Friday, September 28, 2007

Microsoft BlueScreen Screen Saver

Microsoft has been famous and criticized for their BlueScreen of Death(BSOD). Most people of Windows 95, 98 era scariest nightmare is they saw BSOD.

But since Windows XP, Microsoft has greatly improved their OS and at Vista, I have been using for six months, I have never seen BSOD again.

As BSOD become a thing in the past, now Microsoft even made fun of it by releasing BlueScreen Screensaver. First time I know Microsoft has a sense of humor.

What's this screensaver?

Bluescreen cycles between different Blue Screens and simulated boots every 15 seconds or so. Virtually all the information shown on Bluescreen's BSOD and system start screen is obtained from your system configuration - its accuracy will fool even advanced NT developers. For example, the NT build number, processor revision, loaded drivers and addresses, disk drive characteristics, and memory size are all taken from the system Bluescreen is running on.

Use Bluescreen to amaze your friends and scare your enemies!

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