This Florida based Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA crash landed on September 24, 2007 after it ran out of fuel over Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula it had a cargo of several tons of Cocaine on board now documents have turned up on both sides of the Atlantic that link this Cocaine Smuggling Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA that crashed in Mexico to the CIA who used it on at least 3 rendition flights from Europe and the USA to Guantanamo's infamous torture chambers between 2003 to 2005.>
Michael Levine one of the most highly decorated DEA agents in that agency's history
the subject matter was about this plane being linked to the CIA and Torture Flights. Michael Levine was called "America's top undercover cop for 25 years" by 60 Minutes is one of the most decorated supervisory agents in the history of DEA.
Some of his cases are considered benchmarks in law enforcement and have been the subject of books, movies and intensive media coverage. He is also a New York Times best-selling author, lecturer and law enforcement instructor. As an investigative journalist his essays and articles have appeared nationwide.
This Florida based Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA crash landed on September 24, 2007 after it ran out of fuel over Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula it had a cargo of several tons of Cocaine on board now documents have turned up on both sides of the Atlantic that link this Cocaine Smuggling Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA that crashed in Mexico to the CIA who used it on at least 3 rendition flights from Europe and the USA to Guantanamo's infamous torture chambers between 2003 to 2005.>
Michael Levine one of the most highly decorated DEA agents in that agency's history
the subject matter was about this plane being linked to the CIA and Torture Flights.Michael Levine was called "America's top undercover cop for 25 years" by 60 Minutes is one of the most decorated supervisory agents in the history of DEA.
Some of his cases are considered benchmarks in law enforcement and have been the subject of books, movies and intensive media coverage. He is also a New York Times best-selling author, lecturer and law enforcement instructor. As an investigative journalist his essays and articles have appeared nationwide.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent US Government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers.
CIA is independent from who?
A CIA Standing-O for President Bush
- Introduction
CH (CIA headquarters) are in the Langley part of McLean neighborhood, Dranesville District, Fairfax County, Virginia. Below we provide, among other things: street addresses, correspondence addresses, and driving instructions. Elsewhere on this page, there is a simple map.
In webpage "Overt CIA Building Locations in DC Area", cryptome.org provides an overhead photo of the headquarters as "[17] CIA Headquarters Building complex". CH's name is George Bush Center for Intelligence. By the way, in general, it's unwise to name a government building after someone who's still alive.
FDR (Facility Detail Report) for BUSH CENTER FOR INTELLIGENCE (CIA). According to the FDR, the Bush Center's location address (as distinguished from correspondence address) is 930 DOLLEY MADISON BOULEVARD, McLean, Fairfax County, Virginia 22101; latitude 38.943829, longitude -77.146. The FDR says that one of the mailing addressses is 1000 COLONIAL FARM ROAD, WASHINGTON DC 20505. - CH's Site
- Introduction
The street adddress of TFHRC (Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center) supposedly is:
Federal Highway Administration
6300 Georgetown Pike (Route 193)
McLean, VA 22101-2200.Driving instructions to TFHRC seem to say that, near each TFHRC driveway entrance, there is a CIA entrance. The TFHRC driving map shows the CH campus as northeast of Chain Bridge Road (Route 123), southeast of Colonial Farm Road, and northwest and southwest of George Washington Memorial Parkway. That map shows a CIA entrance gate on Colonial Farm Road (southwest of the road's intersection with Route 193, which is Georgetown Pike) and a CIA entrance route with one end near George Washington Memorial Parkway. In reading that map, beware of north not being at the top of the map. According to Map to Claude Moore Colonial Farm, the CIA is east of Colonial Farm Road, north of Dolley Madison Boulevard (Route 123), and west of George Washington Memorial Parkway.
Colonial Farm Road runs north from Georgetown Pike (Route 193), with CH on the road's east. CH is east of Langley Fork Park, which is at 6250 Georgetown Pike and has geographical coordinates 38 56 50 N, 077 09 09 W. Some, major Web maps show roads in that area without giving their names. The name "Colonial Farm Road" is on maps published by the federal government (TFHRC) and a nonprofit organization (Claude Moore Colonial Farm). According to the TFHRC map, an entrance to CH is on Colonial Farm Road.
- Introduction
It's named for his dad, but if his visit to Langley on Thursday was any indication, current President Bush owns the CIA.
In advance of vacationing at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Bush visited the CIA HQ to receive briefings on the war on terror and the situation in Georgia. But instead of a quickie stop, he stayed for over two hours and met with many of the agency's workers during lunch. In his fifth visit to the CIA since becoming president, Bush was joined by CIA Director Mike Hayden and Deputy Director Steve Kappes to meet with counterterrorism experts and then political and military analysts on Georgia and Russia.
Bush then walked into the agency's cafeteria where he was greeted with a standing ovation by the 2,000 employees inside. Clearly pleased, he told them, "I appreciate your service more than you could possibly know."
Bush then took a seat at a table with two dozen junior employees. They included analysts, clandestine operatives, scientists and engineers, and support personnel. In between bites, he asked them about their jobs and where they have served overseas. One analyst, who played a key role for the CIA in identifying the nuclear reactor that was being built in Syria with North Korean assistance, gave the president a bronze commemorative coin that Hayden had presented to each agency employee who was directly involved in that intelligence effort.
The 3-inch diameter coin was inscribed with, "Syria-North Korea Project" and the words, "No Core, No War."
During the visit, which went two hours longer than scheduled, we hear that the president shook hands, gave hugs, and signed autographs, even on $5 and $10 bills some employees gave him for signature because they didn't have another piece of paper handy.
As he left, Bush praised the agency. "It's really important for the people who work here to understand the significant — the significance of the contributions they're making to secure the homeland. The people here work long and hard hours. They're smart, capable, and they deserve the nation's thanks," said Bush.
Hayden issued his own inside memo to employees: "Supporting our government with timely, accurate intelligence is our job 24/7, but it isn't every day that we hear directly from our top customer just how important our work is—and that he stays two hours longer than scheduled. Thank you for ensuring that CIA remains central to the security of our nation, and for making this visit such a great success."
George H. W. Bush
After a Democratic administration took power in 1977, Bush became chairman on the Executive Committee of the First International Bank in Houston. He later spent a year as a part-time professor of Administrative Science at Rice University in the Jones School of Business beginning in 1978, the year it opened; Bush said of his time there, "I loved my brief time in the world of academia." Between 1977 and 1979, he was a director of the Council on Foreign Relations foreign policy organization.
Brady, Bush, Bechtel & “the Boys”[1]
I remember when John Birkelund first came to Dillon Read in 1981 to serve as President and Chief Operating Officer. Dillon was a small private investment bank on Wall Street with a proud history and a shrinking market share as technology and globalization fueled new growth. I had joined the firm three years before and, after a period in corporate finance, had migrated to the Energy Group — helping to arrange financing for oil and gas companies who were clients of Birkelund’s predecessor, Bud Treman. Bud was a member of the old school — an ethical man increasingly frustrated with the corrupting influence of hot money and easy debt.
Cruising the Florida Keys 1984: Then Vice President George H.W. Bush, former CIA Director who led the National Security Council during Iran Contra (second from left), photographed with Nicholas F. Brady, then Chairman of the Wall Street firm Dillon Read, lead investment banker for RJR Tobacco, and later U.S. Treasury Secretary (third from left). White House Photo |
Bush climbed through Republican politics to become Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Ford Administration. After spending four years displaced by the Carter Administration, Bush was now Reagan’s Vice President with Executive Order authority for the National Security Council (NSC) and U.S. intelligence and enforcement agencies. Bush’s new authority was married with expanded powers to outsource sensitive work to private contractors. Such work could be funded through the non-transparent financial mechanisms available through the National Security Act of 1947, and the CIA Act of 1949.
C. Douglas Dillon, Secretary of the Treasury during the Kennedy Administration. Photo courtesy Harvard University |
In April of 1981, Bechtel, working through the Bechtel private venture arm Sequoia, bought the controlling interest in Dillon Read from the Dillon family, led by C. Douglas Dillon, former U.S. Treasury Secretary and son of the firm’s namesake, Clarence Dillon. This was a time when Bechtel was facing increased competition globally while experiencing a decline in the nuclear power business that they had pioneered.
We found ourselves with new owners whose operations were an integral part of the military and intelligence communities and who had demonstrated a rapacious thirst for drinking from the federal money spigot. George Schultz, former Secretary of the Treasury during the Nixon Administration, and now Bechtel executive, joined our board.
George Shultz, Bechtel Executive, Dillon Read Board Member, Secretary of the Treasury in the Nixon Administration and Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration appears with Warren Buffet and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. AP Photo |
The planning group recommended that we expand our business into merchant banking. This means managing money in venture investment by starting and growing new companies or taking controlling interests in existing companies, including “leveraged buy-outs.” Rather than serving companies who needed to raise money by issuing securities, or make markets in existing securities, we were going to start raising money so we could create, buy and trade companies. A company was no longer a customer. They were now a target. Wall Street was its own customer who would raise money to buy companies who would work for us. This required new people with new skills.
A Rothschild Man
John Birkelund arrived at Dillon Read in September 1981. Born in Glencoe, Illinois, he had graduated from Princeton and then had joined the Navy where he served with the Office of Naval Intelligence in Berlin. While in Europe he became friends with Edward Stinnes, who recruited him after a short career with Booz Allen in Chicago to work in New York for the Rothschild family, considered to be one of if not the wealthiest family in the world. He started at Amsterdam Overseas Corporation, which then moved its venture capital business into New Court Securities with Birkelund as co-founder. New Court was owned by the Rothschild banks in Paris and London, Pierson Heldring Pierson in Amsterdam and the management. Their venture successes included Cray Research, inventor of the high-powered computers by that name, and Federal Express, the courier company based in Memphis, Tennessee.
John Birkelund, Chairman and CEO of Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. Photo courtesy Columbia University |
Birkelund was tall and energetic. He had piercing blue eyes, a driving and hard working ambition and intelligence. He seemed frustrated by the process of organizing and invigorating Dillon’s club-like culture. There was much about his willingness to try that endeared him to me — a point of view that was not reciprocated. Whatever the reason, I was not Birkelund’s cup of tea. I will never forget one of his early addresses to the banking group. He was full of energy and launched a section of his pep talk, “When you get up in the morning and look into the mirror to shave…” He suddenly froze, looking at me (one of few or possibly the only woman in the room) with fear that his reference to a masculine practice would offend. In the hopes of putting him at ease, I said with merriment, “Don’t worry, John, girls shave too.” The whole room burst out laughing and John turned red.
Birkelund had his hands full after arriving at Dillon Read. In 1982, Nick Brady left temporarily to serve in the U.S. Senate, appointed by Governor Tom Kean of New Jersey to serve out Harrison Williams term. George Schultz left Bechtel to serve as Secretary of State under Reagan. With Brady and Schultz in Washington D.C., the Bechtel relationship stalled. With Brady returning in 1983, Birkelund engineered the repurchase of the firm from Sequoia by the partners and the creation of meaningful venture and leveraged buyout efforts. In 1986, Brady and Birkelund lead the sale of Dillon Read to Travelers, the large Connecticut insurance company that later became part of Citigroup. The relationship with Travelers expanded our capital resources to participate in the venture capital and leveraged buyout businesses. In no small part thanks to Birkelund’s hard work and dictatorial cajoling, Dillon Read would not be left behind in the 1980s boom time.
One of my favorite Dillon Read officers was the son of a former Dillon chairman and, thus, remarkably wise about the ways of the firm. I sought him out after a Birkelund temper tantrum and said that Birkelund was not at all like a “Brady Man” and that I was surprised at Nick’s choice. My colleague looked at me with surprise and said something to the effect of “Brady did not choose Birkelund. Birkelund is a ‘Rothschild Man’.” I then said something about Dillon being owned by the Dillon partners, so what did the Rothschilds have to do with us? My colleague rolled his eyes and walked away as if I was an interloper out of my league among the moneyed classes — clueless as to who and what was really in charge at Dillon Read and in the world.
After all, even Time Magazine had declared that the Rothschild invasion of America was underway.
JFK - johnson secret service assassin conspirators. Oswald patsy.
The Death Of John Kennedy
The Media helped sell the lie of the lone assasin.
I never really looked at the photos in that POST. There was no need to. We all knew what had happened in Dallas, or at least we thought we did, having been so informed by the media and our government.
Years later, when Jim Garrison introduced the possibility of a conspiracy to the American people, I finally took a close look at that magazine. What I saw shamed me to my very core. All along I had had before me actual evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald had not been on the sixth floor of the Dallas Schoolbook Depository when Kennedy was shot, but because of my faith in the Federal Government, I had never seen it. The lesson I learned that day has stayed with me ever since.
The following photographs are scanned from the December 14th, 1963 issue of POST magazine.
The Assassin's ViewThis photograph appears on page 22. The caption reads,"From the same building where Oswald lay in ambush, a telescopic lens reconstructs an approximation of what the killer saw at the moment of tragedy". The photograph does appear to support the idea that a single shot could have hit both Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally. However, the photograph, despite the caption, was not taken from the schoolbook depository. The distinctive brickwork of the schoolbook depository (see photo from pages 24-25) is clearly seen on the right hand side of the photograph, proving that the photograph was actually staged from the Daltex building. The traffic signs clearly in view indicate a much lower angle than would be seen from 6 floors up. Compare the above view of the street with that seen in the next photo taken from just INSIDE the 6th floor window of the Texas Schoolbook Depository from which Oswald was supposed to have fired.
Quite an obvious difference! | The Full Field Altgens PhotoThis photograph appears on pages 24 and 25. Taken by AP Photographer James Altgens, it clearly captures the moment when John Kennedy clutches his throat. Note the following. John Connally is clearly turned to his right. Had he indeed been hit by the same bullet which has just exited Kennedy's throat, his wounds would have traversed his body from right to left. Connally's wounds were from back to front. NOTE: The claim has been made that Connaly was facing forward when JFK was shot in the neck, before the photo was taken, but in order to then see the view in this photo, Connally would have had to twist to his right after being shot! Note the turned heads of some of the policemen and Secret Service agents. Clearly, they have heard and are responding to the sound of gunshots. Note the fourth car back, which contains Vice President Johnson's Secret Service detail. The car doors are open as the agents rush to protect Johnson from the threat. Compare this with Kennedy's Secret Service detail, who have not moved at all. Also note the man within Kennedy's Secret Service car who is grinning ear to ear (tentatively identified as Dave Powers). It is interesting to note that in the book "Mortal Error" this photograph is deliberately cropped to hide the open doors of the car carrying V.P. Johnson's Secret Service detail. Most importantly, note the man standing in the ground level doorway of the Texas Schoolbook Depository (which is where he reportedly told the Dallas PD he was at the time). | Compare these two images. The man in the doorway of the school book depository (top) , and Oswald's photo immediatly after his arrest (bottom).
This is a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald taken shortly after his arrest. Note the clear similarity in both appearance and dress to the man in the schoolbook depository doorway in the Altgen's photo. The Warren Commission "identified" the individual as Billy Lovelady, a fellow Book Depository employee. But while Lovelady identifed the person in the Altgens' photo as himself, he also stated that he'd worn a red and white vertically striped shirt on the day of the assassination The man in the doorway's shirt in not striped and is open in front, exposing the tee shirt underneath. In color films taken from another angle, the color of the shirt worn by the man in the doorway was revealed to be orange-brown. When Oswald was arrested, he was wearing the identical shirt- an orange-brown tweed with missing buttons and tee-shirt underneath. Other films taken on November 22, 1963 revealed that Lovelady was in fact wearing a red and blue plaid shirt. Hence, the figure in the doorway is NOT Lovelady. (Billy Lovelady died of a heart attack Jan 1979) |
Mortal Error Version Of The Altgens PhotoThis is the Altgens photo as it appears in the book "Mortal Error". Note that the photo has been cropped to hide the fact that Vice President Johnson's Secret Service detail has already opened their car doors while Kennedy's Secret Service detail remains motionless. |
On the Far Left is Felix Rodriguez (the man accused of killing Che Guevara for the CIA), to his left is Porter Goss (The man who headed the first 911 Inquiry into the attacks and later became Director of the CIA).To his left is Barry Seal.
In 1968, Seal became captain of the Civil Air Patrol where he trained Rudy Dekkers. In the 1970's, Seal ran drugs on planes later identified as Air The investigation into Seal's death started with a lead into the history of the aircraft he used to traffic some of his cocaine (a 1982 Beechcraft King Air 200 with FAA registration number N6308F - Serial Number BB-1014). The handwritten tail number was found in records kept by Seal's widow and later linked to other "hard paper" records left by Seal after his 1986 assassination by "drug traffickers" who were subsequently connected to Oliver North. Those records, including leasing agreements, insurance policies and maintenance records, exhibit a deliberatelyconfusing "paper trail" of convoluted ownership recalling the 'glory' days of the Iran Contra hearings, where the machinations of American covert intelligence operators were unmasked before a disbelieving public. Merrill Bean, the Utah Chevy dealer who acquired "Zero-Eight-Foxtrot" in 1984 sold the plane in May of 1990 to Corporate Wings of Salt Lake City. Two days later Corporate Wings sold it to Gantt Aviation of Georgetown, Texas, which a month later sold it to the State of Barry Seal's papers started this investigation. It actually began when author Terry Reed announced at a Mohammad Atta, even though he received his flight training from Maxwell Air Force Base, was training "again" at Huffman Aviation. Huffman Aviation was owned by 2 individuals. One of them, Rudy Dekkers, was an Iran Contra figure. He had received his flight training from Barry Seal, the notorious cocaine smuggler in Left: David Ferrie Right: Lee Harvey Oswald Clay Shaw was part of the CIA Operation Mongoose where active training for anti-Castro Cubans was undertaken in Back to Rudy Dekkers. Mohammed Atta was a known heroin dealer. He and his stripper girlfriend were frequent guests on the SunCruz Line in Before Wally Hilliard and Rudy Dekkers purchased Huffman Aviation, the flight school catered to mostly American students. After the purchase, according to Phillip Berg, the former Rudy Dekkers, as one of the 2 owners of Huffman Aviation where Mohammed Atta was training even though he already had his pilot's license, was reportedly threatened by the city of A two-year investigation in Venice, Fl. into the flight school attended by Atta and his bodyguard Marwan Al-Shehhi and which school provided them with their “cover” while in the U.S. unearthed the amazing fact that during the same month the two men began flying lessons at Huffman Aviation. Also in July of 2000 the flight school’s owner’s Lear jet was seized on the runway of 43 pounds of heroin is known in the drug trade as “heavy weight”. In a story in the August 2, 2000 Orlando Sentinel authorities called the bust “the biggest drug seizure in central “It confirms the sad fact that a massive amount of heroin is coming through Central Florida”, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration special agent Brent Eaton told the paper. “It’s very disturbing to the DEA that more and more high quality heroin is coming from The DEA was “very disturbed” enough to look more closely at Wally Hilliard’s jet charter operation. The result was their firm opposition to returning the Lear to Hilliard, even though no one from Hilliard’s company, Plane 1 Leasing, had been charged with any crime. Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris publicly endorsed Hilliard’s operation. Governor Jeb Bush honored Hilliard's operation (called at various times Florida Air, Sunrise Airlines and Discover Air) with a personal visit, posing for photos with the "Discover Air family." Katherine Harris' endorsement of Hilliard’s operation was splashed across the pages of her beloved hometown Sarasota Herald Tribune. "As one of Florida's top politicians, Katherine Harris doesn't have much time to do a lot of personal traveling," the paper reported. "But twice in the past month or so, the secretary of state... has taken the 75-minute plane ride from her current home in Tallahassee to her old stomping grounds in Sarasota. Her choice of airline? Florida Air, a start-up commuter airline based here, grasping to be an air-taxi for the entire state." The Herald Tribune quoted Harris spokesman Ben McKay saying, “She appreciates the convenience that Florida Air offers.” Ms. Harris' reputation as a stickler for the letter of the law from the contested 2000 Presidential election was apparently put ‘on hold’ on Wally Hilliard’s behalf: while she was "appreciating their convenience," the operation was flying passengers without holding an air carrier certificate. The juxtaposition of the discovery of a huge cache of heroin on a Lear jet belonging to Wallace J. Hilliard, 70, of Naples, Fl, Huffman Aviation’s owner, at the exact same time terrorist and Osama bin Laden associate Mohamed Atta arrived to attend his flight school from Afghanistan, a country producing well more than half of the world’s heroin, would normally have had U.S. Attorneys looking up the sentencing guidelines appropriate to major RICO narcotics trafficking cases, and getting ready to throw the book at him. In fact, they did nothing of the sort, which strongly indicates that the Army’s secret military intelligence unit Able Danger’s inability to prod federal authorities to move on Atta and other terrorists known to be in the U.S. encountered the same obstacles, and for the same reason. In fact, the only effort made at holding financier Wallace J. Hilliard, 70, of Naples, Florida accountable was the weak one of confiscating his plane. When Hilliard sued to get the DEA to return the Lear jet inn forfeiture hearings, attempting to show himself to have been an “innocent owner,” his motion was opposed by the Government and roundly rejected in court. The U.S. Attorney’s office opposed the plane’s return. Their motion said, “because the property was used or acquired as a result of a violation of the Controlled Substances Act.” Court documents revealed that Hilliard’s leasing company, Plane 1 Leasing, had been paid in cash for each charter by the two Latin passengers, which aviation experts in South Florida said strains credulity. “DEA would not return it, they auctioned it off, they told Wally they had ‘reasons,’” said an aviation source in Naples. “It was the first seizure in history for a so-called ‘innocent person’ where they took and kept the plane.” The court concluded Hilliard’s company knew what was going on. Affidavits later filed by the machine-gun toting DEA agents who had surrounded the Lear jet indicated Hilliard’s company’s involvement went much deeper than anyone was willing to acknowledge publicly. To understand what is going on at the core of the Central Intelligence Agency's cladestine compartments, it is important to understand its brief history. During the Cold-war era, every area of the world was given to a commander in the Pentagon to overlook and begin to figure out how to control and push into a world-power system of government where the United States would be at the lead. The secret network was planning a war with Cuba where one of its failures was the Bay of Pigs invasion. Since all of this occured behind Kennedy's back, Kennedy fired Allen Dulles when he realized that there was a secret government compartment that did what it wanted with its own funding, military, weapons, everything. The Bay of Pigs fiasco was known aas Operation Zapata, who believe it or not, was headed by George HW Bush. George HW Bush owned Zapata Oil where he traveled back and fourth form Texas organizing this massive operation. The majority of the individuals involved in the Kennedy Assasination were connected to this secret network that was planning to go to war with Cuba. The CIA financed this by funneling money from the crug trade through Zapata Off-Shore Oil rigs and operations. This secret network had a plan, Operation Northwoods, in which is would hijack aircraft and crash them into targets using remote control technology. The declassified documents have been detailed in James Bamford's book, Body of Secrets, where it has caused much controversy over its relevance to the recent 9/11 attacks. In Operation Northwoods, which was rejected by Kennedy's administration, the attacks would include shooting citizens in the streets and terrorism which they would blame on Cuba as a means of going to war. They worked very closely with anti-Castro Cubans and the mafia during this time for the entire operation. Again, all of these were the common suspects in the Kennedy Assassination. This network operated in Vietnam, where they ran Heroin to and from the Golden Triangle region, much of it in soldier's coffins. This was known as Operation Phoenix. In the operation, Vietnam targets were detailed for assassination. Until outlawed in mid 70s, the CIA directly involved in assassination attempts against Castro of Cuba, and Congolese leader Lumumba. The CIA also encouraged plots that resulted in assassination of Dominican Republic President Trujillo, South Vietnamese president Ngo Dinh Diem in 63 and Chilean Rene Schneider in 73. The most extensive assassination op was Operation Phoenix conducted during latter part of VN war. Twentieth Century Fund. (1992). The Need to Know: Covert Action and American Democracy. From 65-68 U.S. and Saigon Intel services maintained an active list of VC cadre marked for assassination. Phoenix Program for 69 called for "neutralizing" 1800 a month. About one third of VC targeted for arrest had been summarily killed. Security committees established in provincial interrogation centers to determine fate of VC suspects, outside of judicial controls. Green Berets and navy SEALs most common recruits for Phoenix Program. Green Beret detachment B-57 provided admin cover for other Intel units. One was project cherry, tasked to assassinate Cambodian officials suspected of collaborating with NVNese, and kgb. Another was project oak targeted against svnese suspected collaborators. They controlled by special assistant for counterinsurgency and special activities, which worked with CIA outside of general abrams control.
A genial Gantt explained that he had probably been aware that the State was "putting out a bid" for a King Air and scooped up the plane. Press clippings show that Gantt Aviation is a large dealership with a long history of providing planes to the State of
Does George "W" Bush (“Dubyah”) use Zero-Eight-Foxtrot? According to Jerry Daniels, Executive Director of the Texas State Aircraft Pooling Board, "He used to fly on that airplane all the time. He stopped when he became a Presidential candidate because the State won't let you fly its aircraft for political purposes." But FTW learned that if and when Dubyah is back in the state and on state business, he probably will because Dubyah is a licensed pilot and Zero-Eight-Foxtrot is one of his favorites though he doesn't get to pilot much any more.
Said one savvy commentator of George W, "The last thing we need in this country is another President with lingering drug scandals in his past--and maybe present."
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