In 261 BC after the victory in battle of Agrigentum and capture this city Roman republic army continued offensive on towns ,which were under control of Carthage .In 260 BC two cities belonged to Carthage: Segeste and Makella made a revolution which end victory of rebels. Carthage immediately started a siege these two cities. Segeste and Makella asked about assistance the Roman Republic army which very fast came near this two towns and enforced Carthage’s strengths. In the same year on north of the island took place first naval battle in these war-battle of the Lipari Islands. Roman’s fleet commanded by Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio had about 17 ships against to Carthage’s fleet commanded by Boodes and Hannibal Gisco which had about 20 ships. Roman’s fleet wasn’t ready on naval battle because in Rome until built 150 quinquereme and triremes and immediately 17 ships was sent near the Lipari islands. Roman’s fleet without any experience sailed in ambush prepared by Carthaginian fleet. They blocked Roman’s and captured about 20 boats. Carthage won the first battle with Roman’s army. After that, Roman’s fleet rebuild very fast and in 260 BC attacked yet in battle near Mylae cape. Roman’s fleet commanded by Gaius Duilius had about 100 ships(in opinion of Polibius) against to Carthage’s fleet commanded by Hannibal Gisco which had about 130 ships. In this battle first time Roman’s fleet used new tactic-boarding. Roman’s attached bridges called corvi to ships of enemy and took over them. Roman’s destroyed big part of Carthage’s fleet(about 30 ships)lost about 5 boats. It was the first major battle which allowed unwind wings of Roman’s fleet. The next part of the story will not be soon!
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