In 240 BC situation on all of territory of Carthage was stalemate because of financial tragedy this nation. Carthaginians Treasure wasn’t able to pay about 20000 mercenaries, who exactly in this year came from the Sicily. When the Carthaginians’ mercenaries were coming back from the biggest island on the Mediterranean sea, general Gesco the man , who was responsible of mercenaries made a plan, in my opinion very good plan thanked to which all of mercenary units from Sicily one at a time might went to the capital of Carthage for demobilization and payment. After that, every single person, who was soldier for Carthage might be sent to them houses, which might be lied through all Carthage in order to any mercenary didn’t know ,what wage got another soldier. That plan was excellent but very difficult to realize. Carthaginian government wasn’t ready for that decision so they suggested negotiations in order to pay less wages for mercenaries. Obviously it was hopeless decision thanked to which all of units from mercenary army started march to capital of Carthage. When they were approaching to Carthage the Carthaginian government last warning ,which said that mercenaries with their families and baggage trains had to retread themselves to city of Sicca Veneria(today El Kef in Tunisia)it was about 170 kilometers from the Carthage. In Sicca Veneria mercenaries ,who collaborated with Carthage give a list of their demands , on this list was written minimal wage for every soldier, who fought for Carthage in First Punic War.
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