After the battle of Cape Economus in 256 BC, Roman’s fleet came back on the Sicily for repairs and rest the crews. Afterwards the Roman republic army landed in north Africa ,properly in Apsis about 256 BC. Roman’s legions started great march through all north Africa. On the beginning consul Marcus Atilius Regulus very swiftly forced to capitulation of Clupea and met near Adys, Carthage’s strength. The battle of Adys took place in early 255 BC, Roman republic was commanded by great consul Marcus Atilius Regulus and had 15000 infantry,500 cavalry against to Carthage’s army which was commanded by Hasdrubal, Bostar and Hamilcar had about 5000 infantry,500 cavalry and about 100 war elephants. The battle started when Roman’s legions attack at the night from two sides. Carthage’s army wasn’t ready on this attack but after a few minutes they refused Roman’s army. After this everybody thought that it will normal battle without big casualties but in the most important moment of battle infantry lost small gap ,which was used by cavalry and war elephants to escape from the battlefield. On the end of the battle most of infantry were crushed, Roman’s army took them camp. The battle end and Romans continued great march to Carthage. On the battlefield lieges dead almost all infantry from Carthage’s army, casualties from the Roman side was minimal.
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