Friday, November 19, 2010

AFI Fest...whimpers to a close! Rinky-dink film par-tay a joke!

At the end of last week, the AFI's circuit offering, limped to a sorry close in Los Angeles!

What was the general consensus of film-goers - who attended the much-anticipated red carpet previews - in the end scenario?

The annual oft-ballyhooed event lacked - oomphf! - in the final analysis.

And, it was in large part due to the hit-and-miss attitude of the organizers, who failed to recognize that the medium of film  is capable of - not only entertaining - but, uplifting the human spirit, as well.

In a nutshell, the AFI Fest staff didn't know "snuff" about the Hollywood film industry, its in's-and-out's, who the players were, or how to put on a quality show under the big top!

In fact, their idea of the Hollywood "Dream" factory was a nightmare, from the get-go!

For example - one piece of celluloid trash the AFI staff screened (which was conjured up by a demented first-time-out Danish filmmaker) - couldn't help but stir up a nasty controversy.

Post:  11/11/10

"Smut masquerading as Art," was the way I put it - and, believe me - most who attended the preview of the sick flick wholeheartedly agreed!

Bob Gazzale - "doesn't know his a** from a hole in the ground" - some loudly lamented about the current disreputable President & CEO (as I rubbed my hands with glee on the sidelines).

The assessment was bang on, if 'ya ask me!

And, the Fest suffered miserably as a result, in the final analysis.

Of course, the program was plagued with bad omens, from the very start.

At one panel discussion (focusing on young up-and-coming rising superstars in the film industry today) - mics persistently sputtered beneath washed out film clips - in the midst of incompetent staffers who attempted to steer the derailed program back-on-track with little success.

Post:  11/06/10

Actually, the fest's problems first festered up, when film buffs attempted to book tickets on the AFI web site which was ill-equipped to handle ticket reservations for the ten-day event to be held at a handful of prestigious venues such as Manns Chinese, the Egyptian, and-so-forth-and-so-on.

I was personally taken aback when tickets I reserved for - "The Black Swan", "Love & Other Drugs", and "The King's Speech" - were not forthcoming.

In fact, the ticket reservations vanished into thin air.

What a fiasco!

In the end scenario, I ended up with four tickets to Circus Kids, in spite of the fact I just ordered one lone ticket for the early morning screening at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood.

And, there were other snafus to contend with, as well.

For instance, I was issued double the tickets I requested for Mon Oncle, Hour of the Wolf, Amigo, an Industry Panel Discussion featuring up-and-coming stars (aforementioned), a Sony Seminar on 3D filmmaking, etc. etc.


Talk about a rinky-dink outfit, eh?

Film buffs who turned up later at the box office in person to sort out the snafus - like moi! - wondered aloud where the celebrated guest Artistic Director - David Lynch - was in their hour of need.

Certainly not at the helm, that's for sure!

Judging by the AFI promos that sputtered to life at a handful of screenings - then, off again - he was obviously off on a drunk somewhere!

Post: 11/06/10

Next year I'll pass, thank you very much, Mr. Gazale!

Mann's Chinese Theatre an AFI venue in 2010

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