Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jack Black...ecstatic over Kung Fu Panda! Deep family storyline appealed to actor!

Ever since Jack Black became a friend on MySpace, I haven't had much of an opportunity to give the comic a plug.

What are friends for, after all?

That all changed when it was announced that Kung Fu Panda 2 was slated for release in theatres countrywide this week.

With Jack making the rounds of the talk-show circuit there is much to gab about.

For starters, Mr. Black is thrilled with the outcome of the much-anticipated big-budget studio flick.

"I am so proud of this Kung Fu Panda. After all, long after I am gone, it will still be entertaining people," he proudly noted to one interviewer on a morning talk show.

How much of Jack is in the Panda character he plays?

"About ninety-percent. I left about ten percent to use for other roles."

At one point, Meredith Viera tried to stir up a bit of controversy in one interview when she posed a question which caused a little tension on the studio set when it first zinged off her lips.

"I interviewed Angelie in Cannes. She said that she had to go back into the studio to redo lines because you changed a lot of them in your studio session."

The camera panned over to Jack in time to catch an awkward look which flickered across his face for a second or two.

Say what?

"Is that okay?" Viera probed further in - what appeared to be - a shame-faced effort to seize the moment and make an issue of his acting "style".

"Well, yeah. I think so," Jack responded, as a polite look of astonishment visibly crossed his lovable mug.

Of course it is, Meredith!

When a director hires on a talent to work on a project, he or she has to be mindful of the fact that every actor approaches his craft differently.

It is a given that they - not only be ready to accommodate the "gift" - but be prepared to work with it in a unique straightforward hands-on way to flesh the talent out.

It is one of the quirks of "creativity".

In some cases, performers get a handle on their work by extraordinary methods, but that is the nature of the beast (in this case, the Panda).

Jack went on to point out that because the studio work was all "voice-over", it was a golden opportunity to focus on the true essence of the character, play up the nuances - and ultimately - find the heart of it.

"So, you try things in many different ways, take some risks."

A good director gives an actor a lot of leeway in that respect and only reins in "the talent" when necessary for the overall project's sake.

Jack pointed out that part of the reason he signed on for the sequel is because the storyline deals with deeper issues in respect to parenting and family.

Apparently, the film has an underlying message, and is not all comical fluff with slick special effects geared towards dazzling the filmgoers.

The children at the school where Black's kids attend were all treated to a sneak preview.

"They loved it," he gushed enthusiastically.

Now, let's wait and see what the critics have so say, eh?

I plan to catch it over the weekend.

See 'ya there!




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