Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gamaliel at the White House

VIDEO of Gamaliel Pray to Obama and the Prophet Jeremiah Wright - 'Hear our cry. Hear our cry. Deliver us'
Obama has long been linked — through foundation grants, shared political activism, collaboration on legislation and tactics, and mutual praise and support — with the Chicago-based Gamaliel Foundation, one of the least known yet most influential national umbrella groups for church-based “community organizers.” (Stanley Kurtz)
Discover the Networks:
Predicated on the notion that America is a land rife with injustice, the Gamaliel Foundation (GF) trains activists in techniques and methodologies for effectively bringing about social change. The Foundation models itself on the principles of Saul Alinsky, who authored the books Reveille for Radicals (1946), The Professional Radical (1970), and Rules for Radicals (1971).GF takes a strong stand against current homeland security measures and immigration restrictions. In September of 2003, for example, GF's Director of Civil Rights for Immigrants described the Patriot Act as an "attack on immigrants." Moreover, GF seeks to persuade the U.S. government to "legalize and provide rights to tax-paying [illegal] immigrants in this country.” "We support any immigration legislation," adds GF, "that secures the civil rights of all immigrants; leads to the legalization of undocumented persons; provides for full labor protection and labor rights of immigrants; ends the inhumane detention and warehousing of asylum seekers; ends deportation for minor offenses; encourages family unity; provides security of our borders; includes humane border enforcement policies; [and] protects the civil liberties of all people."

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