Christopher Paolini wrote a great book. He was only fifteen when he made an "Eragon". The novel is about people, elves, dwarves, dragons. The author takes us to world full of magic and exciting events, even bloody battles.
We meet Eragon ehrn he's only fifteen (almost sixteen). He lives in small village, Carvahall in Alagaesia with cousin, Roran and uncle named Garrow. Eragon was hunting in mountain when he founded a dragon's egg. He didn't know that was a something special but he took it to the town.
In short time a dragon hatched from the egg. Eragon was shocked. With an old man, Brom he had to live his home to protect family and new friend. He named the dragon, Saphira.
Then was a lot amazing events and battles but i don't want to break you a suprise, so all you have to do is read the book!
I really admine Christopher Paolini for what he made. It't fantastic story and not much adults could and CAN create a novel similar to that one. I'm happy there are still a teenagers eho likes reading and also writting.
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