliant, silent observers who patiently wait for ballots to be handed us at polling centers. We must continually inform and educate ourselves and our fellow citizens in a democratic republic for it to truly function.
Additionally, it is of vital importance that our representatives in government top the list of those fellow-citizens we need to continually and aggressively inform and educate. We do not ask permission to be heard by our government and our representatives. We demand it as our lawful right and duty.
remains of a US soldier
We must not be wistful by-standers to the democratic process. To do so euthanizes democracy and hands the power to oligarchs and autocrats who do not believe as we, the People must believe, that all of us are equal under the Constitution. We must be vocal, active and engaged for we, the People, are the government. We are the power.
Take heart! Take action!
Take back our Republic from neo-con con-men and false-flag conservatives without consciences. The first step to the recovery of our Republic is to prosecute George W, Bush, Richard Cheney and all other incriminated members of their administrations for the crimes they have committed in the name of the American People.
Do not give credence to the Big Lie that they acted "-in the interest of national security." They acted in their own personal interests and their actions have endangered us all.
Dismiss the spin about "-national reconciliation" and "-forgiveness." It is folderol foisted on us by those who fear being implicated in the Bush/Cheney crimes.
We, the American People must demand that justice be done or Justice will be done with us.
We are the power. Use it.
Thus endeth the lesson.
Your lab assignment is this:
Go to the White House web site and Office of Public Liaison & Intergovernmental Affairs President-elect Obama's site and make your voice heard; insist that he establish a special prosecutor to investigate the crimes of the George W. Bush administrations:
In addition, you can act locally by going to http://www.peaceteam.net/ to look up your state's local County/District prosecuting attorney and encourage him or her to take action.
Prosecute Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Addington,Pelosi, Scalia and Paulson
source: www.opednews.com/articles/2/Democracy-101-a-Call-for-by-DC-Rapier-090128-964.html
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