First Punic war took place between 264 to 241 BC .The Punic War was the first of three major wars between Carthage and the Roman Republic. This war took place almost only on the territory of Sicily(north of the island was regulated by Carthage, south of the island by Syracuse which not depends on Latin league –was managed by the Roman republic). Carthage was a country which lied in north of the Africa ,on the territory of today’s –Tunisia, was founded by the Phoenicians in the from Tyre in ninth century before Jesus Christ was born. Carthage was a country which had very highly advanced navy, this navy could win with a Latin league navy .The main reason this war was a clash about city in the south of Sicily-Messina. This city was managed by Mamertines(a group of Italian which occupied Messina in 288 BC and after covered, kill all men in this town)which was risked by the Hiero II ,tyrant of Syracuse .Mamertines defeated in battle on the Longanus River in 270 BC and asked both Rome and Carthage about assistance. Carthage enforced Hiero to stopped fight with Mamertines and send to Messina garrison with her soldiers. Most of Mamertines which scared soldiers from the garrison asked for help to the Roman Republic and destroyed garrison from the Carthage. Hiero II made union with Carthage and both of armies started the siege of Messina in 265 BC. In 264 BC the Roman Republic army commanded by Appius Claudius Caudex(consul from 264 BC) first time leave Italian Peninsula and sailed on the triremes or pentekonters(ships which had 50 oars from two sides)to Sicily. When the Roman republic army landed on the Sicily, the war became an fact. The main exercise Roman army was destroy Syracuse as enemy which could risk Roman’s legion. The second part will be soon!
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