Firstly, I am super excited that my parents got me the lovely Estee Lauder Double Wear eye set. The cute little pouch contains a concealer, dual ended liner (one end is black, the other brown) and a Double Wear mascara. I'm obsessed with Double Wear eyeliner, but have tried neither the concealer nor the mascara, so I'm really looking forward to giving these a try. Saying that, the mascara will be alternated with another mascara, for reasons listed here!

Secondly, and the one I'm so excited about is something I never thought I'd see again. A few months ago, I wrote about how I managed to recreate my favourite perfume, the sadly discontinued Marc Jacobs Blush, by combining a couple of Sanctuary moisturisers. As lovely as this combination is, it's nowhere near as intense as the real thing, so you can imagine how stunned I was to unwrap this on Christmas morning...

My Mum scoured the globe and eventually uncovered a gift set with a stockist who had one solitary box left. That box turned out to be one of the most wonderful, thoughtful and precious gifts I've ever received. Thank you, Mum. Christmas is such a special time of year, and although it's nice to be indulged and to get lots of lovely treats, I would be content with this one box. It's so wonderful to receive a gift like this: one that shows the person buying it knows you inside out, and would go to such trouble to find the one thing that you thought you'd lost.
So, these are my favourite gifts; what were yours?
Finally, some happy news, and a little glimpse into my silly world. My dear friend and former flatmate Patrick got engaged over Christmas and I couldn't be happier for him. When we lived together, he fell for my beloved childhood teddy, and did a fabulous job of creating a rather decadent, delinquent personality for him. Anyway, when I heard Patrick's news, I couldn't help but get Pooch in on the act, and below is the aftermath of his private celebration, complete with Breakfast at Tiffany's fantasy, the cork of his champagne bottle, saved for good luck, and the obligatory Holly Golighty glasses. Congratulations, Pats! x

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