In 263 BC after landed the Roman Republic army commanded by new consul- Manius Valerius Messalla in Sicily win with Hiero II, tyrant of Syracuse in battle near the Messina. After that ,Roman army started huge march through all island. At first Roman republic army covered Handranon and Kentropia after that city-Catania immediately made peace with Roman’s. Most of cities went the same road like Catania made peace with Roman’s like for example Halaesa and Enna. Roman’s army had finally open road to one of the richest port on the Sicily-Agrigentum already in 263 BC. Roman’s army started a siege in 262 before Jesus Christ was born. The garrison of city Agrigentum request about assistance of Carthaginian forcements commanded by Hanno. The main exercise Hanno was destroy Roman’s army and disengage Agrigentum from siege. In 261 BC Agrigentum still defend when the Carthaginian army commanded by Hanno was coming. The battle of Agrigentum took place in 261 BC, the Roman republic army had 40000 infantry(two legions) commanded by Lucius Postumius Magellus against to Carthaginian army 50000 infantry, war elephants and cavalry (plus the garrison of Agrigentum) commanded by Hanno and Hannibal Gisco. Hanno deployed him strengths in two lines-first and second –infantry with elephants, wings-cavalry. When the Roman’s legions attacked war elephants from Carthage disorganized the Carthaginian formation. Roman republic army refused the Carthaginian first line. Carthage’s army started retread because enemy of Roman’s lost 3000 soldiers. Finally Roman Republic army captured big port on the Mediterranean Sea in 261 BC. The next part of story will be soon!
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