Friday, July 31, 2009

Hit of the week hoezen

Hit of the week hoezen ( Nederlands) (Sunday) Hit of the week covers (English)

Kwetsbare 80-jaar oude platenhoezen.
Hans Koert

Hit of the weeks zijn kartonnen platen, die 80 jaar geleden wekelijks in de Verenigde Staten werden uitgebracht en de populaire nummers van de dag, de Hits van de week, bevatten. In Nederland verschenen ze niet wekelijks, maar een paar maanden later. Veel bekender was hier de Engelse Durium serie met zang van o.a. Al Bowlly. Tot ver in de jaren zestig kon je ze in grote stapels vinden op rommelmarkten .......... nu zijn ze alleen nog bij verzamelaars te vinden.

Een stapel kwetsbare Hit of the week hoezen.

Af en toe wordt er op de 78-list weer eens over de Hit of the week geschreven dor de echte verzamelaars; komkommertijd-in-78-toeren-land. Meestal gaat het dan over ( of eindigt het met) de problemen die het afspelen geven (de kartonnenplaat is meestal nogal kromgetrokken) en hoe dit wordt opgelost. Dankzij een berichtje van Cliff B. afgelopen week, waarin hij meldde een stapel puntgave Hit of the weeks met spiksplinternieuwe hoezen gevonden te hebben, ging de discussie over de hoezen. Hij had foto’s ( en geluidsfragmenten) van deze vondst op zijn website geplaatst.

Restanten van een vroege Hit of the Week display (1930), die, rechtop gezet, in de krantenkiosk stond.

De discussie leerde dat de meeste 78-toerenverzamelaars niet wisten dat de Hit of the weeks hoezen gehad hadden – niet zo vreemd overigens, want doordat de hoezen gemaakt zijn van dun, erg kwetsbaar papier, zijn ze meestal al lang vergaan; ze waren duidelijk niet voor de eeuwigheid gemaakt. De meeste Hit of the Week verzamelaars vonden hun platen dan ook zonder hoes, of is envelop een betere benaming, aangezien de hoezen net als bij enveloppen een flap hebben. Maak niet uit hoe het heet – ik noem het gewoon hoezen ………..
Toen de eerste Hit of the weeks uitgebracht werden in het
voorjaar van 1930 hadden ze nog geen hoes. Ze werden in een soort display in de krantenkiosk gezet. Heeft er, overigens, ooit iemand een foto van een krantenkiosk gevonden uit begin jaren dertig met zo’n display of een reclame uiting van Hit of the week? Als je zo iets hebt, hou ik me aanbevolen voor een foto of scan. Er zijn, overigens, wel een paar hoezen uit dat eerste jaar bekend, maar het lijkt erop dat die alleen voor export of speciale projecten gebruikt werden.

De meeste hoezen zijn tegenwoordig in slechte staat vanwege het kwetsbare papier.

Nadat de Durium Product Corporation failliet gegaan was (zomer 1931), kreeg het een herstart als Durium Products Incorporated en richtte zich op een aantal vernieuwingen, die voor die tijd revolutionair waren.

Eén van die nieuwigheden was de “dubbele speelduur”, de 78-toeren plaat, die 5-minuten speelde: A new five-minute Hit-of-the-week with almost twice the playing time of the average record at your news-dealer’s next Thursday ( = Een nieuwe vijf-minutenplaat met een bijna dubbele speelduur van de gemiddelde plaat, nu elke donderdag bij je krantenkiost ) (gesproken reclametekst op de eerste 5-minuten platen) en …………. de platen werden in hoezen gestopt – hoezen met daarop de titel en band naam – ook iets wat begin jaren dertig nog niet vaak gebeurde. Hoezen waren vaak saaie bruine kartonnen of papieren hoezen – soms met een advertentie van een grammofoonwinkel.

Deze foto bevat hoezen uit 1932, het laatste jaar dat Hit of the week actief was.

Er zijn, in feite, drie verschillende typen hoezen bekend bij de Hit of the Week plaat:

  • 1. De grote muzieknoot
  • 2. De artiestenhoes
  • 3. De tekening met het (gestyleerde) Hit of the Week orkest.

Later zal ik meer over deze drie typen hoezen vertellen.

Deze bijdrage is ook geplaatst (in het Engels) in de Hit of the week blog

Hans Koert


-Blogger is back to its usual shit. DAMN.-

My op date's been confrimed, hospital ward and all booked.
finally decided to do it after so many years of hesitation etc etc etc.
Hence, i'll probbly be skipping the school's Macau trip (if there is).
anyway, there alottttttt of pigeons there, i heard!

Alright, short update today.
Gotta eat lunch & out to meet Terry.

Stucked with another dilemma (ARGH, AS USUAL!),
Contemplating whether to get that pair of muji slippers.
Can't find the picture anywhere on the web though.

I like it cos of the surface material & all,
which is usually v hard to come by.
Will totally be suitable for me, even more useful after the op!
Not just like any flip flop kind of slipper.
But i've been buying many slippers recently:(
49$ buckaroos, & i'll be even more broke.
YES OR NO?!?!?!

plusplusplus, if i purchase that pair and combine the receipt w Terry's purchase yesterday,
It'll be more than enough to apply for the MUJI card!

hate such situations.

Allá lejos

Cabreros los indios de verdescuela,
feroces audacias de niño sin dios
cambiaban la suerte de mala en ninguna
y la ramplona tabla de sexo y mentiras

Eva LaRue

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Olá pessoal, venho avisar que deviado a falta de tempo, venho atualizando o blog poucas vezes como todos já perceberam pois estava cuidadndo dos links off. Mas decidi apagar todos.

De agora em dianteestarei aceitando novos comentários para conserto de links!

Fran O’Toole –Clap Your Hands And Stamp Your Feet

Fran O' Toole 8th February 1947 -31st July 1975

Fran O’Toole –Clap Your Hands And Stamp Your Feet/Drift Away –Emerald –MD.1179 (1974 IRL)
As part of the ongoing saga of chronicling the countless versions of CYHASYF that appeared around the world, here is the Irish version that was actually a top hit in Ireland in 1974. It’s a really good version with a different restrained stomping arrangement on the chorus and a key change at the end. This version has the added poignancy of what happened to Fran O’Toole who also sang and played keyboards for The Miami Showband. That name is still synonymous with one of the more horrifying outrages that occurred during “The Troubles”.

Fran was murdered on the 31st of July 1975 during an ambush by the UVF along with Miami Showband members Brian McCoy and Tony Geraghty -Read the story here:

There is a later Miami Showband single (under the name Miami) Reelin’ N Rockin With Susie (Mint), which features a similar, but inferior re-working/re-mix of CYHASYF on the B side.
Hear a full version of Clap Your Hands And Stamp Your Feet

I hung my art work at Paradigm Health today...
here are some pics....

Eva LaRue


Quitapalabra rondaba la sien,
rumiaba una pena vestida,
una que surge vacía y se llena
de pieles de magos, de sal,
de rompecadenas, de aliento,
de marcas de fuego rotundas.

Quitaletras visital mudo de miedos.

if you are in Frankfurt...

"Wo so viel sich hoffen läßt,
Wird der Abschied ja ein Fest."
Goethe, "Trauerreglement" (GW2, Dtv '77 edition, p.399)

Hi there, it has been a long time since I made a post here. Reasons are unknown to me, I couldn't come nearby. Distraction followed my steps (and like a lacanian psychoanalyst replaced the cause of my discontent). Ergo, again I continue*.

I am in frankfurt (this is the 4th week) and will be so for the end of August (learning german). If you around here, I would be very happy to meet (in a way, be my tandem partner). I wonder where are the intelligentsia, anarchists, communists... if you ahve time just e-mail to "farkyarasi1 _at_ gmail [dot] com"

and I'm reading three critiques in a row here am main, companies are welcomed with Turkish tea in thermos.

I'll write later, in a longer piece, my reflections on the german book world and bookstores (especially about the ironic coupling of two figures as bestsellers: Sloterdijk & Habermas. Is there anyone who knows how many Du musst dein lebern andern [sloterdijk's latest book] has been sold? It is in every bookstore in the bestseller shelf)

by the way, as my bibliomania reached to a coma-level here, here is the books that I have bought (I paid 3.6 euros at average, wunderbach! / "[...]" refers to the number of volumes / I put * to my favourites)

*Athaenaeum: eine Zeitschrift von A.W. & F. Schlegel < Die bibliophilen Taschenbücher [2]
Schiller - Werke in drei Banden < Hanser [3]
Goethe - Gesammelte Werke < Dtv [18]
*Robert Walser - Gesammelte Werke < Suhrkamp [12]
R.M. Rilke - Gesammelte Werke < Insel [9]
Kant - Drei Kritike < Suhrkamp [4]
Karl Jaspers - Was ist die Philosophie? < Piper
Sloterdijk - Versprechen auf Deutsch < Suhrkamp
Sloterdijk - Du musst dein Lebern andern < Suhrkamp
Sloterdijk - Kritik der Zynischen Vernunft < Suhrkamp [2]
Sloterdijk - Der Zauberbaum < Suhrkamp
Sloterdijk - Im Weltinnenraum des Kapitals < Suhrkamp
Sloterdijk - Eurotaoismus < Suhrkamp
Blumenberg - Shiffbruch mit Zuschauer < Suhrkamp
Blumenberg - Der Verführbarkeit des Philosophen < Suhrkamp
Blumenberg - Wirklichkeiten in denen wir leben < Reclam
Marquard - Abschied vom Prinzipiellen < Reclam
*Adam Soboczynski - Versuch über Kleist < Matthes&Seitz
Schiller & A.W. Schlegel - Der Briefwechsel < Dumont
Jean-Luc Godard - The Future(s) of Film < Verlag Gachnag & Springer
Gadamer - Der Anfang des Wissens < Reclam
(ed.) Das Ende der grossen Entwürfe < Suhrkamp
(ed.) Seminar: Familie und Gesellschaftstruktur < Suhrkamp
(ed.) Seminar: Literatur- und Kunstsoziologie < Suhrkamp
Norbert Elias - Über den Prozess der Zivilisation < Suhrkamp [2]
Norbert Elias - Mozart < Suhrkamp
*Dieter Henrich - Nach dem Ende der teilung. Über Identitaten und Intellektualitat in Deutschland < Suhrkamp
Peter Handke - Wunschloss. Unglück < Suhrkamp
Peter Handke - Über die Dörfer < Suhrkamp
Hondrich - Enthüllung und Entrüstung: Eine Phanomenologie des politischen Skandals < Suhrkamp
Fichant & Pecheux - Überlegungen zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte < Suhrkamp
*Sandkühler - Praxis und Geschichtsbewusstsein < Suhrkamp
Heydorn - Zu einer neufassung des Bildungsbegriffs < Suhrkamp
*Rudolf zur Lippe - Bürgerliche Subjektivitat: Autonomie als Selbstzerstörung < Suhrkamp
Henri Lefévbre - Der Dialektische Materialismus < Suhrkamp
Kracauer - Das Ornament der Masse < Suhrkamp
*Micheal Müller - Die Verdrangung des ornaments. Zum Verhaltnis von Architektur und Lebespraxis < Suhrkamp
Karl Kraus - Theater der Dichtung < Suhrkamp
*Asja Lacis - Revolutionar im Beruf < Rogner & Bernhard
Husserl - Ideen zu einer reinen Phanomenologie < Meiner
Wolfgang Borchert - Das Gesamtwerk < Rowohlt
Herfried Wünkler - Imperien < Rowohlt
Cassirer - Idee und Gestalt < Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt
Freud - Bildende Kunst und literatatur < Fischer

" 'Vernunft' ist im Kern - und nicht nur peripher - die Unterwerfung unter die maxime der Selbsterhaltung" Blumenberg in 'die verführbarkeit...'

eadem mutata resurgo

Jean-Luc Nancy made a comment on a post published here (not joking)

Jean-Luc Nancy (yes he, himself) made a comment here

" the photo of mine with the article is from the photographer'


please have her name shown near the photo - thank you

jean-luc nancy"

This made me return to blogging. Thanks.
I don't know how I silenced my sneeze since I saw it for the first time.

Of the Sublime: Presence in Question [made in istanbul]

Librett's labor yielded such a masterpiece that its invisibility is not without reason. In this wonderfully worked out volume, he translated Cerisy essays by

Jean-luc Nancy
Philippe Lacoue-labarthe
Jean-François Courtine (very rare in english)
Michel Deguy
(the goddess) Elaine Escobar
Louis Marin

burn down the letters, let pages get blind, for sublime is a terror and syncope, there remains for you, the task: laugh.


Rosenzweig - Understanding the Sick and the Healthy

Understanding the Sick and the Healthy: A View of World, Man, and God

Rosenzweig's Understanding the Sick and the Healthy is a rare gem of a book. The importance of Rosenzweig's work-like that of Walter Benjaminis only now beginning to emerge. Like Wittgenstein, Rosenzweig explicitly undertakes to provide a therapy that will liberate the reader from philosophical questions as they arise. Three features of Rosenzweig's little book now seem ahead of their time: first, his desire not to eliminate the wonder with which philosophical questioning begins; second, his insistence on reconceiving and thus preserving the traditional subject-matter of metaphysics; and third, his seminal thought that wonder within that nexus could be expressed within a life lived according to the liturgical calendar of Judaism, with its alternation between profane and sacred time?
--Paul Franks, Indiana University, Bloomington

Product Description
Franz Rosenzweig, one of the century's great Jewish thinkers, wrote his gem of a book in 1921 as a more accessible prcis of his famous Star of Redemption. An elegant introduction to Rosenzweig's "new thinking," Understanding the Sick and the Healthy was written for a lay audience and takes the form of an ironic narrative about convalescence. With superb simplicity and beauty, it puts forth an important critique of the nineteenth-century German Idealist philosophical tradition and expresses a powerful vision of Jewish religion. Harvard's Hilary Putnam provides a new introduction to this classic work for a contemporary audience.

(putnam wrote an introduction to this,sorrily it's a total self-celebration)


Koch - Siegfried Kracauer: An Introduction


Jean-Pierre Vernant - Myth and Thought among the Greeks [made in istanbul]


Jean-Pierre Vernant - Myth and Society in Ancient Greece [made in istanbul]


Charles Taylor - Hegel [made in istanbul]


Calvin O. Schragg - God as Otherwise than Being

"Gebe Gott uns allen, uns Trinkern, einen so leichten und so schönen Tod!" from (my dear) Joseph Roth's 'Die Legende vom heiligen Trinker'


All Is Quiet...

A wise man once told me that the ocean is always calm before the storm and this is what we have here with the Phil Kessel situation. Mum is the word on Causeway St. and one can only wonder what Peter Chiarelli is going to do moving forward. There are a few options here.

1.) Phil Kessel signs a low-ball deal under the $1.3 million that the Bruins have available under the cap (if this happens Satan skates to work from that point on).

2.) Another move is made to clear cap space to sign the Bruins top goal scorer (see: Aaron Ward/Derek Morris).

3.) Kessel gets packaged in a trade because the Bruins know they are out of options and want to get some kind of tangible value for him this season.

4.) Kessel signs a qualifying offer sheet from an opposing team and the Bruins get draft picks.

Those are primarily the options right there. I, and everyone else wondering, truly have zero clue as to what Chiarelli & Co. are planning as they run a tight ship over there at the TD Garden. That is a true sign of a strong and stable front office. My gut feeling is that option two happens. Chiarelli has expressed in the past that he would love to keep the rising star in Boston and I truly believe he feels that way. Kessel's all around game is progressing and he is still just 21 years old. Chiarelli needs to find a way to keep him in Boston.

What does your gut tell you?


AustinSurreal "Vacation" Almost OverSXSW 2010 Kicking into full swing

Hey just a quick note. Been dealing with some family stuff in my home town. My damn laptop is messed up and photoshop won't work. I will get back to blogging hard after the 1st of August.

Splain later, maybe.

But ummmmm, if you are reading this, and you make music, you need to know that we begin taking applications for SXSW MUSIC showcases on MONDAY AUGUST 3rd. Go to or and see how you can do just such a thing. The earlier you get in, the better. Helps me, helps you and helps me to help you, and such. So yeah, get your shit in ASAP.

OK for now I am going to go back to cleaning an old country house and listening to classical music.

Szondi - Introduction to Literaray Hermeneutics [made in istanbul]

better than sex.

read Peter Szondi.


Haar - Heidegger and the Essence of Man [made in istanbul]

This is poetry, erdichten bitte Herr Haar.


Avineri - Hegels Theory of Modern State [made in istanbul]

I think this is still one of the best book written on state(s) of Hegel (qua Marx)

Adorno - Three Studies on Hegel [made in istanbul]



Hyppolite - Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit [made in istanbul]


Kracauer - Form Caligari to Hitler [made in istanbul]

enjoy this masterpiece


Rabinow - Essays on the Anthropology of Reason [made in istanbul]


Jean-Luc Nancy - Dis-Enclosure: Deconstruction of Christianity [made in istanbul]

This book is a profound and eagerly anticipated investigation into what is left of a monotheistic religious spirit—notably, a minimalist faith that is neither confessional nor credulous. Articulating this faith as works and as an objectless hope, Nancy deconstructs Christianity in search of the historical and reflective conditions that provided its initial energy. Working through Blanchot and Nietzsche, re-reading Heidegger and Derrida, Nancy turns to the Epistle of Saint James rather than those of Saint Paul, discerning in it the primitive essence of Christianity as hope. The “religion that provided the exit from religion,” as he terms Christianity, consists in the announcement of an end. It is the announcement that counts, however, rather than any finality. In this announcement there is a proximity to others and to what was once called parousia. But parousia is no longer presence; it is no longer the return of the Messiah. Rather, it is what is near us and does not cease to open and to close, a presence deferred yet imminent.In a demystified age where we are left with a vision of a self-enclosed world—in which humans are no longer mortals facing an immortal being, but entities whose lives are accompanied by the time of their own decline—parousia stands as a question. Can we venture the risk of a decentered perspective, such that the meaning of the world can be found both inside and outside, within and without our so-immanent world?The deconstruction of Christianity that Nancy proposes is neither a game nor a strategy. It is an invitation to imagine a strange faith that enacts the inadequation of life to itself. Our lives overflow the self-contained boundaries of their biological and sociological interpretations. Out of this excess, wells up a fragile, overlooked meaning that is beyond both confessionalism and humanism.


read at least "blanchots god"

Marder - Dead Time: Temporal Disorders in the Wake of Modernity (Baudelaire and Flaubert) [made in istanbul]

Marder - Dead Time: Temporal Disorders in the Wake of Modernity (Baudelaire and Flaubert)


new link

“This book is stunning in its ability to range widely and effectively over some of the most important, contested, and misunderstood regions of contemporary literary and cultural theory. A major and most welcome contribution to the study of two great canonical French authors, it is also a subtle but cogent intervention in the ongoing attempt to define and theorize a relation between the catchall concepts ‘modernism’ and ‘postmodernism.’”—Kevin Newmark, Boston College

Product Description
This book explores how modernity gives rise to temporal disorders when time cannot be assimilated and integrated into the realm of lived experience. It turns to Baudelaire and Flaubert in order to derive insights into the many temporal disorders (such as trauma, addiction, and fetishism) that pervade contemporary culture.

Kant - Critique of Practical Reason [made in istanbul]


Deleuze - Cinema 1&2 [made in istanbul] - new scan, page by page




links renewed

Cacciari - Architecture and Nihilism [made in istanbul]

Massimo Cacciari at its best


for a wonderful introduction to the Cacciari & Tafuri on architecture

Sassen - A sociology of globalization [made in istanbul]

Heidegger - GA 4 - erläuterungen zu hölderlins dichtung, erläuterungen zu hölderlins dichtung.pdf

Heidegger - GA 11, identität und differenz, identität und differenz.pdf

Heidegger - GA 14 - zur sache des denkens, zur sache des denkens.pdf

Heidegger - GA 10 Der Satz vom Grund Der Satz vom Grund.pdf

Heidegger - GA 6 - Nietzsche, band 2 6 - Nietzsche, band 2.pdf

Heidegger - GA 5 - HOLZWEGE 5 - HOLZWEGE.pdf

Heidegger - GA 54 - Parmenides 54 - Parmenides.pdf


Heidegger - GA 3 - Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik 3 - Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik.djvu

djvu file



Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yamekraw - a rhapsody in black and white

Yamekraw - een rapsodie in zwart en wit (Nederlands) Yamekraw - a rhapsody in black and white (English)

The story of a Negro Rhapsody by James P. Johnson.
Hans Koert

Porgy and Bess – Metropolis – Mississippi Suite – Broadway at Night – Grand Three Shades of Blue and Rhapsody in Blue. All well known compositions, suites labelled as Modern American Music – White men’s symphonic jazz of the 1920s up to 1940s as played by Paul Whiteman, composed and arranged by George Gershwin and Ferde Grofé.

Duke Ellington can be labelled as the black African –American who composed numerous suites and concert works in symphonic jazz, like Reminiscing in Tempo, Black and Tan Fantasy, Black, Brown and Beige and the lesser known Symphony in Black and New World A-Comin’. But what about titles like Yamekraw, a Negro Rhapsody, Tone Poem or Symphony Harlem? Titles of suites, orchestral works, now forgotten, but written by a composer, whose name you won’t associate with this kind of music: James P. Johnson.

A few months ago the book Ellington Uptown, written by John Howland, was published by the University of Michigan Press in its series Jazz Perspectives. ( ISBN-13: 976-0-472-03344-4 ).

The full ttitle of the book is: Ellington Uptown - Duke Ellington, James P. Johnson and the Birth of Concert Jazz – The Story of the African American contributions to the symphonic jazz vogue of the 1920s through the 1940s.
In more then 300 pages John Howland describes the development of the symphonic jazz, a style of music, that has been very popular in the first half of the XXth Century. Most people will know about the popularity of Paul Whiteman’s concert music, but also African-Americans had their symphonic jazz, with Duke Ellington as the most well known icon of this music style. But what about James P. Johnson? Most of us remember James P. Johnson as te father of the stride piano and I remember collecting piano roll music on Joker and Biograph LPs when I was a young adult, fascinated by the mechanical reproduced and rather stiff and mechanic syncopated sounds from the past.

James P. Johnson - Charleston (1925)

When James P. Johnson made his first recordings in May 1921 he was in his twenties and became known as a stride piano player, but in fact he started to play the piano in clubs long before since 1913. During the 1920s he developed into one of the best Harlem stride piano players, a model for numerous followers, but also started to compose more "serious"(?) works, like the music for the Broadway musical Runnin' Wild. He also started to compose large-scale orchestral works, like the 1927 Yamekraw, which was a piano rhapsody to be comparable with Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue.

A concert of Yamekraw by Fats Waller in Carnegie Hall ( 27th of April 1928) (click on the picture to enlarge) (photo in negative)
In 1928 it was performed on stage of Carnegie Hall as part of a W.C. Handy concert in a version with orchestra, featuring Thomas Waller, nicknamed Fats due his dimensions, at the piano. In fact, it had to be James P. Johnson behind the keys, the composer himself, but James P. was also performing at his Keep Shufflin' musical and wasn't allowed to take a day off - so, …………Fats did the honours. The most pretentious number of the evening was termed a Negro Rhapsody, Yamekraw, written by James P. Johnson, and evidently, from the name, intended to typify life in the old Yamecraw section of Savannah, Ga. Fats Waller was again featured at the piano ... ( review in The New York Age on the 5th of May, 1928)
In his book, John Howland reserves many pages to describe the cultural background of Yamekraw, subtitled A Rhapsody in Black and White ( mind the similarity with the title of Rhapsody in Blue).

Howland's analyses. (click on the photo to enlarge) (photo in negative)
In 1930 the music was used into a Vitaphone short, titled Yamekraw, in which James P. Johnson seems to play the piano himself, although he is not visible in the film. In his book John Howland unravels the sources of certain themes used in Yamekraw - James P. borrowed themes from musicians like Perry Bradford and other black blues musicians from the 1920s.
Thematic borrows or stolen stuff? - samples, as we label that today.( Click on the photo to enlarge) (photo in negative)

As far as I know James P. Johnson recorded the tune just one time, in 1944, now available on a Folkway LP; Yamekraw - a Negro Rhapsody - ( in four movements). I love to introduce you to the fourth movement!!

There has been some contemporary releases from this Yamekraw Rhapsody in Black and White, recorded by Marcus Roberts and the members of the Orchestra of St. Luke's and the Lincoln Centre Jazz Orchestra ( June 1995) and one played by William Allbright. I found a life performance, in two parts, by Richard Alston; both fragments conclude this blog.

Thanks to Ate van D., a Dutch Jazzhistorian, I learned that Yamekraw has been performed at one of the Dutch Jazzweken (= Jazz weeks), by an orchestra of the VARA-radio networks during the 1930s. No more info available at the moment. Who can help?
The book, Ellington Uptown by John Howland, brings you a thorough study about the Birth of Concert Jazz. It's a rather scientic publication, with transcriptions of several recordings and list of stolen themes, but also gives a lot of addtitonal information interesting for the average jazz fan like you and me. And what about the extensive descriptions of Duke Ellington's suites, all well known? If you are interesting in this part of the American musical heritage this book is a must. I hope to use it more often in coming blogs. Get you copy today ...........

Hans Koert

Oscar Aleman Choro Music Flexible Records Hit of the Week-Durium Keep Swinging News Letter Keep Swinging Contributions

Half day school!

( the killer country with SO MANY PIGEONS)

Hello Hello,
Blogger's finally working like how it had always been.
Today is half day school for me,
because i'm going to the hospital for the op consultation.
Finally, after waiting such a long time,
& bearing with the torture for all my life.
I wna get it over and done with Asap!

Off to meet Junhao to train down to vivo to have lunch ltr, before the appt.
Argh, he still has many many modules which he can skip.
& After he told me about Lance's course,
It made me feel like my current course was a wrong choice!
okay lah, not as if i've nvr thought of that before.
Its either i quit and change school, or stay & bear with it.
The same old dillema. GAH

Will be going to crab party tmr night to celebrate my dad's bday!
& on sat, going over to help Zen with the decoration of the cinema.
& sunday, Her birthday celebration at engwah.

So many birthdays coming up,
& i'm already so broke.
Damn, where did all my $$$$$$$$ go off to, without informing me!!?!?!?!

I love you.............................................................................. and money,
& fun & many other things! LOL.

A Clean Desk is a Sign of a Sick Mind

My desk at the end of the day.

Eva la Rue Bond's Hot 30

Fan de Vanes

Fábrica SIAM, julio de 2009.

Happy Birthday SES!

Lets play at the ocean today! Hope you have a great day!

Monday, July 27, 2009

What Really Happens after Defendants are Diverted from Jail

Yamekraw - een rapsodie in zwart en wit

Yamekraw - een rapsodie in zwart en wit (Nederlands) Yamekraw - a rhapsody in black and white (English)

Een verhaal rond een Negro Rhapsody, een symfonische jazzstuk van James P. Johnson.
Hans Koert

Porgy and Bess – Metropolis – Mississippi Suite – Broadway at Night – Grand Canyon Suite - Three Shades of Blue and Rhapsody in Blue; allemaal bekende composities, die je zou kunnen labelen als "Moderne" Amerikaanse Muziek ( met "modern" tussen aanhalingstekens)Blanke symfonische jazz uit de jaren twintig en de decade daarna gespeeld door bands als die van Paul Whiteman, gecomponeerd en gearrangeerd door George Gershwin en Ferde Grofé.

Duke Ellington hoort bij de zogenaamde African Americans en bekwaamde zich eveneens in de symfonische jazz met suites als Reminiscing in Tempo, Black, Brown and Beige, Black and Tan Fantasy en de minder bekende Symphony in Black en New World A-Comin’. Maar hoe zit het dan met nummers als Yamekraw, a Negro Rhapsody, Tone Poem of Symphony Harlem? Titels van suites, orkestwerken, nu helemaal vergeten, maar geschreven door die andere grote zwarte componist van American Music en symfonische jazz: James P. Johnson.

Een paar maanden geleden verscheen het boek Ellington Uptown, geschreven door John Howland, en uit
gebracht bij de University of Michigan Press in haar serie Jazz Perspectives. ( ISBN-13: 976-0-472-03344-4 ). John Howland is Assistant Professor of Music aan de Rutgers University.

Het boek heeft als volledige titel: Ellington Uptown - Duke Ellington, James P. Johnson and the Birth of Concert Jazz – The Story of the African American contributions to the symphonic jazz vogue of the 1920s through the 1940s ( = Duke Ellington, James P. Johnson en de geboorte van de Concert Jazz - het verhaal van de bijdrage van de Afro-Amerikanen aan een populaire muziekstijl. ).
In meer dan 300 pagina’s beschrijft John Howland de ontwikkeling van de symfonische jazz, een muziekstijl, die erg populair was in de eerste helft van de XXste eeuw, gecomponeerd door de Afrikaanse emigranten. De meesten onder ons kennen wel de “blanke concertmuziek” van Paul Whiteman, maar ook de Afro-Amerikanen hadden hun symfonische jazz, waarvan Duke Ellington ongetwijfeld de bekendste componist is. Maar wat doet James P. Johnson daarbij? hoor ik je denken. Wie herinnert James P. Johnson niet als de vader van de stride-piano, waarvan ik vroeger eindeloos kon genieten, luisterend naar die stijve mechanische pianomuziek, gefascineerd door de techniek van de rollen met gaatjes, zoals die heruitgebracht waren op LP’s van Biograph of Joker.

James P. Johnson - Charleston (1925)
Toen James P. zijn eerste opnamen maakte in mei 1921 was hij al achter in de twintig en kreeg hij bekendheid als pianist, maar we vergeten dan vaak bij die eerste platenpioniers, dat ze vaak al een tijdje bezig waren. James P. speelde al in 1913 als barpianist in clubs en maakte pianorollen. In de jaren twintig ontwikkelde hij zich tot de beste Harlem stride pianist, maar ging zich ook toeleggen op het “meer serieuze” werk, zoals de muziek voor de musical Runnin’ Wild. En hij waagde zich, eind jaren twintig, aan grotere orkestwerken, Yamekraw uit 1927, eigenlijk een piano rapsodie die vergelijkbaar was met Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue is daar een mooi voorbeeld van.
Uitvoering van Yamekraw door Fats Waller in Carnegie Hall ( 27 april 1928) (klik erop om de foto te vergroten) (foto in negatief)
In 1928 werd het opgevoerd in Carnegie Hall als deel van een avondvullend W.C. Handy concert als orkestwerk, met op de piano Thomas Waller beter bekendd, vanwege zijn postuur, als Fats. Het was de bedoeling geweest, dat James P. Johnson zelf de pianopartij had gespeeld, maar hij speelde ook mee in de Keep Shufflin' revue en kreeg geen avond vrij daarvoor ……….. dus mocht Fats de honneurs waarnemen. The most pretentious number of the evening was termed a Negro Rhapsody, Yamekraw, written by James P. Johnson ( = Eén van de belangrijkste nummers van de avond was de Negro Rhapsody, Yamekraw, geschreven door James P. Johnson), and evidently, from the name, intended to typify life in the old Yamecraw section of Savannah, Ga. ( = en, vanzelfsprekend, afgaand op de titel, beschreef het nummer het typische leven in een klein dorpje in de Yamecraw regio in Savannah Georgia) Fats Waller was again featured at the piano (= Ook nu speelde Fats Waller de pianopartij. ... ( recentie in de New York Age 5 mei 1928))
( ook nu ....... Fats speelde ook in eerdere nummers tijdens de avond o.a. het nummer Beale Street Blues). In zijn boek reserveert John Howland heel wat pagina’s aan het uitpluizen van de culturele achtergronden van Yamekraw, dat de bijtitel A Rhapsody in Black and White had gekregen ( Let op de overeenkomst met de titel Rhapsody in Blue).

De door Howland geanalyseerde opnamen. (klik op de foto om hem te vergroten) (foto in negatief)
In 1930 werd de muziek in een muziekclip, een Vitaphone short, getiteld Yamekraw uitgebracht, waarin James P. Johnson de pianopartij speelt, maar blijkbaar niet zelf in beeld komt. In zijn boek wijst John Howland erop dat er nogal wat thema’s uit het nummer “geleend” waren van composities uit de jaren twintig van musici als Perry Bradford en andere zwarte bluesmuzikanten.
Thematic borrowings - samples heten die tegenwoordig geloof ik, maar daar hadden ze toen nog geen woord voor. ( Klik op de foto om die te vergroten) (foto in negatief)

Voor zover ik heb kunnen nagaan maakte James P. Johnson maar één keer een plaatopname van het nummer dat heruitgebracht werd op een Folkway LP. Yamekraw - a Negro Rhapsody - ( in four movements). Luister maar eens naar een deel van die opname - het slot: the fourth movement !!

Het nummer is verschillende keren uitgevoerd en vastgelegd op plaat: Yamekraw Rhapsody in Black and White, opgenomen door Marcus Roberts en de leden van het Orchestra of St. Luke's and the Lincoln Centre Jazz Orchestra ( juni 1995) en een keer gespeeld door William Allbright. Ik vond een uitvoering, in twee delen, door Richard Alston – beide delen vind je hieronder.

Het boek Ellington Uptown door John Howland is zo’n boek dat boordevol informatie staat over deze, vergeten periode uit de Amerikaanse jazzgeschiedenis.
Het is een wetenschappelijke publicatie geworden, met uitgeschreven transcripties en van maat tot maat uitgeschreven uitvoeringen – erg technisch allemaal, maar daar tussen interessante hoofdstukken "voor leken" over m.n. de ontwikkeling van de suites bij Duke Ellington. Ik zal binnenkort zeker nog meer onderwerpen uit dit prachtige boek boven bespreken. Bestellen dus..

Hans Koert

Oscar Aleman Choro Music Flexible Records Hit of the Week-Durium Keep Swinging News Letter Keep Swinging Contributions

mark your calendars.....

The first annual "Art of Abundance" show & sale is scheduled for Sunday Sept 20 from 11 am to 5 pm. It will be a great group show of some fantastic art, jewelry, wands, home decor, clothing and much more...hope you can come!
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Axe Heads To Sweden

After 797 career NHL games, all with the Boston Bruins, PJ Axelsson is heading back to his motherland to play professional hockey in the Swedish Elite League. Axe has been with the Black and Gold since 1995...amazing.

McKeon's Take: I will miss Axe dearly in a Bruins uniform. He left everything out on the ice and always did so many thankless jobs out there. I will look forward to him (hopefully) playing in the Olympics this coming February for Sweden and wish him the best of luck going forward. We'll miss you Axe!

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Djavan - Por eles

  1. Linha do Equador (Ao Vivo) - Caetano Veloso
  2. Samurai - Ed Motta
  3. Oceano - Tim Maia
  4. Se... (Ao Vivo) - Banda Eva
  5. Lilás - Cidade Negra
  6. A Ilha - Chico Buarque
  7. Açaí - Os Paralamas do Sucesso
  8. Nobreza - Ney Matogrosso e Luiz Avellar
  9. Azul - Orlando Morais
  10. Fato Consumado - Zé Renato e Ricardo Silveira
  11. Topázio - Paulinho Moska
  12. Maçã do Rosto - Lenine
  13. Estória de Cantador - Dominguinhos
  14. Luz - Cláudio Zolli e Arthur Maia
Clica aí!!