Norah –The Battle For My Love/ Rock ‘n’ Roll Feeling –Novola NOX 220 (1974 Spain)
Sounding like Anita Garbo on helium crossed with Minnie Mouse, the lanky haired Argentine Norah belts out both sides in a very individual and total singular fashion. The Battle For My Love is built upon a frenetic tempo with squidgy Moog and sports a tremendously catchy tune. You’ve got to hand it to the song writers for recognising a good chorus when they wrote one and returning to it over and over like an infernal groundhog day leitmotiv. The backing vocals are a real hoot –check out the Hispanic waiter overtones which elevate the chorus into a curse that will engrain itself into your brain (Battle, it’s the battle, it’s the battle for your LOVE!); I bet you’ll be singing along and alone, when you least expect it...The B side is a more straight forward crunching Glam affair with its HEYs and is very similar to Bobbie McGee's Rock ‘n’ Roll People with a dose of Sparks, loud proud and vehemently on the Hell raising side. Bloody Norah!
Sounding like Anita Garbo on helium crossed with Minnie Mouse, the lanky haired Argentine Norah belts out both sides in a very individual and total singular fashion. The Battle For My Love is built upon a frenetic tempo with squidgy Moog and sports a tremendously catchy tune. You’ve got to hand it to the song writers for recognising a good chorus when they wrote one and returning to it over and over like an infernal groundhog day leitmotiv. The backing vocals are a real hoot –check out the Hispanic waiter overtones which elevate the chorus into a curse that will engrain itself into your brain (Battle, it’s the battle, it’s the battle for your LOVE!); I bet you’ll be singing along and alone, when you least expect it...The B side is a more straight forward crunching Glam affair with its HEYs and is very similar to Bobbie McGee's Rock ‘n’ Roll People with a dose of Sparks, loud proud and vehemently on the Hell raising side. Bloody Norah!
Hear a full version of The Battle For My Love
Hear a full version of Rock ‘n’ Roll Feeling
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