1.01 Systematics - Pulp Baby 4:39
1.02 Systematics - Nuts To You 2:42
1.03 Systematics - Product 2:24
1.04 Systematics - Numbers In General 1:57
1.05 Systematics - 2,4,5,T 2:20
1.06 Systematics - When I'm Older 2:13
1.07 Systematics - Flowers On The Wall 3:26
1.08 Systematics - Vanessa Teratology 2:51
1.09 Systematics - Dinner's On The Table 1:30
1.10 Systematics - Stuh Echipidah 4:12
1.11 Systematics - Mmmm 1:58
1.12 Systematics - Midnight On Balancing Day 3:19
1.13 Systematics - Die For My House 2:19
1.14 Systematics - International Voltage 1:58
1.15 Systematics - Bovine 2:20
1.16 Systematics - Fat Cows Go Down An Eastern Beach 1:46
1.17 Systematics - BBD 2:39
1.18 Splendid Mess - NASA Secret Anzac 5:06
1.19 Patrick Gibson - Bland A 5:02
1.20 Patrick Gibson - Church Of England TV 3:36
1.21 Patrick Gibson - Yeah OK 3:17
1.22 Patrick Gibson - Catatonic 4:42
2.01 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - Dead Travel Fast 6:33
2.02 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - Tael Of A Saeghors 4:42
2.03 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - The Dumbwaiters 4:12
2.04 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - No Threat 4:11
2.05 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - Copper Hats 4:29
2.06 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - Lovers Of Observatory Time 4:12
2.07 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - Speed 3:56
2.08 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - Twisting Toxic Forms 1:19
2.09 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - Fibrephone 1:42
2.10 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - Lumber 4:05
2.11 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - Sea Heads 4:44
2.12 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - We Sway In Our Boats 4:32
2.13 Makers Of The Dead Travel Fast, The - Fighting Baboons 4:04
2.14 A Cloakroom Assembly - Fossil Crash Sleeping 8:18
2.15 A Cloakroom Assembly - Trace And Rumble 2:11
2.16 A Cloakroom Assembly - Trace And Tumble 2:13
3.01 Scattered Order - Bent Up 2:11
3.02 Scattered Order - I'm Not Whole 2:32
3.03 Scattered Order - Pilot Reads Crosswords 4:41
3.04 Scattered Order - The Learn Useless Knowing 2:41
3.05 Scattered Order - Wronging Dogs With Ladders 2:34
3.06 Scattered Order - Hold My Cold Hand 2:41
3.07 Scattered Order - Heat 3:51
3.08 Scattered Order - Personal Safety 3:24
3.09 Scattered Order - Yellow Suit Weighing Machine 4:17
3.10 Barons, The (2) - Paint It Black 4:03
3.11 Height/Dismay - Girl From Ipanema 2:08
3.12 Height/Dismay - Mother's Footsteps 3:12
3.13 Height/Dismay - Picnic On The Nile 2:11
3.14 Prod - A Brick Short 3:30
3.15 Prod - Walkers Walk 2:08
3.16 Prod - N.W.O.B. 4:50
3.17 Prod - Coming Attractions 1:10
3.18 Prod - Fish Hook 3:11
3.19 SoliPsiK - See Saw 2:25
3.20 SoliPsiK - Chamber Musik 3:10
3.21 SoliPsiK - Zombod 3:05
4.01 Ya Ya Choral - Waiting Time 3:19
4.02 Ya Ya Choral - Cowboys Are Pt 2 3:23
4.03 Ya Ya Choral - No Control 2:16
4.04 Ya Ya Choral - Nonsense 2:46
4.05 Ya Ya Choral - Jolly Work 2:33
4.06 Ya Ya Choral - My Friend The Chocolate Cake 2:30
4.07 Ya Ya Choral - You Ruined My Fun 2:18
4.08 Ya Ya Choral - God's Buzzsaw 2:55
4.09 Belle Du Soir - Treasure Island 2:22
4.10 Belle Du Soir - Ultramarine 1:45
4.11 Pel Mel - Click Click 2:51
4.12 Wild West - Pelican 2:19
4.13 Limp, The - Pony Club 2:46
4.14 Tame O'Mearas - Curl Curl 2:20
4.15 No Night Sweats - Harry Wong's Cat 2:54
4.16 Denial - California Dreaming 3:11
4.17 Same, The - Why 2:34
4.18 Slugfuckers - Dolphins ? Fish 4:34
4.19 Pleasant Peasants - Pussman Polka 2:36
4.20 Severed Heads - Eat Roland 3:42
4.21 Terse - Hello M Squared 2:18
4.22 M Squared - Hello Terse 2:3
'The M Squared label operated in Sydney, Australia from 1980 to 1983. Founded by Mitch Jones and Michael Tee of seminal noisemakers Scattered Order, and quickly joined by Systematics' Patrick Gibson, the label produced 24 vinyl and seven cassette releases over three hectic years. It all took place in a modest recording studio in an inner city terrace house.
The M Squared catalogue, then and now, is resistant to classification. Contemporary journalists tagged it experimental, electronic and avant-garde – shorthand for 'not what the rest of us are listening to'. In hindsight it's been described as post punk, minimalist, synth wave, no wave, synth pop, ambient, noise, pop electronica, art rock... whatever. Genres were never the point, and many M Squared artists took more than one approach to their music.
During the label's brief lifespan, Sydney's inner city was home to a great variety of sounds that existed almost completely outside the mainstream. M Squared, its artists and supporters had, over the intervening 30 years or so, been largely unacknowledged as a small but vibrant episode in the story of Australian music.
This 30-year anniversary set includes tracks from Systematics, The Makers of The Dead Travel Fast, Scattered Order, Ya Ya Choral, A Cloakroom Assembly, Patrick Gibson, Prod, Pel Mel, Wild West, SoliPsiK, The Limp, Tame O'Mearas, Severed Heads, Height/Dismay, Belle du Soir, The Slugfuckers, The Same, Splendid Mess, Pleasant Peasants and The Barons. In addition, a 36 page booklet contains a label history, recollections from the bands involved and unpublished photos. And to slip under your glass as you sit comfortably for a listen, a set of commemorative drink coasters. Cheers'
==> perch merch <==
aint seen this cracker on any of the hep year end best-of lists, but i reckon this kinda ish is destined fer dustbin status regardless of who might wave the freak flag. pound fer pound, some of the freshest takes on the mutagenic, post-punk, synth-wave strains to date, featuring several of the most original Oz bands evvver. the makers of the dead travel fast are of course my heroes, but i spin the rest with freq & am forever hipping youngsters to virtually every weirdo on here. please support the label & bands by perching the merch & honour their memory by including em on future mixes/playlists :) 320 rips
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