After the battle near the Aegates Islands ,which took place in March 241 BC and ended decisive victory of Roman’s fleet , both countries decided to made a new peace on new terms. The Roman republic after 23 years of war became a main naval power on Mediterranean sea ,which was able to win with every fleet on this sea but a both nations were completely exhausted and ramshackle financially or economically. That was the main reason why did Rome and Carthage make a peace. Casualties for a both sides were heavy, after all 23 years of war Roman’s republic lost(according to many of sources) about 700 ships(many of them in the battles but some of them were sunk because of bad weather) and about 30000 soldiers(it was huge loss because disappeared almost nine legions of Roman’s army).Carthage lost about 500 ships(because of hopeless tactic thanked to which Carthaginians lost a lot of battles and of course thanks to decided faster and better Roman’s fleet)and about 20000 soldiers ,what was even for so big nation non-renewable in next a few years. Adrian Goldsworthy(very famous British historian) said ,that in this war Rome lost about 50000 citizens, what was for every town in ancient war very difficult to renewable. A both sides agreed on these terms of peace:-Carthage returned prisoners to Roman republic without any ransom,-Carthage evacuates from the Sicilian islands,-Carthage retreated from Sicily and didn’t attack on Syracuse holdings,-Carthage gave Rome republic Aeolian islands, Pantelleria, Linosa, Lampeduse, Lampione and Malta, -Carthage had to pay 3200 talents obviously immediately.
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