Saturday, July 24, 2010

Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace

Maryland Schools: No Exams on Islamic Holidays...

Cycling and Perfume Declared 'UnIslamic' for Women...

Two Dead in Attack on Russian Power Plant...

Dearborn Mayor Lies about Festival Arrests...

Cartoonist Draws Muhammad as a Paraplegic...

Pakistani Christian Dies from Stress of Muslim Harassment...

Spain Arrests Imam for Beating Students with Stick in Mosque...

No Fatwa against 'Cat Dropping' Coffee...

Man Loses House and Daughter for Refusing to Embrace Islam...

Hezbollah & Hamas Supporter Speaks to NY Schools...

In Saudi Arabia its against the law to have a Christian Bible, a Crucifix or even a little Christmas tree (Jews are banned from entering the country). On a regular basis there is violence against Egypt's Christian community as well as the Christians in the Palestinian Territories.
And in Pakistan, well is a good example:

Pakistani Christians "Lynched" by Muslims After Being Cleared of Blasphemy

When not complaining about ''Islamophobia', the Muslim community busies itself with racking up dead Christians. Two weeks ago, a young family was beaten to death by an Islamic mob in Pakistan. Last week, a Pentecostal pastor was gunned down in Russia. Christian children were hacked to death in Nigeria over the weekend. And, on Monday, two Christian brothers falsely accused of blasphemy were murdered while in handcuffs outside a courtroom (pictured above).

2010.07.22 (Ataq, Yemen) - Six local soldiers are taken down in an al-Qaeda ambush.
2010.07.22 (Kishtwar, India) - A 42-year-old contractor is abducted, tied up, tortured and then beheaded by Holy Warriors.
2010.07.22 (Mosul, Iraq) - An imam and a baker are among nine people murdered in various ways in several Mujahid attacks.
2010.07.22 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Muslim terrorists send rockets into a commercial district, killing three people.
2010.07.21 (Kishtwar, India) - Mujahideen beat a shopkeeper in his home in front of his family, then pull him out and shoot him.
2010.07.21 (Mosul, Iraq) - A woman is killed, and her child injured, by Jihadi bombers.

New York: Muslim Beheads Wife - Claims Victim Status (Human Events) "In a larger sense, Muzzammil Hassan's attempt to claim that he was actually the victim of the woman he beheaded is exactly like the jihadis blaming American foreign policy for the global jihad."

Murdered by Muhammad (Answering Infidels) According to Muhammad's own biographers, the prophet of Islam left quite a trail of blood.

The Gaza Strip Mall (FrontPage Magazine) Doesn't every refugee camp come equipped with the latest in designer fashions?

Muslim Cops for Muslim Neighborhoods (FrontPage Magazine) Germany admits defeat on its home soil - yet leaves the immigration spigot on.

Why Muslims Hate Jews (Vlad Tepes) It's all about the Islam, you see. Andrew Bostom explains.

Epidemic of Acid Attacks on Women in Pakistan (Islam Watch) A lot of effort went into this piece, which tries to draw attention to the plight of these ordinary women.

Black Slaves in Arabia Dream of Emancipation...

Jihad du Jour: Six Afghans Beheaded by Fundamentalists...

Man Assaulted for Reading Book Critical of Islam...

Islam Turned 'Hit List' Convert from Drinking to Jihad...

UK Religious Studies Teacher Savagely Beaten...

60-Year-Old Woman Spends 14 Years in Prison for Blasphemy...

Disgruntled Muslims Riot in France...Again...

Outrage as Thugs Bash British Man with Baseball Bat...

Iran Amputates Hands of Five Thieves...

Saudi Dad Chains 'Female Genie Possessed' Son in Basement for 6 Years, Reads Qur'an to Him...

Texas Woman Strangles Autistic Children...

All Malaysian Karaoke Bars Ordered Closed for Ramadan...

Muslim Pogrom against Pakistani Christians: Mob of 2,000...

Staten Island Convent Will Not Be Sold to Islamic Group...

German Memorials to Murdered Muslim Woman are Vandalized...

'Moderate' Indonesia Tears Down Church...

Survey: Polygamy Makes for Unhappy Families...

Israel to Return Flotilla Ships to Turkey without Conditions...

Seven Hindu Family Members Murdered in Their Home...

Angry Muslim Threatens Pool Lifeguard with Bowling Ball...

Plans Get Flushed for 'Muslim-Only' Toilets at UK Mall...

Disco Group Told Not to Sing 'Babylon' Song in West Bank...

Saudi Girl Drinks Bleach to Escape Marriage (Swapped by Father for 13-Year-Old Bride)...

Halal Cosmetics Launched...

UK Muslims Hot about 'Qur'an Slamming' Scene on TV Show...

Alaskan Weatherman Pleads Guilty to Drawing Up Hit List...

Bodies of Murdered Brothers Show Signs of Police Torture...

Cleric Insists that Soccer Logo Glorifies the Devil...

CAIR Makes Ramadan Demands of Electrolux...

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