Saturday, January 19, 2008

SCL.CC -- Nigel Oakes - World Domination Scheme Office in a huge "serviced office building" BUT NO SUITE NUMBER!! reverses to IMAP answers with

Domain Name: Created on..............: Thu, Sep 16, 2004
Expires on..............: Wed, Sep 16, 2015
registered with Domain Discreet, P.O. Box 278 Yarmouth, CANADA

Strategic Communication Laboratories is the leading supplier of Information Operations, Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy services to governments and military clients worldwide.

Do you really believe a world-wide strategic communication company would use
£9.95 per month
"Fusion Business" account from WEBFUSION who hire
servers on HOSTEUROPE???

You seriously think they would want to save money and share a server with

So two years ago Nigel Oakes registered the website... and hosted it with a EL CHEAPO provider:

... the leading international centre of excellence for research and development into persuasion and social influence has exactly ONE STAFF MEMBER who supplements his living by holding farcical speeches at PORK-BARREL gettogethers.

You probably want to ring Mr Taylor on 011 +44 113 3435810 and ask him about the BDI...

His pupil is a Israeli Defence Forces researcher .. who says:

The Main Purpose of My Studies:
I am dreaming of teaching propaganda in Israel after I finish my PhD degree. This academic area is completely undeveloped there and as far as Israeli scholars think - unnecessary. My intention is to change this attitude.

Well, good luck to her... Israel certainly needs all the propaganda it can get.

Somehow I have a feeling that this siter will not make it. Her favourite quote is:

"There are a variety of ways to gain power. There are illegal means to gain power through brute force; one can also gain power legally by winning a majority in an election. There are revolutions, Putsches, uprisings. But each of these methods requires a political group to win the sympathies of the broad masses, if it wishes over the long run to maintain is power. But the sympathy of the people does not come of itself; it must be won.
The means of gaining that support is propaganda. The task of propaganda is not to discover a theory or to develop a program, but rather to translate that theory and program into the language of the people, to make them comprehensible to the broad masses of the people. The goal of propaganda is to make what the theorists have discovered clear to the broad masses" (Goebbels, 1931).


"The military conflicts of the 21st Century will not be fought on the ground, in the sea or in the air. They will be fought in the minds of your enemies and allies. You may have the weapons to win the territory, but do you have the weapons to win the 'hearts and minds?' "
(US Defense Review, 2001)

A Strategic Communication facility with fully trained staff, may be the most powerful weapon in your arsenal to resolve conflict and to achieve your military objectives.

A strategic communication centre puts influence, control and power back into the hands of the government and military. It is an essential component for Homeland Security, Conflict Reduction, International Public Diplomacy and un-mediated Government communications.

Your New Account

Dear Nigel,

Thank you for choosing WebFusion, the premier web hosting solution.

We have now activated your web hosting account -

We hope to deliver the highest quality service at all times. Your new shared hosting account is hosted on a Dual Pentium Processor Server with 1 GB of RAM and multiple 36GB fast SCSI hard disk, your server is secured in our high security data centre and is backed up by high power uninterruptible power supplies.

Please remember that it can take two or three days for your domain name to be activated, it takes this long as all the other internet servers in the world have to recognise your domain name.

So that you can start using your new shared hosting account straight away we have included details below on how to use your WebFusion account.

Best Wishes,

The WebFusion Hosting Team. WebFusion's new service allows you to register domain names at the lowest prices available in the world today! domain names cost as little as £5.18 for two years and .com domain names are available from £7.69 per year, with every domain name we include these features free of charge:-

  • Web Forwarding (3 types!)
  • Catch All E-mail Forwarding
  • Up to 100 E-mail Forwarding Addresses
  • Free Home Page Wizard
  • Change Name Servers
  • Change IPS TAG (UK domains)
  • No release fee (some charge £19)
  • Full Online Domain Management
  • Submit Your Web Site to 10 Search Engines
These prices also apply when you take out a new domain name with your WebFusion web hosting account.

Why not register a domain name today, visit our site:-

Prices excludes VAT, full details available on

Connecting to Us

Connecting to your new shared hosting account is easy. To upload files to your shared hosting account you would usually use an FTP programme, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a way of uploading your web site to your shared hosting account.

If you don't already have an FTP client then you may download a shareware copy of WS-FTP from Ipswitch Software.

Once downloaded you should install WS-FTP on your machine following the instructions from Ipswitch.

Once installed select the option to create a new FTP account. You should then enter the details outlined below:-

Create a FTP Site With Name:

Host Name or IP Address:

User ID: nigeloakes

Password: Enter the password that you received in your welcome e-mail

Click "Save Password" and then "Finish"

If you now click "OK" you will be connected to your Virtual Web Server.

You will now be able to see a number of files and directories, you will only be interested in the "public_html" directory. This is the directory where you will store all your html files and images.

The main page of your web site should be called index.html or index.htm (all lower case). Your index file is the first page people will see when they go to

Connecting to Us - For FrontPage Users

Connecting to your new shared hosting account is easy using Microsoft FrontPage software. To use Microsoft FrontPage to publish your site you will have chosen to install FrontPage Extensions on your shared hosting account.

Here is how to publish your new virtual server using Microsoft FrontPage:-

  • Open FrontPage from your start menu
  • Enter your web address as and click OK
  • FrontPage will now contact the server
  • Enter your username (nigeloakes) and password (provided in your welcome e-mail)
  • FrontPage will now publish your site to the web
Your E-mail Settings

Collecting your e-mail from your shared hosting account is simple and only takes a few minutes to setup.

We would recommend that you use Microsoft Outlook Express, if you don't have a copy of this then you may download a copy from the Microsoft Site.

First of all launch Outlook Express and select "Tool" from the top menu, once you have done this select "Accounts". You are now at a screen that allows you to setup a new POP3 account (a POP3 account is an account that stores mail on the server).

On the right hand side of the screen that has appeared there is a button which says "Add", click this and select "Mail" from the list. You are now in the "Add a new mail box wizard". The details to enter in each box are below:-

Display Name: Enter your real name here

E-mail Address: (you may enter in this box)

Incoming Mail (POP3 or IMAP) Server: ( once your domain name is registered or transferred to us)

Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server: ( once your domain name is registered or transferred to us)

Account Name: nigeloakes

Password: Enter the password that you received in your welcome e-mail

To make your outgoing mail server work you must now enter some additional information, on the screen you are still on (Internet Accounts) click "Properties" for the account you have just setup.

Now click the "Servers" tab at the top of the screen and tick the box at the bottom of the screen under "Outgoing Mail Server" that says "My server requires authentification".

Now click "Ok" and then "Close".

You are now ready to receive e-mails on your shared hosting account!

MyServerWorld 10.0

MyServerWorld is a unique tool that is included with your virtual web server, it allows you to control your account with WebFusion.

Using MyServerWorld you can read your mail on-line, edit and manage your files, install scripts to make your web site more interactive, monitor your bandwidth and disk usage and change your e-mail settings.

You may access MyServerWorld at:-

You will be required to enter your username (nigeloakes), your domain ( and the password you received in your welcome e-mail.

Your Web Statistics

Your web statistics are available from MyServerWorld, simply login to your MyServerWorld and select "Web Site Statistics" from the menu.

Our Support Site

We have spent a lot of effort designing a support site that answers the most frequently asked questions that we receive. We would ask that you always check the support site before contacting the WebFusion Support team.

Our support site is located at:-

Contacting WebFusion Support Team

You may contact the WebFusion Support Team through MyServerWorld, all support requests must come from MyServerWorld for security reasons.

To contact the Support Team login to MyServerWorld and select "Support". From the form on this page you may contact the Support TEam and ask then any questions that you could not resolve from visiting the WebFusion support site.

General Information

Our system is SeNsItIvE to upper and lower case.

When you upload any perl, html, CGI or txt files then you should do so in ASCII Mode, zip files and images files should be uploaded in binary mode.

Files that include Server Side Includes (SSI) must end in the .shtml extension.

Please keep your password safe so that other people may not access your files.

Information Operations Europe 2007
June 27 - 28, 2007 · One Whitehall Place, London, UK
Conference Day Two: 28th June 2007

08.30 Registration & Coffee

09.00 Chairman’s Welcome

Major Simon Bergman (Rt’d)
Information Options

09.10 An Operational Perspective Of IO And Strategic Communications (SC) Support To The “Warfighter”

  • Providing support for military operations
  • IO and SC in the Global War On Terror: coordinating, integrating and synchronising activities
  • Critical learnings from recent operations and their impact on future campaigns
  • Discussing the way ahead for IO in the US

Colonel Mark H. Johnson
Deputy Commander, Joint Information Operations Warfare Command (JIOWC)
US Strategic Command

09.50 Delivering National Information Strategies Within The Context Of Multi-National Military Campaigns

  • Co-ordinating assets to deliver a national information strategy
  • Challenges associated with the process
  • Adding value to a multi-national campaign with national information activities: UK experiences and examples

Colonel Gerhard Wheeler
Assistant Director Information Operations, DTIO

10.30 Coffee

11.00 “Influence”: Towards A Truly Comprehensive Approach

  • Why does “Influence” fail?
  • What makes a successful influence campaign?
  • Lessons for the future

Wing Commander Guy Edwards
Joint Services Command and Staff College

11.40 The “Cartoon Crisis” In Denmark: An Analysis Of Strategic Communications And IO

  • An overview of the challenges faced during the crisis
  • Planning and executing a comprehensive approach: experiences from Iraq and the Middle East
  • Key learnings and recommendations for future activities

Thomas Nissen
Royal Danish Defence College

12.20 Lunch

13.45 Strategic Influence In A Tactical Environment: To Be Kinetic Or Not To Be Kinetic?

  • Reviewing the information campaign in Helmand Province, South Afghanistan over the last 12 months
    • Psyops
    • Media Ops
    • Key Leader Engagement at the provincial level and its impact on the operational/strategic picture
  • The effects planning cycle including MoE
  • Some key lessons that have been identified – again

Lieutenant Commander Nick Leason
SO2 Information Operations

14.25 Can The Information War On Terror Be Won?

  • Examining the limits of (military) information activities
  • The nature of the 'war' and how to end it
  • Analysing the strength of the enemy case on its target audiences
  • Discussing the weaknesses of democracies

Professor Philip M. Taylor
Institute of Communications Studies
University of Leeds

15.05 Coffee

15.35 Applying Private Sector Expertise And Techniques To The Measurement Of Effectiveness Of IO Campaigns

  • Polling strategies in difficult regions
    • Sampling and questionnaire design
    • Data collection and field operations
    • Ensuring data integrity
  • Experiences and best practices for longitudinal research in difficult regions
  • MoE for IO campaigns: the value of public opinion research

Dr. Steven Schulz
Senior Researcher
The Gallup Organisation

16.15 Applying Commercial Techniques And Expertise To Information Operations: Instilling Popular Trust In Your Forces

  • Identifying commercial marketing practices that can assist IO campaigns
  • Applying practices to operational experiences
  • Recommendations for future IO strategies

Todd Helmus
Defence Analyst
Rand Corportation

16.55 Chairman’s Close And End Of Conference

The Behavioural Dynamics Institute is the leading international centre of
excellence for research and development into persuasion and social
influence. The output of the institute’s work is fundamental to the effective
application of public diplomacy, information operations, civil contingency and
all aspects of strategic communication.

Since its establishment in 1989, the institute has been collaborating with
universities around the world to refine and develop the understanding of
audience and group behaviour. BDi is more widely known for its seminal work
on predictive behavioural models, which are now used widely in many
governmental applications.

Led in the United Kingdom by Professor Phil Taylor, the institute has
pioneered a number of methodologies, which have been developed and
tested around the world. Even during controlled field trials, the programmes
that were being developed by the Institute saved thousands of lives,
demonstrating that increased research and development into this area is
delivering powerful results.

The Behavioural Dynamics Institute (BDi) continues to develop the most
powerful communication methodologies, saving lives and reducing conflict
worldwide through the understanding of attitude and behaviour change.

Today, the institute has an academic network which spans the globe. It is the
only academic organisation in the world whose understanding of the
psychology of persuasion has been successfully applied on a global scale.

latest news
BDi Conference 2006
September 6-8
The two-day conference will be held at Cliveden, Taplow, Berkshire.

Professor Phil Taylor

Professor Phil Taylor BA PhD

Professor Phil Taylor graduated with a first class honours degree in History from the University of Leeds in 1975 and secured his doctorate, also from Leeds, three years later, shortly after his 24th birthday. His PhD was an examination
of the Foreign Office News Department between 1914 and 1939, externally examined by the late W N Medlicott. In
1978 he joined the School of History at the University of
Leeds as a Lecturer in International History and

Politics. In 1982 and 1983, he was Visiting Professor of Political Science & History
at Vanderbilt University in the USA.

He was made a Senior Lecturer in International History in 1988 and a Reader in International Communications in 1992. He secured his Chair in International Communications in 1998. In between, he was seconded to the newly created
Institute of Communications Studies in 1990 where he served as its first Deputy Director until 1998, when he became its second Director (succeeding Professor Nicholas Pronay). He was Director for four years until 2002. He is currently the Programme Leader for the MA in International Communications.

His research interests are government-media relations, public and cultural diplomacy, propaganda, psychological operations/warfare, information operations/warfare, military-media relations, international film, radio and television (international communications) – all in an historical or contemporary context.

He is Associate Editor of both The Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television and The Journal of Information Warfare and he serves on the international editorial board for the new journal Global Media and Communication. He also served for
many years as Executive Secretary or Chairman of the InterUniversity History
Film Consortium.

In the UK he has lectured widely for military education courses, including at the Defence Intelligence and Security School (DISS) at Chicksands, the Royal College
of Defence Studies and the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), both in London, and at the Joint Services Command Staff College (JSCSC) at Shrivenham.

On military matters outside the UK, he has lectured at, among others places, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Mons, and on NATO courses at the Polish Land Forces HQ in Warsaw, the Norwegian Defence and Security School (NORDISS) in Oslo, the Swedish Defence College in Stockholm,
the Italian Air Force Academy in Naples, the United States Air Force Special Operations School (USAFSOC, now University) at Hurlburt Field, Florida, the Canadian Armed Forces at Montreal Garrison, and at the US Army War College in Pennsylvania. He was also consulted by the prosecution of the Milosevic trial at
the International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague on Serbian propaganda in 2002.

He has published 10 books, including War and the Media: Propaganda and Persuasion in the Gulf War (2nd edition 1997), Munitions of the Mind: a history of propaganda from the ancient world to the present day (3rd edition 2003); Global Communications, International Affairs and the Media since 1945 (1997) and British Propaganda in the 20th Century: Selling Democracy (1999) as well as more than
70 articles and book chapters. He has made many media appearances, including
on the BBC’s Newsnight and Timewatch programmes, Channel 4 News, Sky News, BBC Radio 4 and 5 Live, and he has written op-ed pieces, inter alia, for The Washington Post and Al Ahram (Egypt).

n 1989 Nigel Oakes set up an academic working group at London University to develop a more effective method of communication for conflict reduction. The key objective of the unit was to produce a workable model of communication and persuasion that could be used in crisis and social situations. The group attracted many academics from a wide spectrum of disciplines and within one year 53 universities from all over the world were participating in the research.

A European investment consortium provided all of the necessary funding and in 1990, the Behavioural Dynamics Institute was born.

The initial findings of the first year’s research shocked the group. The analysis of global events clearly showed that the methods that had been developed for advertising and marketing were the same methods that were being applied to
critical communication situations. Advertising agencies were producing
commercials extolling the virtues of birth control in Africa and anti-gun legislation
was winning marketing awards in Canada. Millions of dollars were being spent on communication methods that did not work and worse still, many people were dying
as a result.

It was obvious to all members of the Behavioural Dynamics group that a new communication model needed to be produced as fast as possible.

Led by some of the most influential social psychologists in the field, the working
group produced a communication model that could be applied to any homogenous group situation. In effect this meant that as long as the group all had the same problem, the communication would work.

In December 1990 field trials were conducted on a number of audience groups

Strategic Communication Laboratories has pioneered a new methodology to enable governments and countries to manage their relationships with their key audience groups through more powerful communication.

The methodology is based on 16 years of academic research and development conducted at 42 universities around the globe. It uses scientific techniques from a variety of social sciences to make ‘communications with groups’ far more effective (and measurable).

SCL offers various solutions based on this methodology to help countries in specific governmental areas such as defence, foreign affairs, internal security, health, finance and tourism.

In a world where the perception is the reality, all countries need to have the capability to manage their own perceptual alignment – otherwise someone else will.

"Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment nothing can fail. Without it nothing can succeed. He who molds public opinion is greater than he who enacts laws." President Abraham Lincoln

Strategic Communication Laboratories is the leading supplier of strategic communications, information operations and public diplomacy to governments and military clients around the world.

The company is the exclusive licence holder of the BDi strategic communication methodology, which is the most advanced and effective persuasion methodology for social and group communication.

The company provides solutions mainly for defence, internal security and foreign affairs governmental departments, but also provides solutions for tourism, financial markets & investment and health programmes.

SCL operates throughout the world and is based in London, UK. The Head Office employs about 30 people and there maybe as many as 2000 specialists employed on projects worldwide.

The company was formed in 1993 and produced a number of projects for the Behavioural Dynamics Institute, which was undergoing development trials for its methodology. The successful outcome of the trials led to the permanent association of SCL and BDi.

Today SCL is not only the unique licence holder of the BDi methodology, but more importantly, after 12 years, it is the only team fully trained in its operation.

Strategic communication differs from orthodox commercial communication (such as advertising, public relations, etc.) in that it concentrates on the behavioural outcome of the communication not just concepts such as brand awareness.

For example, commercial advertising might encourage an audience to hold very favourable attitudes about a Ferrari, but that does not necessarily lead to all those with a favourable attitude buying a Ferrari. Conversely, cigarette smokers may be fully aware of the dangers associated with smoking, but will carry on anyway.

Broadly speaking, commercial communication is measured by attitudinal results (considering one brand better than another) and strategic communication is measured by results (changes in actions).

SCL uses the BDI methodology, which is the most powerful communication methodology to influence group behaviour.

Even though much greater effort and resources must be applied at the front end (as compared to commercial advertising), the resultant outcomes are far more effective and predictable.

Consequently, the SCl solutions are used primarily where the communication outcomes are critical.

Strategic Communication Laboratories has pioneered a significantly more powerful and effective methodology for diagnosing audiences, employing the most effective strategy and precisely implementing the most powerful communication solution.

SCL provides services in four main ways:

A complete infrastructure project is most applicable in a Defence, Internal Security or Head of State solution. SCL provides the infrastructure, the systems integration, the staff (or it may be local personnel) the training, the maintenance and the complete systems support. This set-up allows the Client to fully manage their own strategic communications, scenario planning and strategic support units. For security reasons some countries prefer that the training is completed as fast as possible so that the centre can be staffed only with local personnel. In other countries they prefer to hold onto the expert consultants for as long s is necessary to achieve a high level of proficiency. Either option is workable.

A fully equipped OpCentre would include a large research department (group, audience, media, source, intel) , a high-level strategic planning, scenario planning and contingency unit and a complete suite of output options that may include TV and radio studios, rumour management, satellite transmission and various others depending on the exact requirement.

In specialized cases, the Opcentre building will need to be specially built. In such a case SCL would act as consultants to an external building contractor.

It is possible to outsource the complete operation of an Infrastructure project to an SCL management team. It may be that it is not appropriate to install an Opcentre in your country at present and therefore we offer a complete secure alternative where exactly the same work is carried out at a remote location.

Some countries prefer that the OpCentre is manned on a permanent basis by international staff ( as are some hospitals). This is also possible to organize.

However the most efficient and most secure option is for a country to host an OpCentre on home territory and eventually staffed by locals either from one of the defence or police services or screened civilians.

SCL offers consultancy on a project-by-project basis, if the issue at hand is critical to the government or country.

A country may feel that it needs to manage some specific audience relationships immediately before it can even think about a longer-term infrastructure solution.

However SCL will always take a few days to examine the likely outcome of a consultancy project (at no cost) before it accepts the task. This is so that SCL can assess whether the task is achievable by the company in advance.

Normally only for specific defence projects, SCL can provide training-only solutions – especially for Psyop Unit training. However, in order for the training to be effective, the Unit must have access to the appropriate facilities in country.

All training contracts would be custom-designed for a specific client.

In practice, all projects are so unique that it is unlikely that any one would fit into the prescribed categories. Additionally this is a new type of service, which will feel unfamiliar to a number of clients. This is why we will spend as much time as clients want educating and explaining exactly how strategic communication can help a country.

All projects are by definition unique since no country has the same defence requirements. Consequently, each project is highly tailored to the client's exact requirements and therefore the concept of 'standard products' is redundant. These are a few examples of work undertaken for clients in various spheres, chosen to show the scope of projects completed.


Design and develop a permanent military strategic communication
facility capable of delivering strategic and operational psyop campaigns for a South Asian country.

Production of a five-tiered training programme covering strategic, operational and tactical Psyop and the design and re-equipping of a communication facility. The personnel had to be able to take over the new facility after only six months.

Design, build and install a Homeland Security Centre for an Asian country. The Opcentre can override all national radio and TV broadcasts in time of crisis.

Design, build and install a diplomatic communication centre staffed by researchers, writers and spokespersons for an International Organisation.

Design and installation of a Strategic Communication Centre to improve a country's ability to conduct Public Diplomacy.

Recruitment, training and equipping an operational and tactical Psyop and Civil Affairs military unit for a British Commonwealth country.

Created On:27-Jan-1998 05:00:00 UTC
Last Updated On:09-Oct-2007 21:16:08 UTC
Expiration Date:26-Jan-2009 05:00:00 UTC
Sponsoring Inc. (R71-LROR)
Registrant ID:7642950ecc5e9012
Registrant Name:Richard Lucas
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Admin Name:Brendan Mitchell
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ital Spider
41 Salisbury Avenue
Slough, Berkshire SL2 1AG
Global Impact
62 Suffield Road
Great Yarmouth
Norfolk, NR31 7AL


Administrative Contact:
colley, mark
62 Suffield Road
Great Yarmouth

The History of SCL

SCL is a highly successful project company with an enviable track record and 12 years' experience of managing and executing political and humanitarian strategic communication campaigns for 27 governments and sovereigns worldwide - including personally advising eleven prime ministers and presidents - as well as NGOs, police departments, military forces and political parties, a major US city, and work for the UN. Projects include election campaigns and analysis (including the largest political research project ever undertaken in the world - a 500-strong team working for over a year on a budget of �20m), together with political lobbying and democratic reform.

It was formed in 1993 as an agency that did not rely on creativity (such as advertising) for results, but on proven scientific method. The demand for the agency grew out of the failure and frustration many clients experienced when trying to apply traditional marketing techniques to non-commercial issues, such as electioneering, resolution of wars and civil strife, strike aversion, international crises and riot control.

By rigidly applying the methodologies from the Behavioural Dynamics Institute (BDi) to international communication campaigns, SCL has grown to become the leading provider of strategic communication solutions to governments worldwide.

What is different about strategic communication?

Strategic communication differs from orthodox commercial communication (such as advertising, public relations, etc.) in that it concentrates on the behavioural outcome of the communication not just nebulous concepts such as brand awareness. For example, commercial advertising might encourage an audience to hold very favourable attitudes about a Ferrari, but that does not necessarily lead to all those with a favourable attitude buying a Ferrari. (Similarly, despite being very impressed by an advert for nappies, a childless couple won't buy Pampers.) However, if - for instance - you require a significant number of the electorate to vote for you, it is far more important to get their vote than it is for them merely to hold a favourable attitude towards you.

Broadly speaking, commercial communication is measured by attitudinal results (considering one brand better than another) and strategic communication is measured by results (votes, changes in health behaviour, troop surrenders). Strategic communication is particularly important in politics, military operations and humanitarian programmes, where the outcomes are often the difference between life and death.

Alex Oakes Director
Alex Oakes was educated at Eton College, Brookes University, Oxford and the Chartered Institute of Marketing before moving to Hong Kong to work with Cazenove & Co in 1992. In 1994 he was offered the opportunity to join Drax Myanmar Ltd, an enterprising new venture in Burma, as Operations Director. In 1998, he joined Nigel, his brother, in Strategic Communication Laboratories, where he was responsible for coordinating many of the longer-term projects. In 2003 Alex established The Diagnostic Clinic with ex-Orange Founder Hans Snook to introduce a one-stop diagnostic facility to London.

The Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Pattie PC -- Chairman
Sir Geoffrey was educated at Durham School and St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, where he graduated with an MA Honours Degree in Law. He was called to the Bar at Gray’s Inn in 1964. He served with the Queen’s Royal Rifles (now 4th Royal Green Jackets TA) from 1959 to 1966, achieving the rank of Captain. Since January 1996, he has been Honorary Colonel of the 4th Royal Green Jackets. He was an elected member of the General Synod of the Church of England from 1970 to 1975. Having entered the advertising industry in 1959, he became a Director of Collett Dickensen Pearce, one of the country’s leading advertising agencies, from 1966 to 1979 and was Managing Director from 1969 to 1973. He was elected Member of Parliament for Chertsey and Walton from February 1974 until April 1997. Following the General Election of May 1979, he was appointed Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Defence (RAF) then Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Defence Procurement, and from January 1983 until September 1984, Minister of State for Defence Procurement. He was then Minister of State for Industry, responsible for information technology, civil aviation, space, biotechnology and advanced research until June 1987. In that capacity, he carried through the privatisation of British Telecom in November 1984. In January 1987 he was made a Privy Counsellor and in the same year Sir Geoffrey was knighted. In April 1990 Sir Geoffrey was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Conservative Party with particular responsibility for liaising with other parties in Europe and emerging democracies in Eastern Europe. In May 1992, he was appointed Vice-Chairman (International) of the Conservative Party. He resigned from his seat in Parliament at the General Election in 1997. He was awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Law by Sheffield University in July 1997. He was Chairman of Marconi Electronic Systems Ltd from June 1990 to 1999, Director of Marketing at GEC plc from 1997 to 1998 and Director of Communications at GEC from 1998 to 1999. He was a Non-Executive Director of the Fairey Group from 1987 to 1993 and Chairman of the Intellectual Property Institute from 1994 to 1999

Roger Gabb Director

Roger Gabb is Executive Chairman of Western Wines Ltd, a £100m turnover business that he built up over 20 years to supply wine to the UK supermarket sector. His earlier career included introducing Volvic mineral water into the UK and a period with Distillers Company as European Brand Manager

Julian Wheatland Director

Julian Wheatland is Chief Executive of Consensus Community, the non-property venture capital and investment arm of Consensus Business Group. The aim of Consensus Business Group is to invest in and develop innovative business models that will radically change traditional modes of business. Julian was previously a founder of Edengene, the UK’s leading growth and innovation consultancy, and prior to that was a Managing Consultant in the Strategy practice of PA Consulting. He is a serial entrepreneur; responsible for, and associated with, several start ups in a variety of sectors. He has worked in a range of corporate environments, where he has been responsible for initiating change and driving performance improvement in both the manufacturing and service sectors. Julian spent his early career working for BICC Cables where he held a variety of posts, culminating in being responsible for its largest manufacturing unit in Wrexham. Julian read electrical and electronic engineering at The University of Leeds and has an MBA from The Wharton School. He is a Chartered Engineer

Alexander Nix - Director

After graduating from Manchester University, Alexander Nix started his career working as a financial analyst with Baring Securities in Mexico. In 1998 he moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina where he was co-founding partner of an electronic Customer Relationship Management Outsourcing business. He retained an active role as Director working on corporate finance and structure and between 1999 and 2001 worked to develop the business across three countries. In 2001 he returned to the UK and joined Robert Fraser & Partners LLP, a Corporate Finance and tax advisory firm, and then Robert Fraser Corporate Finance shortly thereafter as a Registered Representative of the Financial Services Authority. As an Assistant Director he worked as principal and, in an advisory capacity, on M&A and transaction work including IPOs, RTOs and capital raising for SMEs.

Rear Admiral John G Tolhurst CB FRAeS

Advisory Board

Rear Admiral John G Tolhurst CB FRAeS
Advisory Board

John Tolhurst has been Commanding Officer of the HM Ships Berwick, Exeter and Invincible, Assistant Director, Naval Warfare, in the MOD, as well as Naval Aide-de-Camp to HM The Queen. He was appointed as Senior Military Adviser to the Head of Defence Export Services Organisation (DESO), Senior Defence Consultant to Reed Exhibitions Defence, Aerospace Group and Spearhead Exhibitions, and as Chairman of the biennial Defence Systems and Equipment International Exhibition and Conference (DSEi)

The Rt. Hon. Sir James Mitchell

Advisory Board

The Rt. Hon. Sir James Mitchell
Advisory Board

The Rt. Hon. Sir James Fitz-Allen Mitchell, a Privy Councillor since 1985, was born on 15th May 1931 on the Island of Bequia in the Grenadines. He was educated in St. Vincent and at the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad and Tobago and the University of British Columbia, Canada. An agriculturist by profession, Sir James worked with Government and in the Ministry of Overseas Development in London, and as an agricultural research officer for the St. Vincent Government.

James Mitchell, economist, agronomist and politician, has been a dominant figure in St. Vincent and the Grenadines for almost three decades. He became Prime Minister in July 1984 and was re-elected for a fourth successive term when his Party scored a resounding victory in the Parliamentary Elections of 15 June 1998. He initially entered politics in 1966 by winning a legislative seat as a candidate of the St. Vincent Labour Party. In 1975 he founded the New Democratic Party (NDP) becoming Parliamentary Opposition Leader until 1984.

John Bottomley FCIS

Company Secretary


Ian Tunnicliffe

Director of Information Operations
Ian Tunnicliffe
Director of Information Operations

Ian Tunnicliffe is the Director Information Operations at Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL) where he is responsible for helping to advise clients on strategic communications campaigns and the development of information operations capability

He served for 20 years in the British Army, rising to the rank of Colonel.

A member of the MOD Strategic planning Group, he helped develop cross government strategic communications plans in response to a number of international crises in the Balkans, Africa, Asia and in particular the Middle East, serving as the Information Operations Desk Officer during the Iraq crisis and conflict.

His last post in the Army was in Baghdad, Iraq, during the period Sep 03 to June 04, where he worked as Director Plans in the Office of Strategic Communications of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), working for Ambassador Paul Bremmer. During his tenure, he was responsible for Iraq wide Coalition and UN media campaigns to inform the population of Coalition and UN activities.

Commissioned from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in December 1984 he has served in a variety of operations across the world including the first Gulf war, the withdrawal of British forces from Hong Kong, the liberation of Kosovo and a total of 3 years service in Northern Ireland.

Jerry Knight

Director of Training

Jerry Knight
Director of Training

Jerry joined SCL in 2007 after completing a long and distinguished career with the Royal Navy. As a subject matter expert in Information Operations (IO) he was responsible for developing and overseeing IO training packages for personnel in the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan. His experience across the strategic, operational and tactical levels make him an invaluable asset to SCL where he creates and delivers some of the world’s most effective and modern IO training to government and military clients.

Dr Andrew Stewart

Advisory Board

Dr Andrew Stewart
Advisory Board

Andrew provides detailed analysis of global geopolitical risk-related issues. His main focus is terrorism and counter-terrorism specifically looking at ‘asymmetric’ dangers (such as the threat from the potential terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction), Homeland Security and energy security. Since 2002 he has been a Visiting Lecturer within the Department of Defence Studies (University of London), the academic component of the Joint Services Command and Staff College, itself a part of the UK Defence Academy. Formerly Andrew was Managing Director of the Eric Morris Consultancy Ltd. Joining as a geopolitical analyst in 1997, he initially spent much of his time working on terrorist-related matters and assisting with the in-house editing of Jane’s World Terrorism and Insurgency. In December 2001 he was awarded his postgraduate doctorate from the Department of War Studies, King’s College, University of London

Lord Birdwood

Advisory Board

Lord Birdwood
Advisory Board

Mark Birdwood was educated at Radley and Trinity College, Cambridge, before commissioning with the Royal Horse Guards. Thereafter he joined J. Walter Thompson as a copywriter and was Creative Director of another London agency as well as Development Director for Cambridge Consultants (now Cambridge Communications). Thereon (last thirty-plus years) he has operated in executive search with Boyden International and also co-founded Wrightson Wood and for the last seventeen years has been a solo with his own vehicle, Martlet. Chairman of Steeltower Ltd, property development companies which he co-founded. Mark is a trustee of two charities and was on the Select Committee for Science and Technology. He is an honorary Research Associate of the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences at the London School of Economics. He is a patron of Mansfield College, Oxford.

Lord Ivar Mountbatten

Advisory Board

Lord Ivar Mountbatten
Advisory Board

After graduating with a degree in geology, Lord Ivar spent seven years in South America working on a variety of international projects as a mining consultant. He returned in 1993 to take over the management of his family estate, which he turned into a successful corporate venue, prior to its sale in 1998. Today, he works as Director of his own company, Crown Storage Ltd. Additional appointments include diplomatic roles for UNICEF and other prominent charities.

Professor Phil Taylor BA PhD – Behavioural Dynamics Institute

Advisory Board


Gavin McNicoll

Advisory Board

Gavin McNicoll
Advisory Board

Gavin has an M.A. in International relations and Philosophy from St
Andrews University with honours in Intelligence, Terrorism, U.S.
Foreign Policy and the Middle East. He is the founder of Eden
Intelligence, a specialist provider of small scale, high impact
conferences on counter-terrorism and security related issues and the
responsible for the International Terrorism and Intelligence programme,
now a landmark event in the counter-terrorism calendar, bringing
together the leading counter-terrorist minds from around the world. In
2005 he founded a new programme of work International Terrorism and
Finance to focus on financial intelligence cooperation issues on a G8
plus level. The meeting and agenda for ITF have been supported by
assistance form the Home Office, Her Majesty’s Treasury, The Foreign & Commonwealth Office, The National Criminal Intelligence Service and The Metropolitan Police.

Prior to founding Eden Intelligence, Gavin managed many large-scale
social marketing and charity events. He was a consultant in its founding years to the Laureus World Sports Awards, a major sports
marketing event with a worldwide TV audience of over a billion people
and which is a leading example of global corporate social responsibility on behalf of Richemont and DaimlerChrysler. Gavin has also worked in governmental lobbying

:: Employment at SCL

:: The BD institute

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