Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Report of a tribute to Oscar Alemán

Relato del Homenaje a Oscar Alemán (Español) Verslag van een eerbetoon aan Oscar Alemán ( Nederlands) Report of a Tribute to Oscar Alemán (English)

Report of a tribute to Oscar Alemán
Oscar Aleman 100 años Una Leyenda
Daniel Cossarini

(translation: Luis Contijoch)

Machagai, 20 Febrero De 2009
El mejor homenaje a un gran artista, a traves de la música, de la mano de su nieta, la cantante Jorgelina Alemán, acompañada por grandes músicos y con la participación especial del Guitarrista Ricardo Pellican.
Machagai, 20th of February 2009

The most important tribute to a great artist in music, by his granddaughter and vocalist, Jorgelina Alemán, accompanied by skilled musicians like Ricardo Pellican.
Oscar Alemán: Nacido el 20 de Febrero de 1909, en la República Argentina. Oriundo de Machagai, provenía de una familia de músicos. Guitarrista, showman, un gran artista que desde Machagai, El Chaco, se proyectó al mundo y volvió triunfante a su país.
Oscar Alemán: Born on the 20th of February 1909 in the small town of Machagui in the republic of Argentinia as a member of a musical family. A child born in a musical family. Guitar player, showman, known in all parts of the world, who scored triumphes in his own country.
(Sub Secretaria de Cultura y Turismo Municiplaidad De Machagai Creciendo Juntos ( = The vice secretary for culture and turism in the city of Machagui: Creviendo Juntos. )
Jorgelina at the Machagai railway station ( photo couresy Daniel Cossarini)
As planned by the undersecretary for culture in Machagai City, Mrs. Favia Calvo together with Mr. Eduardo Centurión and the mayor of the city of Machagai, Mr Hector Justino Vega and his wife Marisol, supported by the Culture Secretary of Chaco, headed by professor Francisco Romero, we traveled to the Chaco region on February 19th to perform two shows, one in Machagai City on February the 20th, and the other in Resistencia City on February 21st.

Jorgelina, Ricardo Péllican and Alejandro Ruiz. Show in Machagai. (photo courtesy: Daniel Cossarini)
India Morena Aleman (Oscar's daughter) and Juan Manuel Miguez (Oscar's great grand child) where invited too and came all the way from Buenos Aires. Guitar player Juan Martinez and pianist Daniel Cossarini were also part of the show. Alejandro Ruiz and Gabriel Vignoli played in the rhythm section, on bass and drums respectively. Guest stars were Juan Manuel Miguez (guitar), Eduardo Centurión ( piano), Alejandro De Salvo, a Tanduil resident, who plays his instrument like a real Alemaniac; in the style of Oscar (guitar), Flavia Calvo and Lucrecia García ( singers)

f.l.t.r.: Juan Martinez, Juan Manuel Miguez (great grand child of Oscar Alemán) Gabriel Vignoli (photo courtesy: Daniel Cossarini)
It is remarkable to learn with how much enthusiasm this homage due to the fact that Oscar Aleman was born here 100 years ago was organized and it was good to learn that the interest of the audience for the concerts increased. Many people, some from locals tribes, told Jorgelina their stories related to her grand father and grand mother, who was a proud member of the Toba tribe herself.
Soundcheck at the el CECUAL venue in the city of Resistencia (photo courtesy: Daniel Cossarini)
Both shows were packed to the doors and people had to remain standing as there were no more seats available; the organizers were amazed about that and the number of people was beyond their wildest expectations.

Alejandro de Salvo with Oscar's guitar. He is a Tanduil residence that plays his instrument like a "reborn' Oscar Aleman (photo courtesy: Daniel Cossarini)
It would be great if these kind of concerts would be held more frequently in the Chaco province in the future. Perhaps these festivities shook the people of Chaco awake and they remembered the great master Oscar Alemán and, above all, the fact that he was from Chaco and was one of them; a lot of people realized that for the very first time.

Show in Resistencia (photo courtesy: Daniel Cossarini)
The local authorities of Machagai City proclaimed February the 20th as el día de la Ciudad de Machagai, the Day of the City of Machagai, a day to celebrate Oscar Aleman’s birthday and to promote the city. Another important decision was that one of the main streets in Machagai will be named after Oscar Alemán.
Ricardo Péllican and Juan Manuel Miguez ( photo courtesy: Daniel Cossarini)

In the city of Resitencia, where the second show was scedulded, the Cultural Centre will be refurbished and extended and when this has been finished this venue will be renamed after Oscar Alemán too.
Jorgelina and her grandfather's guitar in the local museum (photo courtesy: Daniel Cossarini)
Of course we hope, that these festivities and initiatives might be a start to a true recognition of the great guitar player, vocalist and entertainer Oscar Alemán in his own country Argentina.
Daniel Cossarini ( translation: Luis Contijoch) -

The Machagai "Central" Station (photo courtesy: Daniel Cossarini)
The entry for the city of Machagai (photo courtesy: Daniel Cossarini)
One of the major roads in Machagai (photo: courtesy Daniel Cossarini)
Houses in the village of Machagai (photo courtesy: Daniel Cossarini)

Oscar Alemán - His European Career Oscar Aleman: His Argentine Career Oscar Alemán: His Private- and Live Recordings Jorgelina Alemán website Oscar Alemán: The Rediscovery Oscar Alemán: Discography Oscar Alemán web log My Space: Alemaniacs

The Oscar Marcelo Alemán road

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