Carthaginian’s guerilla hold on territory of Sicily for almost eight years but it was too small success in order to won with certainly better Roman’s republic army. Soldiers from Carthage’s army were so exhausted that they couldn’t fight for next several years. Hamilcar Barca had only few units soldiers, what didn’t allow on fight on the battlefield. This stalemate situation ended at the battle of Aegates islands, which took place on the western coast of the Sicily in 10 March 241 BC. Roman’s republic fleet commanded by Gaius Lutatius Catulus(consul in 242 BC) had about 200 ships and stood against to Carthage’s fleet commanded by Hanno II the Great(very wealthy Carthaginian aristocrat ,who defeated in battle of Agrigentum and Cape Economus) had about 250 ships. Roman republic for eight years made very modern fleet, which was sponsored by wealthy citizens of Rome because they wanted to show their patriotism. They gave money on about 200 quinqueremes , which were also equipped and crews got money for sailed, those ships were also prepared on very unfavourable weather and had corvus(that was to say bridges to boarding). The new Roman’s fleet was ready in 242 BC so Catulus sailed with fleet to block port city Lilybaeum and he also wanted cut supply, communication lines for Hamilcar Barca. Rest of the year Roman’s fleet waited on answer of Carthaginians.
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