I think it’s time for some kind of summary. I am still impressed by your hard work and proud of your posts. Some of them are really inspiring, funny or just interesting. I often got involved and read some pieces of information on the Internet, books etc.
I hope that everybody or at least most of you entered your ‘dream’ school. I am curious to know how do you deal with them!
Some numbers:
First post: 7th September 2007
Last post: 20th June 2008
Total number of posts: 340 (!)
Drafts: 47
Comments: 59
Categories: 38 (!)
I also sent you some e-mails to reactivate your ‘profiles’ and start writing posts again in a new blog. I hope some of you will do it! If you haven’t received an e-mail - write to me: k.plocha@gmail.com
The new blog is available here: www.blog.english.szczecin.pl
This blog is going to be closed soon.
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