Capoeira – comes from African and Brazilian tradition, combat art gathering singing, dance and much acrobatic elements.
Created in XVII and XIX century by Brazilian slaves (the biggest agglomeration: Salvador, Rio de Janeiro) it became for them the way to manifestation their cultural separateness, the way of entertainment, game allowing to forget about everyday misery. It comes out from ritual dances of African tribes, joining their rhythms, characteristic positions (majority in Capoeira Angola) it also contains many cultural attributes characteristic for south-American Indians. New, modern (this modernization was started by Mestre Bimba and Senzala group) Capoeira contains many elements from real combat and self defense, acrobatics, punches and rebuttals.
From many other combat arts Capoeira stands out with dynamism and dancing smoothness. There are few static positions, though many kick and cuts. Strokes are blocked very rarely; capoeira offers many dodges and transitions.
With capoeira there is always ritual called roda (Portuguese ring, circle). Capoeiristas makes closed ring, which’s main element is orchestra – bateria. Players enters the circle in pairs, to carry on simulated fight – jogo, which really often morphs into a real fight. Others in the same time, with music and singing give whole the energy – axé.
The basic instrument used in roda is berimbau. Other instruments in bateria are: atabaque, pandeiro, agogo, reco-reco, Pau de Chuva (Rainy Stick).
The most popular styles of capoira are:
Capoeira regional – created by Mestre Bimba (1900-1974). Fast and dynamic, more practical in real combat. Due to its pageantry it’s most popular the Angola.
Capoeira Angola – traditional form, it contains less element characteristic for combat art, it’s more set to game, cooperation, dance. Created in XX century by Mestre Pastinha (1889-1981) to keep, restore traditional capoeira elements and was response to creation capoeira regional by Mestre Bimba.
Capoeira contemporanea or capoeira moderna – modern capoeira, which draws from tradition – regional and Angola, using various techniques and ways of training, called also capoeira atual but modern, newer.
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