so i shall start frm where i'd left off, THURSDAY.
but before i do, these were wed's pictures(:
yay, webcammiing is uberly fun,
especially when u play arnd with the effects.
&look, mouldy-Heeepo-frog's included in some of the pictures.
tsktsktsk, some kiddy brings it to school almost everyday.
Childish lah. :P

had UT in the morning,
managed to finish it just on time.
i'm pretty sure, i'll get ZERO for first qn.
had to do calculations, and my math is like beyond hope.
so when test ended, everyone was complaining.
stupidUT+irritating what-the-flamingo-are-we-supposed-to-do? PROGRAMMING= lots&lots of complaints+vulgarities.
but in the end, i managed to understand a little,
cos i asked for help from Dino during break 1, &he taught me.
So thanks to him(:
Oh&i wore long sleeved top+shorts&heels to school,
but decided to change to dress for the Runway thingy instead.
So during break 2, went with kris&Dino.
Catwalk+pose, phototaking+front,left,right profile+interview&questions.
Their question was just simply about the hair length& all,
so it was pretty okay.
Hair show runway's in July& i think its held at clubs.
changed back to shorts&all after school& went for welcome tea.
&i was being SABO-ed badly during the passing-of-parcel.
The parcel was being throwned to me repeatedly.
Dino,Cheeguan,Drexler&Shu's fault.
Luckily, Joel was nice, and didnt ask the emcee's to call me up on stage(:
Had food after games,
&that was when revenged took place(:
Rubbed the sauce on Dino's face,
with the rest grabbing him&holding him down.
Anyway, in the end, it waas fun lah(:
did RJ& we left to cwp to walkwalk.
Had icecream&then bused&walked back home.
Photo's from thursday(:
from Leeling's cammy.
had culture module.
its was a normal normal school day.
like every other school day.
that's why i said it was a normal school day.
I know im just crapping.
but im doing this because idk what to blog abt for friday.
OH!OH!OH! i know alr.
had IG practice ystr.
RAH i did practice okay!
but for a while only la(:
then shu&i went to slack&eat @ foodcourt.
went back to sports complex&watched Drexler&Korgordon play.
Left arnd 7.30pm plus,& trained to amk to meet Dino.
Then we cabbed down to cell.
left pretty late, &only reached back at 12.25,12.30am plus.
yepyep. that was abt all for ystr.
i'll be going to overseas with Mom&brother at the end of the mth.
&G will be coming too,
cos that's my mom's present to her.
So it'll be in celebration of Brother&G's birthday.
&right. My dad bought my brother a PSP.
wth, 6 year old only.
should like buy the nitendo dog one right.
hahaha, so i can play(:
&then Camp on 1st week, & overseas agn on 2nd week of June.
&what's rahh-rahh-ing is that, the next day after i return from overseas,
i'll have school.
Totally no time for anything else.
So i might take the day off from school(:
got to go church later.
i've been so busy everyday,
even though i prefer Poly more than secondary,
but really, poly's taking up like almost all of my time.
I leave house so early, and come back so late.
sometimes, i don't even get to see my father or brother,
cos they've not woken up when im leaving hse.
I don't even have time to watch TV.
& for fridays, its always cell&cell&cell.
&then saturday, church&church&church.
&maybe even bs.
physically&mentally&whatever-ly-you-could-think-off draning.
&this routine really sucks lah.
If i could pause time,
&do things i wanna do at my own pace, that'll be great.
but sadly i can't.
& i havent bought anything during shopping for a long long time,
i think.
except for ice-cream&food all.
How to? NO TIME.
im so lazy now, that somedays i wake up&feel like not going to school.
even though, i kind of like school, and class, and classmates&all.
&ystr, i was so lazy&tired, that for once, i didnt put any makeup at all.
&i was talking to Drexler while walking to Mrt ystr.
& listening to what he said,
haiya, i don't even know if im doing things right.
&i don't want to waste my time or regret next time.
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