I found a copy of this record The Lester Young Trio with Nat "King" Cole and Buddy Rich in the series The Verve Collection. ( Verve 559 659 ). This CD contains recordings from March 1946 by three bebop musicians, that were brought together in a Norman Granz production. Although this trio is labeled as Lester Young Trio, I found it in the discographies as Nat "King" Cole/Lester Young/Buddy Rich - Giants 3 or short : The Giants 3.
The album contains 14 tracks, but, and that is a shame I think, the discographical information is rather poor. It was released as VSP-30 on a 12-inch LP in the VSP-series by Verve. The official discography reads:
Lester Young (ts) Nat "King" Cole (p) Buddy Rich (d)
Radio Recorders, Hollywood, CA, March-April, 1946 348-1 Back To The Land (edited ver.) 349-2 I Cover The Waterfront 350-2 Somebody Loves Me 351-1 I've Found A New Baby 352-1 The Man I Love 354-1 62VK226 I Want To Be Happy 355-1 62VK471 Mean To Me
The copy I have has some extra tracks, most alternative takes, but also an unreleased track titled Peg O'My Heart, I'll discuss later. The four last tracks are played by the Dexter Gordon Quintet featuring Harry "Sweets" Edison (tp) Dexter Gordon (ts) Nat "King" Cole (p) possibly Red Callender or JohnnyMiller (b) and Clifford "Juicy" Owens (d). It is Dexter Gordon's first recording made late 1943 or July 1944 ( it isn't known exactly) session under his own name. As only Nat KIng Cole is present on this sessions it is strange to find it here: I've Found a New Baby - Rosetta - Sweet Lorraine and Blowed and Gone. The tunes, recorded on this Norman Granz recording session now belong to the classics in jazz, well worth to have in your collection. Nat King Cole was already a very popular piano player who had several hits, like Straighten Up and Fly Right.Buddy Rich was one of the most sought after drummers from the 1940s and he played in the Count Basie Orchestra. When these recordings were made he had his own big band at the west coast, so he could easily sit in during these 1946 Hollywood recordings. For those who love the use of brushes, like me, know that Buddy used these in all tunes. He isn't present on the Peg O'My Heart tune: He is absent entirely, having gone to get something to eat, Lester explained later. This track was not on the original album. For Lester Young these recordings were one of the first recording sessions after he had left the army. These 14 month in the army had been a tragedy for Lester. Being an alcoholist, his dependence on drugs and his weak health made it a traumatic experience. One of the first tunes he recorded after his discharged of the army was a tune titled D.B. Blues ( = Detention Barracks Blues) We all remember Lester Young wearing a pork pie hat and the way he holds his instrument, due to the fact that he twisted his mouthpiece of his saxophone. Just before he was forced to join the army he became the major figure in a short film titled Jammin' The Blues, I love to introduce to you later. I post it here just to introduce you to his sound. As I told above, I will later make a blog about this great Gjon Mili film which includes a lot of more known jazz musicians from that period except Lester Young.
KEEPSWINGING.BLOGSPOT.COM 1000 If you are fascinated by jazz or jazz related music or you are a jazz-record collector I'm sure you must have found this Keep Swinging blog. Up to now almost 1000 blogs have been posted. There are ca. 25 more blogs to go to reach this magical number. I love to re-post the 5 best blogs celebrating this milestone, so please give me your votes. For the next ten days I'll select the blog I posted two years ago and the blog I posted one year ago. Or you may vote for your favorite blog. Send me your favorite blog. A. THE KID: CHARLES CHAPLIN( 28th of October 2006) B. KENNY DORHAM RESEARCH( 27th of October 2007) C. Your suggestion
Send the title of your favorite blog to keepswinging@live.nl and all I will raffle one name out of the list of all senders ( you may send in each day), who will receive the great Lonehill Jazz album of Frank Rosolino Quintet for free.
REIN DE GRAAFF TRIO met PETE CHRISTLIEB en FERDINAND POVEL in PORGY EN BESS. Op zondag 2 november 2008 treedt het Rein de Graaff Trio op in Porgy en Bess, de huiskamer van de jazz in Terneuzen. Dit trio, dat al vele jaren samen optreedt bestaat uit Rein de Graaff aan de toetsen, Marius Beets op bas en Erik Ineke op slagwerk.
Rein de Graaff, die al heel wat schitterende concerten in Porgy en Bess op zijn naam heeft staan, komt deze keer met twee giganten op de tenorsax: Ferdinand Povel en Pete Christlieb. Pete Christlieb is voor Rein een oude bekende; hj kent hem al vanaf de jaren zestig, toen hij richting New York vloog en daar speelde met de grootten van de jazz. Hij haalde hem ook verschillende keren naar Nederland, zoals in 1989 met Lew Tabackin en eind 1995 met David Fathead Newman. Bij die laatste gelegenheid speelde ook de Nederlandse tenorsxophonist Toon Roos mee. Ferdinand Povelstond onlangs nog in Porgy en Bess samen met John Marshallen hun spel maakte toen grote indruk op me. Dat Rein de Graaff het rustiger aandoet ( in plaats van vier series concerten, nu maar twee meer per jaar), is weinig te merken als je weet dat hij ook zijn herinneringen met de Giants of Jazz te boek heeft gesteld. Ik hoop zijn boek over Lee Morgan snel eens te kunnen lezen. Het concert van het Rein de Graafff Trio met als gasten Pete Christlieb en Ferdinand Povel vindt plaats in Porgy en Bess- Terneuzen op zondag 2 november 2008 om 16.00 uur. KEEPSWINGING.BLOGSPOT.COM 1000
Als je geboeid wordt door jazz of jazzverwante muziek of je bent gefascineerd door de geur van oude platen, dan vind je zeker in deze Keep swinging log allerlei leuke bijdragen. Binnenkort zijn we toe aan de 1000ste dagelijkse Keep Swinging blog; er zijn er nog zo'n 25 te gaan. Ik wil, om dit niet ongemerkt voorbij te laten gaan, de vijf beste blogs opnieuw bewerken en publiceren en daar heb ik jullie hulp bij nodig. De komende tien dagen grijp ik steeds terug in de archieven en plaats ik linken naar de bijdrage van twee- en één jaar geleden. En natuurlijk mogen jullie ook zelf blogs inbrengen, die je geraakt hebben. Stuur me je favoriete blog door of kies voor één van de twee, die ik uit het archief geselecteerd heb; de vijf beste vind je dan binnenkort hier terug. A. THE KID: CHARLES CHAPLIN( 28 oktober 2006) B. KENNY DORHAM RESEARCH( 27 oktober 2007) C. Jouw idee
Stuur jouw favoriete blog toe aan keepswinging@live.nl en uit alle inzendingen (je mag elke dag meedoen) trek ik een naam, die de schitterende Lonehill Jazz heruitgave van het Frank Rosolini Quintet thuis gestuurd krijgt.
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