First: Apply pressure on your Library to carry the CORRECT books.
All too often libraries used by adults and students include a disproportionate number of books that present skewed and inaccurate depictions of Israel. Volumes by Edward Said, Noam Chomsky and other extreme detractors of Israel are almost certain to be available, but solid works presenting reliable information about Israel are often few in number or omitted entirely from library collections. We can help change this troubling situation and assure that Americans have the opportunity to read accurate, complete and balanced books on the Arab-Israeli conflict. With this in mind, please consider participating in CAMERA's Adopt a Library Project.
Help assure that fair and accurate books about Israel and the war against terror are available to the public in community, high school and university libraries.
from Be An Activist
When you encounter biased reporting (i.e. critical of Israel) , take action! There are several things you can do to counter unfair reporting— stay informed, call or write to the media, spread the word, support CAMERA by keeping your membership current, and join CAMERA's E-mail team. CAMERA encourages its members to organize local letter-writing teams to consistently monitor and respond to the unfair reporting in their local paper.from
Here an example of unfair reporting:
Marxist Medical Doctor says Israel uses CANCER bombs on Gaza!
January 6, 2009 | |||||
Norwegian Doctors in Gaza: Objective Observers or Partisan Propagandists? | |||||
The source of most of the information coming from Gaza thus far has been from Palestinian representatives. One of the only non-Palestinian voices heard has been that of Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor who entered Gaza on December 31 along with his colleague Erik Fosse ostensibly to provide medical assistance to Palestinians at Shifa Hospital. They have become media stars as the BBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, Independent, Sky News, and New York Times, among others, have turned to them as independent foreign observers to provide a presumably non-partisan perspective. They have been extensively interviewed in the Norwegian as well as the world press. In fact, Gilbert appears in so many interviews that one wonders how he has the time to provide medical help, never mind "doing surgery around the clock" as he claims. In his interviews, Gilbert decries what he claims is Israel's "all out war against civilians." Condemning Israel for "deliberately targeting the [Palestinian] population" and causing "a man-made disaster," Gilbert and Fosse claim that Israel and the UN are lying about the civilian casualty count and feed the media their own alternate statistics ( "50% of the casualties are women and children"–CBS; "children made up 25% of the deaths and 45% of the wounded"–BBC). Gilbert is even quoted by the Iranian Press TV alleging the Israelis have used unconventional weapons against the Palestinians. So are these Norwegians indeed non-partisan foreigners providing independent confirmation of Palestinian reports or do they have an agenda? Is Gilbert simply someone "who was allowed into Gaza last week to give emergency medical aid, and who has worked in many conflict zones," as the New York Times introduces him or someone with a partisan perspective? Gilbert is a radical Marxist and a member of the political Red (Rodt) party, a revolutionary socialist party in Norway. He has been a pro-Palestinian activist since the 1970's and travelled to Lebanon in support of the Palestinians during the first Lebanon war in 1982. He has long been a vocal opponent of Israel and the U.S. and has even crticized Doctors Without Borders for not taking a more forceful position on political conflicts. In a 2006 article in Nordlys, northern Norway's largest newspaper, journalist Ivan Kristoffersen lamented the fact that Gilbert allows his humanitarian efforts to be politicized by his radical agenda. And Gilbert himself has acknowledged his political agenda is inseparable from medicine in his statement that "there is little in medicine that isn't politics." The extent of his animus toward Israel and the U.S. is best evidenced by his radical support for the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the U.S.
When asked by Dagbladet if he supported the terrorist attack on the U.S., he replied:
Fosse worked as a doctor for the Palestine Committee in Lebanon in the 1970's. He now leads NORWAC, the Norwegian Aid Committee. According to Aftenposten, Fosse's passion to work on behalf of Palestinians was sparked by his time in Lebanon. According to Verdens Gang, the largest Norwegian daily, Gilbert and Fosse's current trip to Gaza is funded by the Norwegian foreign ministry. Given the partisan — and in Gilbert's case, radical — perspective they represent, Fosse's and Gilbert's testimony must be weighed with extreme caution. |
Of course the State Actors (Israel USA) have thousands of people working for perception management (used to be called propaganda).. and their testimony can be swallowed unexamined. Extreme caution will do nothing. There is nothing to see, move on.
Doctor Mads Gilbert is a member of a Norwegian triage medical team present in the besieged Gaza Strip. The team has exposed that Israel has used depleted uranium weapons in its war on the impoverished territory which is home to 1.5 million Palestinians. He described the conditions inside Gaza in an exclusive Press TV interview.
Press TV: What can you tell about the uranium findings?
Dr. Mads Gilbert:The findings about the uranium I cannot tell you much about, but I can tell you that we have clear evidence that the Israelis are using a new type of very high explosive weapons which are called Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) and are made out of a tungsten alloy.
These weapons have an enormous power to explode.
The power of the explosion dissipates very quickly and the strength does not travel long, maybe 10 meters, but those humans who are hit by this explosion, this pressure wave are cut in pieces.
This was first used in Lebanon in 2006, it was used here in Gaza in 2006 and the injuries that we see in Shifa [Hospital] now, many many of them I suspect and we all suspect are the effect of DIME weapons used by the Israelis.
On the long term, these weapons will have a cancer effect on those who survive. They will develop cancer we suspect. There has been very little research on this but some research has been among other places in the United States, which show that these weapons have a high tendency to develop cancer. So they kill and those who survive risk having cancer.
Press TV: And what do you have to say about this?
Dr. Mads Gilbert: All that is happening in Gaza here now is against international law, it is against humanity and I think it is against what it means to be a decent person. You don't treat other people like this. Even if you disagree with him… maybe even if you fight with them, you don't treat civilians, children and women like this.
And I have an appeal to the Israeli doctors and nurses. They are my colleagues. We belong to the same international community, the medical community. I wish that the good doctors and nurses in Israel tell their government to stop these atrocities. We cannot continue with this. We may differ in opinions, but you cannot treat the civilian Palestinian population in Gaza in this way.
Today, they were bombing in Gaza City; we received 150 wounded and more than 50 killed.
Press TV: Only at Shifa?!
Dr. Mads Gilbert: Yes, here in Shifa. I treated a ten-year-old boy. He had his whole chest filled with fragments from the bomb. On his lap was another person's leg that had been cut off. We resuscitated him and did everything we could do to save his life but he died between our hands.
This is such a terrible experience and behind the numbers that you report all the time, there are human beings, families, women, grandmothers, children. That is in fact the reality in this situation. Those who are paying the price for the Israeli bombardments now are the common people, the Palestinian people.
Half of the population in Palestine are below 15 years and 80 percent of the people in Gaza live below the level of poverty defined by the UN. Now they don't have food, they don't have electricity. It's cold they don't have warmth and in addition to that, they are killed.
This must be stopped.
Press TV How many people did you see that are effected by this weapon?
Dr. Mads Gilbert: Almost all of the patients we have received have these sever amputations. They seem to have been affected by this kind of weapon. Of course, we have many fragment injuries and burns but those who have got their limbs cut off, constitutes quite a large proportion.
You know we have a lot to do. Palestinian doctors, nurses and paramedics do an incredibly heroic job to save their people. Doctor Eric and I are just a small drip in the ocean, but we learn from them. Unfortunately, we don't have the time to do research, we have to save lives, but this question should be researched by the international community.
DIME: A New Israeli Weapon
2006 10 28UK's The Independent published a report today accusing Israeli forces of dropping uranium-enriched phosphorous weapons in it's war on Lebanon.
Victim of white phosphorus bomb
Here is Robert Fisk and the Mystery of Israel's secret uranium bomb.
OTOH, Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) is a new experimental type of explosive that is been tested on Palestinians these days.
abc News has an eyewitness story about this new weapon:
Abu Holy often raced to the front line when Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers clashed. He would be one of the first on the scene after an Israeli missile zeroed in on a Palestinian militant's home. He would sift through the rubble looking for victims.
In July he started seeing people with odd burns, mutilated limbs and he rarely saw shrapnel. Most unusual, he says, were little dark spots on the skin.
"Like this", he says lifting his right pant leg and revealing a stump. Most of his leg is gone and on his upper thigh, his hands and his right leg are hundreds of small black spots.
On July 19th Abu Holy was helping the wounded after an Israeli missile attack. Shortly after arriving on the scene a second missile hit a nearby home and he was injured.
While he carefully inspects the spots on his fingers and legs he says, "they call it the black dust. And I am afraid now I am going to die of cancer because of this"
There are plenty of rumors but few facts. The non-profit group Physicians for Human Rights is convinced the Israeli Army is using a weapon called D.I.M.E. (Dense Inert Metal Explosive). The weapon is now being tested in the United States.
Global Research added that Italian medica team reported that, there are indications that similar weapons were used by Israeli forces against Lebanese Civilians.
Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME)
In mid-October 2006 a team of investigative journalists at RAI Italian television reported that Israel had been using a new weapon in the Gaza Strip, similar to DIME – dense inert metal explosive. The report was produced by the same journalists who claimed without foundation that the US used White Phosphorus (WP) against civilians during attacks on Fallujah. According to the Israeli daily Haaretz, the weapon was launched from drones in the summer of 2006, most of them in July, and led to "abnormally serious" physical injuries. Physicians in the Gaza Strip noted the pattern of wounds they were treating were unusual, with severed legs that showed signs of severe heat at the point of amputation but no metal shrapnel. The American version is still in a testing stage and had not been used on the battlefield at that time. It has not been "declared an illegal weapon", though the weapon was claimed [without described basis] to be "highly carcinogenic and harmful to the environment".
Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) is uniquely suited for Low Collateral Damage. It produces lower pressure but increased impulse in the near field. Far Field damage is reduced (no frags/ impulse rolloff). The lethal footprint can be tuned to precision footprint. Strike Weapon Scaling Tests were completed in August of 2004), and full-scale Mk-82 tests were in the planning stage as of early 2005. DARPA funded RPG defense system feasibility tests in January 2005, which were successful.
Additional Small Diameter Bomb funding would allow the facilities to continue development of a Focused Lethality Munition (FLM) using the Dense Inert Metal Explosive technology integrated into SDB I. With lawmakers' approval, the dollars would allow AFRL to "continue to mature FLM technology. The armament center would integrate the technology with the SDB I baseline model within the advanced technology demonstration construct and demonstrates utility through a flight test program.
AFRL is currently utilizing high-fidelity physics-based simulations to aid in the design and testing of low-collateral-damage (LCD) munitions. LCD munitions will benefit the warfighter during urban conflicts where standard munitions would inflict unacceptable collateral damage levels. AFRL partnered with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to employ a physics-based code in the design and evaluation of the munitions, which are based on a dense inert metal explosive (DIME) technology. The code requires a DIME-specific multiphase flow capability to accurately simulate the DIME-type munitions. The laboratory is continually validating this new capability as the program progresses.
AFRL is utilizing this new capability to assist in the design and validation of LCD weapon concepts. The unique simulations provide the testing community with valuable insight in the areas of weapon detonation physics and blast wave interaction with the test's structural targets. The physical fidelity of the code provides valuable data that allows the researchers to accurately quantify the differences between standard and LCD munitions. This capability allows the team to make timely, informed concept decisions and is more cost effective than trial-and-error testing.
Increased attention to the employment of precision weapons has decreased the occurrence of unintentional collateral damage. Until now, the development of new munitions to do the same has fallen behind. The AFRL's Munitions Directorate dense inert metal explosive (DIME) concept team successfully demonstrated an effective mechanism to reduce collateral damage, helping the warfighter to prevent the loss of public support and more importantly, the loss of innocent life.
AFRL encountered survivability problems of conventional air-blast transducers while measuring the close-in blast environment from DIME charges. In 2002, a specially designed Hopkinson bar gauge was utilized to obtain near-field blast measurements from a DIME charge. However, the 2002 tests produced data at only one distance at normal incidence.
AFRL's 20-charge test series in 2004 corrected that problem and produced reflected pressure and impulse data from various distances and angles of incidence, facilitating a lethality analysis of the DIME concept. Scientists used this data to create pressure and impulse maps that detail the near- and far-field magnitudes versus distance and angle of incidence, effectively validating the DIME charge as a low-collateral-damage munition.
The Air Force is demonstrating a low collateral damage warhead, allowing a "behind-the-wall" threat prosecution with a highly localized lethal footprint. The warhead case consists of a low-density, wrapped carbon-fiber/epoxy matrix integrated with a steel nose and base. The low-density composite case can survive penetration into a one-foot hardened concrete wall. Upon detonation, the carbon-fiber warhead case disintegrates into small non-lethal fibers with little or no metallic fragments, thus significantly reducing collateral damage to people and structures. The warhead explosive fill is a dense inert metal explosive containing fine tungsten particles to provide a ballasted payload with sufficient penetration mass. The tungsten displaces energetic material so as to reduce the total energetic used. The net results are higher dynamic energy impulse all within a small lethal footprint.
Previous scaled tests show that the carbon composite casing breaks up into small harmless fibers during the detonation event, effectively removing fragmentation as a lethal mechanism to nearby collateral assets. Thus, near-field airblast with entrained high-velocity inert metal particles are the damage mechanisms for carbon composite cased munitions with DIME fills. Characterization of blast loads from this class of concept munition is essential to verify effectiveness against targets of interest while minimizing collateral damage. Unfortunately, the high-velocity, high temperature inert metal particles found in DIME fills have proved to be extremely damaging to traditional pressure measurement instruments. Hence, new measurement diagnostics had to be developed to investigate DIME formulations.
White Phosphorus
Previous experiments have demonstrated that specially-designed pressure bar gages outfitted with strain gages were capable of measuring applied blast loads from DIME charges. In 2005, this measurement technology was applied to a series of nine experiments involving full-scale charges with carbon composite casings. Explosive mass and explosive type (two DIME formulations and one conventional high explosive) were varied in the test series. Three pressure bar gages were fielded on each test to characterize the airblast environment produced by each carbon composite cased explosive charge. This paper describes the pressure bar implementation during these experiments, presents results, and comments on the performance of the pressure bars as a measurement diagnostic for this novel class of explosives.
The U.S. military is working on a small, precise bomb that could hit targets "previously off limits to the warfighter." The problem is, it might cause cancer. Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) is one of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s responses to the challenge of fighting in an urban environment without hurting innocent bystanders in the process. Recent news about an airstrike which may have killed civilians, as well as Taliban fighters, highlights the problem. Similar situations have occurred repeatedly in Iraq and Afghanistan; sometimes targets could not be engaged, because of the risk of harming nearby civilians. One option is to use smaller weapons. Another is dropping inert bombs, filled with concrete rather than explosives, to minimize collateral damage. DIME is used in the Low Collateral Damage version of the Small Diameter Bomb currently under development. This has a carbon fiber casing which turns into dust rather than creating dangerous fragments. The bomb is filled with explosive mixed with tungsten powder, which becomes micro-shrapnel. The small-sized tungsten particles drag to a halt at about 40 charge diameters. In the case of the SDB, that gives a destructive radius of about 25 feet. The result is an incredibly destructive blast in a small area, what the Air Force Term "Focused Lethality." The AFRL Munitions Directorate provided this picture of a DIME test, but were unable to discuss the topic. However, I talked to others who have worked in this area. They were consistently awed by the destructive power of the mixture, which causes far more damage than pure explosive within the near field. The impact of the micro-shrapnel seems to cause a similar but more powerful effect than a shockwave. Early blasts even destroyed test instruments: Unfortunately, the high-velocity, high temperature inert metal particles found in DIME fills have proved to be extremely damaging to traditional pressure measurement instruments. Hence, new measurement diagnostics had to be developed to investigate DIME formulations. Because there are no large fragments, Focused Lethality Munitions should not cause a hazard at any great distance. The standard Small Diameter Bomb is claimed to be lethal out to 2,000 feet or more, the Focused Lethality version will have a smaller but deadlier footprint - a 12-gauge compared to a rifle. Metal powders -- typically aluminum -- have been added to explosives for many years. But those are reactive metals, making the blast even stronger. Tungsten, on the other hand, is inert. So it remains in metallic form and absorbs some of the energy of the explosion. DIME originated in work to increase the density of the explosive mixture, improving the penetrating power of bunker busting bombs. But the bonus effect of the micro-shrapnel proved to be more significant than the increased density. The Air Force's focused lethality munition had an enthusiastic write-up in the Wall Street Journal. The US Navy's Surface Warfare Center at Dahlgren is also working on DIME munitions. According to the Air Force’s FY 2007 Unfunded Priority List, the focused lethality munitions "will be able to prosecute targets previously off limits to the warfighter." This suggests that they will be used in close proximity to civilians or friendly forces. The only collateral damage may be stray tungsten particles – clumping, or larger particles in the mix might mean some effect outside the focused zone. Would grains of inert tungsten present a problem? According to New Scientist magazine: In a study designed to simulate shrapnel injuries, pellets of weapons-grade tungsten alloy were implanted in 92 rats. Within five months all the animals developed a rare cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma, according to John Kalinich's team at the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute in Maryland. 92 out of 92 - "tumor yield was 100%" - is a significant result. The full report is here. I checked with University of Arizona cancer researcher Dr. Mark Witten, quoted in the New Scientist story, to see how things have developed. Dr. Witten is investigating links between tungsten and leukemia, and is concerned about its possible use DIME or other munitions: "My opinion is that there needs to be much more research on the health effects of tungsten before the military increases its usage." We don’t know whether a Focused Lethality Munition is likely to result in tungsten particles striking anyone outside the lethal area. Nor do we know the possible environmental impact tungsten powder left afterwards. But given that the Focused Lethality munition will be used in situations which are likely to produce media attention and political repercussions, these should be addressed. The aims of the Low Collateral Damage program are worthwhile. But unless the issues around tungsten are resolved we could see a repeat of the depleted uranium story. Instead of decreasing controversy, the new weapon might create even more. UPDATE 05/22/06 1:45PM: Marc Garlasco, senior military analyst at Human Rights Watch comments: While Human Rights Watch is supportive of the US military's commitment to reducing civilian casualties, collateral damage as they call it, it is unfortunate that these weapons are being developed specifically for use in densely populated areas which may negate the intended effect.Cancer Worries for New U.S. Bombs
But what's really required is something which is just as lethal as a standard bomb, but keeps its lethal zone to a minimum. This is exactly what DIME delivers.
Little has been released on the exact effects of DIME explosives, but it’s interesting that a presentation on future munitions illustrates focused lethality with a tank which had been turned on its side by blast. Aimed accurately, it looks like it would be capable of destroying a building completely without damaging the rest of the neighborhood.
Italian TV: Israel used new weapon prototype in Gaza Strip | ||||
By Meron Rapoport | ||||
An investigative report to be aired on Italian television today raises the possibility that Israel has used an experimental weapon in the Gaza Strip in recent months, causing especially serious physical injuries, such as amputated limbs and severe burns. The weapon is similar to one developed by the U.S. military called DIME, which causes a powerful and lethal blast, but only within a relatively small radius. | ||||
Israel Air Force Maj.-Gen (res.) Yitzhak Ben-Israel, formerly head of the IDF's weapons-development program, told the Italian reporters that "one of the ideas [behind the weapon] is to allow those targeted to be hit without causing damage to bystanders or other persons."
Israel's army had reportedly trained on a model of Gaza City for 18 months before starting the ground offensive in the densely-populated Strip.
According to Israeli military spokesman Avi Benayahou, Israel used a model of the main city built at an army base in the Negev desert to train its soldiers for a ground operation.
"Our soldiers know all the back streets where their targets are," military spokesman Avi Benayahou told Israeli public television on Monday.
"For a year and a half our soldiers trained on a reduced model of Gaza City built on the Tsehilim base," he added.
The base is in the Negev desert in southern Israel, near the frontier with Gaza.
The tenth day of the assault come as Israel continues to rebuff international efforts to end the war on Gaza, and Israeli troops and tanks -- protected by heavy air, sea and artillery fire - have sliced through the center of Gaza and surrounded the main city.
Palestinian medical sources say the number of casualties in Gaza has now reached 531, with over 2,600 wounded. The UN says that about 25 percent of the casualties were civilian deaths.
"We have already dealt some very major blows on Hamas but we will have to hit again and the operation could take time," added the Israeli spokesman.
Former Israeli military officer, Dr Lani Kass
assists in the planning of the bombing of Iran
We Approve Israeli Killings And Will Protect Israel By Vetoing Any and All U.N. Resolutions Against Israel!
The USS Liberty the day after the event
"There has been since almost the earliest days of the Israeli state and the earliest days of the CIA a secret bond, basically by which Israeli intelligence did jobs for the CIA and for the rest of American intelligence. You can't understand what's been going on with American covert operations and the Israeli covert operations until you understand this secret arrangement."
- Andrew Cockburn
This picture was a press release from Israeli sources purported to show Palestian terrorists. However one of the suspected terrorists forgot to take off his star of David before being photographed. The sunglasses are most likely to hide his blue eyes also.
December 8 2002
Palestinian security forces have arrested a group of Palestinians for collaborating with Israel and posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network, a senior official said yesterday.
The arrests come two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged al-Qaeda militants were operating in Gaza and in Lebanon.
"The Palestinian Authority arrested a group of collaborators who confessed they were working for Israel, posing as al-Qaeda operatives in the Palestinian territories," said the official, on condition of anonymity.
He said the alleged collaborators sought to "discredit the Palestinian people, justify every Israeli crime and provide reasons to carry out a new (military) aggression in the Gaza Strip."
Two Israeli men working for a moving-and-storage company who attempted Kings Bay Submarine Base Friday are being held for deportation.The two entered the Franklin gate about 10:30 a.m. Friday to pick up some items in base housing, base spokesman Ed Buczek said.
Neither was able to present valid work permits to security personnel, and one had an expired passport. Base personnel and bomb-sniffing dogs inspected the van, prompting a lockdown of the base.
The Associated Press
ERWIN, Tenn. (AP) - Two Israeli men who led the Unicoi County sheriff on a high-speed chase in a rented moving truck were placed under arrest and are being investigated by the FBI, local officials said.
Almaliach Naor and Shmuel Dahan appear in court.
SHMUEL DAHAN and Almaliach Naor, both from Israel, were being held without bond Sunday afternoon at the Unicoi County Jail.
Once the men were apprehended, officers also found a "Learn to Fly" brochure in the truck, leading Harris and others to express concern about security at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin.
Daniel Hopsicker’s website:
"...the ’learn to fly in Florida’ business card is that of Nissan Giat, also an Israeli military veteran, he said, as well as a free-lance flight instructor in the Miami area, working out of the Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport."
The Mercury October 17, 2001 PLYMOUTH (PA) - Two men whom police described as Middle Eastern were detained in the township by federal immigration authorities after being found with detailed video footage of the Sears Tower in Chicago...
The man, who later identified himself as Moshe Elmakias, 30, denied that he did anything and fled the scene, heading west on West Ridge Pike...
The Miami Herald October 3, 2001WASHINGTON - As the nation stands on high alert, the FBI is searching for six men stopped by police in the Midwest last weekend but released - even though they possessed photos and descriptions of a nuclear power plant in Florida and the Trans- Alaska pipeline, a senior law enforcement official said Tuesday...
The six men stopped by police were traveling in groups of three in two white sedans, said a senior law enforcement official, who requested anonymity...
In addition to the photographs and other suspicious material, they carried "box cutters and other equipment,’’ the official said. They appeared to be from the Middle East and held Israeli passports.
Australia is to step up its investigation of a suspected Israeli spy ring following the imprisonment of two Mossad agents in New Zealand yesterday for passport fraud...
Cara and Uriel Kelman, 31, will be deported to Israel after serving their six-month sentence for attempting to obtain a passport in the name of an Auckland cerebral palsy sufferer.
September 5, 2002Federal officials are investigating claims that Israeli agents posed as Canadians during a spy operation...
In 1997, Canada recalled its ambassador to Israel after undercover Mossad agents were caught using falsified Canadian passports during an assassination attempt...
2 Florida students charged in explosives scare face $800,000 bond
Updated 02:40 p.m., August 6, 2007
Alan Hawes -- The Post and Courier
A bomb squad technician examines items removed from a four door sedan on Highway 176 in Goose Creek early Sunday morning. The FBI is on the scene investigating the suspicious car that was stopped by police Saturday night. A robot, center, removed several items including a backpack, a large gas can, and a red box from the car. The technician crawled on his stomach for a cautious up-close look at several items.
GOOSE CREEK — Pipe bombs were found Saturday in the trunk of a car being driven by two Florida college students, according to court documents.
Now the men will have to post a combined $800,000 in bond to get out of jail, a circuit judge decided this afternoon.
hollow aluminium meets steel...
you are watching an illusion, a laser illuminated 3D-live-realtime-hologramme
Youseff Megahed, 21, and Ahmed Mohamed, 24, have been charged with possession of an incendiary device, Berkeley County Sheriff Wayne DeWitt announced today. If convicted of the charges, the men could face between 2 to 15 years in prison.
Mohamed’s bond was set at $500,000 while Megahed’s was set at $300,000.
Berkeley County Sheriff Wayne DeWitt said the men were pulled over Saturday night on U.S. Highway 176 while driving more than 60 mph in a 45-mph zone. When an officer approached the car, he saw one of them men fold a laptop computer, which the officer believed was suspicious, DeWitt said.
The officer asked them if he could search the car, which the men agreed to. When he asked if there was anything in the car he should know about, the men said there were fireworks in the trunk.
At a 1:30 p.m. news conference today in Tampa, a spokesman for the University of South Florida where the men attend said Megahed is an undergraduate student and Mohamed is a civil engineering graduate student, the Tampa Tribune is reporting.
Mohamed is originally from Kuwait and completed his undergrad education in Cairo, according to the Tampa newspaper. He has been at USF since January and was registered for six hours during summer session, the spokesman told the paper.
Megahed, originally from Egpyt, has been enrolled at USF since 2004 and had not declared a major. He was registered for three hours this fall, according to the newspaper.
An Islamic community leader from Tampa, Fla., who’s been in touch with the families of the two detained college students, told The Post and Courier that Megahed and Mohamed are not troublemakers and that they a were simply on a weekend trip to North Carolina.
Ahmed Bedier, executive director of the Tampa chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights organization for Muslims, said family members have told him they think the materials were leftover fireworks Megahed kept in his trunk since July 4.
“Both of them are really naïve kids,” Bedier said.
He said Megahed is a permanent legal resident of the United States and Mohamed was the passenger. Mohamed’s legal status is not known.
“There’s a lot of unanswered questions,” Bedier said.
A terrorism task force, meanwhile is reviewing the evidence, said FBI spokesman Richard Kolko.
“At this point, it is too early in the investigation to say there is any link to terrorism,” Kolko said.
News that explosives were found Saturday shocked residents in Goose Creek, home to the Naval Weapons Station, which houses the U.S. Naval Consolidated Brig, a military prison where enemy combatants have been held.
Reach Noah Haglund at 843-937-5550 or at
9/11 ???
White Phosphorus Fact Sheet
The United States military and foreign militaries use WP in grenades, mortar shells, and artillery shells to mark targets, to provide smokescreens for troop movement, to “trace” the path of bullets, and as an incendiary. These items are classified as both smoke ammunitions and incendiary ammunitions. When burning, WP emits smoke that can screen troop movement. This same smoke can act as target markers for aircraft and as signals. WP particles can burn combustible items upon contact until it has completed its reaction with oxygen, which can last up to 15 minutes depending on the munition. As described in the article “The Fight for Fallujah” in the March-April issue of Field Artillery, U.S. military units “fired ‘shake and bake’ missions at the insurgents, using WP to flush them out and HE [high explosives] to take them out.”Direct skin contact can lead to thermal burns and chemical burns. WP particles react with oxygen and can cause 2nd and 3rd degree thermal burns. The particles can also enter the body through the burns or other wounds and continue to damage tissues. Chemical burns result from several different compounds produced through WP reactions. These include phosphorus pentoxide which can react with the water in skin and produce corrosive phosphoric acids.
Release of WP in an enclosed area can cause asphyxiation due to the decrease of oxygen. Exposure to smoke created by burning WP from military munitions can result in irritation or damage to the eyes, lungs, and throat. Workers exposed to WP over long periods can develop phossy jaw, a condition characterized by the breakdown of the jawbone and delayed-wound healing of the mouth.
Treatment: Initially, contaminated clothing should be removed to prevent re-ignition. Treating skin exposed to WP requires irrigation of the contaminated areas or placement of water- or saline-soaked pads. If the area becomes dry, then the WP can re-ignite. In addition, bathing the area in a bicarbonate solution will neutralize any phosphoric acid that may have been produced. Remaining WP particles should be immediately removed surgically. Removal requires care to prevent further contamination of the person or responders. After complete removal, the patient can be treated as a burn victim.
A woman and two children in Afghanistan died on Sunday, the AP reports, after their house was "destroyed" in a U.S.-led raid. But the story may not be quite so simple.
During one of the engagements, several militants barricaded themselves in a building on the compound and engaged coalition forces with a high volume of gunfire. Coalition forces used a single grenade which killed the attacking militants," the statement said. "However, the building the militants were fighting from collapsed."
The implication is that it is surprising that a building should collapse under those circumstances, that it cannot have been just the grenade which did it. The MSNBC story suggests that one of the soldiers 'lobbed a grenade', reinforcing the impression that this was one of those 'pineapple' fragmentation hand grenades that were around circa WWII. But that's not what the coalition statement says.
I suspect that the grenade involved may have been the 40mm thermobaric XM1060 fired from a launcher. This is a special cartridge developed for Afghanistan which generates a much more destructive blast than normal explosives. It was fielded in 2002 'in record time' and was very popular for use against targets in enclosed spaces such as caves.
"Commanders report that it has given them the capability needed for urban terrain and close-quarters cave operations," it was reported more recently. (My emphasis)
Thermobarics are renowned for their ability to demolish buildings, an effect of the prolonged overpressure produced by the blast. One brochure for the thermobaric SMAW-NE rocket bore the title 'thermobaric urban destruction' -- and showed what the warhead could do against buildings. In 2002, at Fort Leonard Wood, there was a demonstration of thermobaric infantry weapons with the title Bring Down The House.
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