Other then that, NEVER in the ENTIRE HISTORY of flight, did an ENTIRE jet simply DISAPPEAR after a crash over solid ground.
In fact, the simple rules of PHYSICS state that NOTHING can just disappear with out a trace.
Another fact; even after massive bomb explosions, investigators regularly recover bomb parts, and are able to ID all kinds of elements, including wire and battery type / make.
We’re talking TINY pieces recovered from MASSIVE blasts created by explosives such as C4.
Just a little memory jogger here not one piece of an airliner was found in either tower footprint. No trace of the two 6 ton jet engines, no trace of the wing plank center section, no trace of the horizontal/vertical tail structure, no oxygen tanks, no flight recorder, no voice recorder, no hydraulic cylinders, nothing. I mean where is all of that stuff?
Good question. Somehow 18 tons of jet engines (think the most advanced metallurgy technology achieved by the human race) just EVAPORATED into thin air.
Does anybody care to calculate the amount of ENERGY needed to flash vaporize 18 tons of titanium?
We’re talking about high temperature thermodynamics of what, 22 century?
The melting point of titanium is 3135 F, and I’m simply not aware of any existing technology which can flash vaporize that much titanium with out going thermonuclear.
So what happened to HUGE shafts and compressor discs from all those jet engines?
What happened to 18 tons of SOLID TITANIUM? Where is all of it?
Until I see a single serial number from ANY of those jet engines, nobody will convince me that any airliners crashed ANYWHERE on 9/11.
Wait did I say 18 tons of jet engines? I forgot about other flight that crashed, no engines recovered there as well, huh?
So was a SINGLE jet engine ever recovered from all of the crashes on 9/11?
TV 911 airplane fabrication - Eyewitnesses SAW NOT PLANES
WTC plane parts and engine debris
I have a few thumbnails scattered in this page. you can right click and open in a new window, for large photos.
WTC engine and tire debris from 9/11 planes
click for larger image
click for larger image
click for larger image
click for larger photo
Are these photos all of the same tire ?
in the "dusty" photos, it appears that the rubber is broken or torn.
in some other photos, it doesnt look this way?
Was the tire replaced ?
Also look closely at the axle and rim area, is this 2 different tires ?
click for larger image
click above-right for large photo of flight 11 window
Flight 175: Engine Manufacturer: Pratt & Whitney , Engine Model: JT9D-7R4D
Flight 11: Engine Manufacturer: General Electric , Engine Model: CF6-80A2
9/11 Pentagon WTC Debris, engine pics and photos more debris photos
Pentagon 911 theory analysis Pentagon page
911 theories news video and photo analysis Homepage
911 investigation video and photo analysis Pentagon and WTC
911 weblog backup for Brad
Debris, a collection of 9-11 photos
Even though this debris was supposedly found at the pentagon that day,
it doesn mean that all of this came from a 757.
There has been much contraversy as to the engine, and all other parts found that day as well.
Just bef=cause there is a photo of a "tire and rim", does not mean it came from that flight,
or even from what ever hit the Pentagon (if anything)
There has been little information, if any at all from our own government
that says that these (debris parts) are from Flight 77
There is little evidence that it was indeed flight 77
For an analysis of why i seriously doubt it was even POSSIBLE that a large aircraft hit the pentagon, see my page debunking Snopes....
Response to snopes pentagon "rumor" urban legend 9/11
(see below for boeing part found on hood of car near the WTC.)
rivet size and seperation, from a 767?
How far away are they from the Pentagon looking for debris? Why so far?
bio suit pic 8099
pic 8090
The picture above shows wreckage of what seems to be a small plane, missle, but whatever it is I dont think it came from a 757.
The picture below was titled "lawn2.jpg". Did this piece come from inside the ring and was moved, or was it a separate piece of debris?
pentagon hole closeups hi-res photo
Flight 77, the Pentagon
Click for Large
Pentagon Plane Rotor
before evidence was salted. Where is the airline letter "C" above ?
click hi res
CLick Large
WTC Flight's 11 and 175
Engine Parts
debris boeing september 11 photo
boeing debris found at WTC -aviation guys please helpLets Roll! 911 Made Simple :: View topic - HELP IDENTIFY Boeing
Is this part of a 757 engine?
Pentagon Engine Components
Small Turbine Disc -Pt.2
Photos and graphics showing the "letter" peice of debris found on the Pentagon lawn.
9/11 flight 77 American Airlines debris part pentagon
all of the pictures of debris from the WTC here...
wtc debris 9-11
boeing debris piece found on hood of car at wtc
This page shows the exit holes at the pentagon. One image enhanced and enlarged picture, shows a peek inside the ground floor of the Pentagon.
There is also a piece of debris that doesn't not seem consistent with the curvature of a 757.
Pentagon pictures 9/11 hole cable reels roof buiding wall pictures
Pentagon 9/11 analysis. Plane, missile or ?
Pentagon Attack
Pentagon Attack Damage
Pentagon Attack Debris
Pentagon Plane Rotor
Flight 77 Black Boxes
Pentagon 9/11 theory analysis Pentagon page
9/11 theories news video and photo analysis Homepage
9/11 investigation video and photo analysis Pentagon and WTC original batcave911 site
what do we know about the flight maps? Were the ATC or FAA duped ?
FAA flight maps september 11 planes ATC radar
no plane hit the pentagon on 9/11
analysis of the exit hole at the petagon
911review updates
911review del.icio.us
pentagon conspiracy theory sept 11 debris wtc september 11 debris photos
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