Friday, March 4, 2011

West Hollywood...all-male gay City Council looms on horizon! Political times are-a-changing!

A candidate for West Hollywood City Council - known for hanging an effigy of Sarah Palin on his roof during the 2008 Presidential Race - is running alongside five other fresh faces in the upcoming election on Tuesday.

John Heilman - the current Mayor (a City Council bench-warmer since 1984 when the boon town was first incorporated as a "gay" city) - is fighting for his seat with two fellow council members (Abbe Land and Lindsay Horvath).

The bid for power in WeHo - affectionately known to the locals as "gay gulch" - is expected to be a contentious battle right up until the last ballot is cast.

In the event the six upstarts nab three available seats, WeHo would make history for voting in the country's first all-male gay City Council.

Subsequently, there has been an outcry from a handful of the locals.

"Certainly it would be quite unique and historic. But straight women and lesbians are feeling like - "If these guys get there who is going to look out for us" - one resident piped up a bit indignantly to one media outlet.

On the other hand, quite a few contented WeHo males are happy with the status quo, and the way the city is growing.

Even still, candidates have been focusing their debates on parking restrictions, over development in the neighborhood (too many unsightly odd-ball Condo Units, for example, in place of quaint cottages that were once the norm), and the need to preserve LGBT culture in the community.

Personally, I'm all for new "blood" in City Council chambers!

Getting folks out to the polls will be key in accomplishing that task!

See 'ya there!

WeHo image of being a par-tay town!

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