Living Room Sessions JEFF AUG: AN ATTEMPT ON A RECORD Most concerts performed in different countries within 24 hours. Hans Koert
Within a few weeks, on the 13th of March 2009, Jeff Aug will release his fourth solo guitar album, titled Living Room Sessions. Jeff Aug is an acoustic instrumental fingerstyle guitar player with a tremendous technique. On the album you can find 15 tracks and the first one is titled Boots on Fire. I love to share with you a film fragment of that tune.
All tunes on the album are composed by Jeff Aug; from a funny, almost hill billy tune like Louisiana Voodoo Boogie and Hoedown on the Chicken Farm (including noisy cows), Spanish and Irish influenced tunes like Lightness and Highlife, up to funky notes in Chemical Funk. Some tracks are limited to half minutes (the Intermezzo's). The last track will surprise you like the hidden trackson some Verve-albums in the 1990s. It contains some licks and false starts of Boots on Fire. (Take your times !!). The two video fragments posted in this blog are inserted on the CD too. The second fragment is titled One Twenty to be seen at the end of this contribution.
When you believe that the acoustic guitar in jazz, played in the fingerstyles, is music for pre-Charlie Christian musicians or musical styles (Charlie Christianintroduced the amplified guitar in modern jazz) forgets that a lot of jazz musicians still play their music on a few strings stretched across a wooden box, as I found the acoustic guitar described somewhere. Musicians like Al Di Meolaand Earl Klugh have won their spurs. Jeff Aug plays in that tradition, although he has his own style with elements of Funk, Jazz and Dance music. His guitar playing is not limited to the acoustical guitar alone; he also plays the electric amplified guitar in groups like the Floating Stone or as an accompanist for Anne Clark and the jazz fusion guitar legend Allan Holdsworth. With the latter Jeff Aug will perform solo, at the start of the concert, during Allan Holdsworth European tour next month along a dozen of European venues in The Netherlands ( De Boerderij in Zoetermeer and de Gigant in Apeldoorn), in Belgium (Spirit of 66 in Verviers) and in several German and Austrian clubs. To promote a new album artist organise tours along venues, to show their fans the music of their latest album. So does Jeff Aug. But, as he writes in the press release, for this album he didn't chose for an old stand-by-run-of-the-mill number. No, you won't find Jeff in a weary fortnight tour along a dozen venues, but in a full European tour, labeled as the Wounded Fingers Tour 2009, in one day (!), which means 6 concerts in six countries within 24 hours. These are the countries scheduled for this attempt on a record for the famous Guinness Book of World Records in the category: Most concerts Performed in Different Countries in 24 hours: On the 13th of March (Jeff's birthday) he’ll perform at 7.00 am in Liechtenstein, at 9.00 am in Switzerland, two hours later in Austria and at 1.00 p.m. in Germany.In the afternoon Jeff Aug will perform in Verviers in Belgium (at 2.00 am) and this short, but intensive tour, will be concluded inDe Nieuwe Nor in Heerlen (The Netherlands). You can find all details with venues and times below this contribution.
Love to finish with the second track of Jeff Aug's album Living Room Sessions: One Twenty.
Living Room Sessiopns - Jeff Aug ( nMZ 0401482 ) I learned that this album is like a good bottle of wine - the more you play it, the better it tastes ............ Hans Koert
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