Friday, March 4, 2011

Christchurch Time Capsules

Secrets from the past under Mr. Godley's statue:
During last week's earthquake, Godley's statue crashed down - and then, under its plinth, workmen found the two time capsules.

...However, the glass container shows there is parchment inside, recording perhaps the events surrounding the region when it was placed under the statue.

Just when that was remains a mystery.

...There were two opportunities for them to have been placed under the plinth, the earliest time being when the statue was first erected in 1867.

It was moved in 1918 to make way for a tram shelter and toilets - later demolished - and the statue was then returned to its original site in 1933.

Irishman Godley, known as the 'Founder of Canterbury' - the district in which Christchurch is located on the South Island - travelled in Ireland and North America, developing ideas about how colonies should be established and governed.

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