When the Catulus was waiting for Carthage’s fleet near the western Sicily, Senate promoted Catulus on proconsul ship in 241 BC. Carthaginian fleet came near the Aegates Islands in March 241 BC .Hanno II the Great determined ,that fleet should stay near those islands and waited for favorable wind thanked to which they could sail faster to the port city Lilybaeum. The Carthaginian fleet was observed by Roman scouts all the time, messages were conveyed to the proconsul ship of Roman’s fleet ,who decided ,that he didn’t block his enemies. On the morning March 10 241 BC the wind started to be favorable for Hanno II the Great ,who immediately determined to set sailed. Roman’s fleet was in dangerous in that moment because the wind wasn’t be for it favorable so Catulus ordered stripped masts from Roman’s boat in order to ships didn’t move and he also ordered to put unnecessary out of the ships. Catulus himself couldn’t clamp down on the battle because he was injured so in this situation ships were commanded by praetor Quintus Valerius Falto. In this battle about victory of Roman republic fleet decided many of experience in past naval battles of Catulus ,who determined before a battle that all unnecessary equipment had to be put out of the ships thanked to which Roman’s fleet was decided better and faster than very heavy with a lot of men’s and equipment Carthaginians fleet. Roman republic fleet lost in this battle about 30 ships, what was a big success for beginner fleet, which was built from money of wealth citizens. Carthaginians fleet lost about 50 ships and 70 ships were captured by Romans it was dishonor for one of the best fleet in the ancient world. This battle decided about all First Punic War because after that Carthaginians offered to make a new peace, which ended this long war between the biggest countries in ancient Europe-Carthage and Roman republic.
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