After the battle of Mylae ,which took place in 260 BC Carthaginian’s started new advanced toward Thermae (still on the Sicily island) command by Hamilcar .In 259 BC Carthage’s army commenced counter-attack and seized city Enna. The Roman republic army wasn’t ready on this strike and was refuse, Carthage seized Thermae, Mytistraton, Agrigentum, Camarina and Makella yet in 259 BC. Next after took all of these towns huge offensive of the Carthaginian’s army commanded by Hamilcar was stopped because almost all army was destroyed besides soldiers were tired and want come back to home. In 258 BC the Roman republic army was able to resized all of towns which was took by the Hamilcar’s army. Romans army very swiftly retook the town of Mytistraton(but legions had to attack twice) and started attack on the city of Panoramus, in the same year Roman’s army took Agrigentum ,Enna and Camarina. Soldiers from the Carthaginian army was sent to the last two towns on the Sicily-Selinous and Heraclea Minoa. Roman army between 256 to 255 BC started the second huge operations which might be end these war-Invasion on the Africa.
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