Monday, November 30, 2009

New Podcast! Hosted by DJ's Eva & Elena!Giving Thanks atEnchanted Rock!

Oh Okay now for real this week man, for real, it really went down!

In so many ways, but the real reason for this post tonight is THE LATEST PODCAST! Yeah, I got Eva and Elena to sit in on this one, selecting music, talking on the mic, we just went in and knocked it out. Warning, this is not a hip-hop podcast IT'S A WORLD MUSIC PODCAST. World Music Podcast #5 I think.


And here's the track list. Me, Eva and Elena presenting the jams.

Grimy Styles - Spectre (Austin, TX)
Tuh-nie & Gnaws - Numbla (Austin, TX)
Oy - Positivili (Ghana / Berlin, Germany)
Oy - Snake (Ghana / Berlin, Germany)
Anti-Pop Consortium - Lay Me Down (New York, NY)
Joe Gideon & The Shark - Civilization (London, UK)
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth - Conjirin (Austin, TX)
Melt Banana - Loop Nebula (Tokyo, Japan)
Maruosa - Death Stretch (東京都, Japan)
Maruosa - Muscle Spark (東京都, Japan)
Brownout - Slinky (Austin, TX)
Snapline - Jenny (Beijing, China)
Tone/Kristian Ravn-Ellestad - I Am Long (Denmark)
White - Conch Crunch (Beijing, China)
Stereo Heroes - Kick It (France)
Future Blondes - (Houston, TX)

Anyway yeah it went down I hope you enjoy it. I found my new co hosts.

And this past Thanksgiving we took the quick one and a half hour drive out to Enchanted Rock. Left at 8:30 and arrived at 10 a.m. Drove right in, parked, and as we were walking to the base of the trail we looked back and the entrance was 30 deep with cars. The park ranger told us it started filling up after 10 a.m. on Thanksgiving. We made it just in time.

(From the website linked above: "It is one of the largest batholiths (underground rock formation uncovered by erosion) in the United States.")

It's really not a hard hike at all, and what a view when you get to the top.

The walk up is quite interesting as well.

And you can take a break whenever.

As evidenced by this photo.

It's a quick trip from Austin or San Antonio, and a beautiful experience. And it's just outside Fredericksburg, one of my favorite little old towns in Texas. Maybe cuz they have such nice Bier Gartens and such.

Had a Texas Schnitzel (Deep fried pork cutlet with melted cheese, sour cream, guacamole and ranchero sauce on top), saurkraut, German potato salad, and a magnificent potato soup at the Auslander. But neglected to take a photo.

But we took some photos in the city square where they had recently unveiled this pyramid, made specially for the city by some folks in Germany. I don't know the whole story but the thing is really cool.

So yeah I guess it's Christmas.

Holiday Jams Podcast Volume 1 Coming Soon.

Bill Usher: Ik reed de bus met Graeme Bell (1952)

Bill Usher: I drove the Graeme Bell coach (1952) ( English) - Bill Usher: Ik reed de bus met Graeme Bell (1952) ( Nederlands)

Negentigjarige buschauffeur zoekt contact met legendarische Australische bandleider.
BILL USHER: Ik reed de bus met GRAEME BELL (1952)
Bill Usher - Hans Koert

Deze Keep Swinging blog wil de fascinatie en herinneringen aan jazz en jazz-verwante muziek delen met de bezoekers van deze site. Bill Usher, nu 90 jaar oud, woont in Canada, en vond al surfend deze blog en wilde zijn herinneringen aan de band van Graeme Bell, die hij in de jaren vijftig rondreed door Groot Brittanië met de bezoekers van deze blog delen.

Graeme Bell and his Australian Jazz Band (ca 1950)

Graeme Bell is een haast legendarische Australische bandleider en pianist, die één van de populairste dixieland bands uit de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw leidde. Hij is nu vijfennegentig jaar oud en nog steeds actief, voor zover mogelijk, met het promoten van zijn muziek. Dit jaar, bijvoorbeeld, verscheen een dubbelcd met al zijn op plaat vastgelegde composities. Je leest er meer over in de bijdrage: Graeme Bell - Al zijn composities vastgelegd. Hij bezocht Europa voor het eerst eind jaren veertig en maakte indruk op het World Youth Festival in Praag. Hij trad op in de Leicester Square Jazz Club in Londen, wat een groot succes bleek, omdat hij "nieuwe" muziek maakte op traditionele wijze, waarop je kon dansen - natuurlijk speelde hij ook wel het oude dixielandrepertoire, zoals Cakewalkin' Babies Back Home of de Muskrat Ramble, maar die kregen dan die speciale Australische touch mee: a happy Aussie outdoor feeling werd dat genoemd. Dankzij deze creisde hij in de jaren vijftig nog verschillende keren door Europa, waaronder tournees met zijn Australian Jazz Band met Roger Bell, Geoff Kitchen, Ade Monsbourgh, Pixie Roberts, Lou Silvereisen, Norman "Bud" Baker, Deryck "Kanga" Bentley en John Sangster.

Een voorbeeld van zo'n traditional, gespeeld door Graeme 's Australian Jazz Band ( London Febr. 1951) - Oh When The Saints

Bill herinnert zich één van die kleinere tournees, waarin hij de bus mocht besturen, die hen van de ene club naar de andere bracht. Zijn tocht ging door Noord Engeland, het land waar hij toen met zijn vrouw woonde en werkte. Hij herinnert zich deze week, ondanks zijn hoge leeftijd, als een hele speciale gebeurtenis en hoopt dat Graeme Bell zelf, met wie hij via deze blog contact gezocht heeft, de gebeurtenissen herinnert. filmposter: The Clouded Yellow (1950)
Bill herinnert zich deze week als volgt ( in vertaling): Ik ben nu 90 jaar oud en heb nog steeds een goed geheugen, zowel het korte- als het lange termijn geheugen is nog prima en ik herinner me deze zevendaagse trip als was het gisteren. Bedankt dat je me de mogelijkheid geeft na zoveel jaar weer contact te krijgen met Graeme. Als je ouder wordt, heb je de neiging om terug te kijken naar die goeie oude tijd. In de jaren vijftig van de vorige eeuw was ik zo gelukkig om gevraagd te worden de bus te besturen met daarin de "Aussie" Jazz Band van Graeme Bell voor een korte tournee door Engeland. Mijn vrouw Doris, ze is nu helaas overleden, mocht mee en ik zal nooit die mooie zonnige zondagmorgen vergeten toen we, nadat de band en de bagage ingeladen was, op weg gingen naar de eerste club - de Montfort Hall in Leicester. Toen het eerste avondoptreden begon was ik helemaal in mijn element, want Dixieland was ( en is nog steeds) mijn favoriete muziekstijl. We reisden verder naar Stockton on Tees, waar we 's middags eerst naar de film gingen: The Clouded Yellow, met Trevor Howard, Jean Simmons en Anouk Aimee, die voor een groot deel in dit gebied ( Lake District in Noord Engeland) gedraaid is. Daarna gingen we een biertje drinken in een plaatselijke pub, voordat we gingen eten en de band moest optreden. Daarna naar Carlisle en, zoals het bij een goeie chauffeur van een tourbus betaamt, liet ik ze, en passant, de mooie plekjes van het Lake District zien - we hadden veel lol onderweg want de bandleden waren stuk voor stuk geschikte kerels. What a crazy bunch these Aussie guys were (= Wat een stel, die Australiërs), maar naar gelang we verder in de week kwamen gingen we elkaar steeds beter begrijpen en waarderen, vooral op muzikaal gebied.

Nog zo'n nummer van Graeme Bell uit 1951. Deze keer: Bullant Blues ( London, juli 1951)

Ik vraag me af, Graeme, of je je nog herinnert dat we in Carlisle stopten en dat je bij een tweedehandslegerdumpzaak wilde kijken. Je kocht er een camouflagejas, met van die vlekken en die had je aan toen je weer in de bus stapte. Toen we even later stopten om te eten bleef je in de bus zitten en had je allemaal kussens onder je jas gepropt, zodat je op een zwerver leek. Toen we terugkwamen in de bus leek het alsof er een vreemdeling in de bus zat, met een hoed en een pijp in zijn mond - we kwamen niet meer bij .....
Donald Peers
De volgende club was de Coronation Ballroom, Bellevue, Manchester. Na de show gingen we eten en snel naar het hotel, the Midland. Het was een raar gebouw met ramen die uitkeken op een steeg. Later hoorden we allemaal geluiden van de bovenste verdieping en ramen die open- en weer dicht geschoven werden en de één of andere idioot, die vanaf boven riep: "Stop" that noise up there ( = Hou op met dat lawaai), nog meer geschuif van ramen en nog meer geschreeuw. De volgende ochtend ontdekten we dat het Graeme zelf was geweest ............ Daarna op weg naar de Imperial Ballroom. (Lancs. ). Toen kreeg Graeme een bericht van Jimmy Bell ( geen familie), de roadmanager, dat hij op de eerst volgende zondag om half drie 's middags met de band in London moest zijn in de State Cinema, de grootste bioscoop van Engeland, om te repeteren voor het concert van die zondagavond met zanger Donald Peers. Je reactie was duidelijk: Who the h--- is Donald Peers" (= Wie is in vredesnaam Donald Peers); Donald Peers was toendertijd de populairste music-hall ster van Engeland. Toen we aankwamen bij de State, was hij er nog niet - alleen zijn pianist, dus jullie waren niet erg blij. Helaas zat voor ons de trip met deze geweldige Australische Jazz Band er op en met pijn in ons hart namen we afscheid. Maar, zelfs na 58 jaar herinneren we ons die week nog als de dag van gisteren.

Een copie van de foto die Bill van Graeme kreeg ( alleen zonder handtekeningen) ( Bill Haesler archief)
We kregen van jullie een gesigneerde foto met alle bandleden erop, maar die heb ik, helaas, ergens gelegd waar ik hem niet meer kan vinden; het zou mooi zijn als je nog een vervangend exemplaar voor me had; ik zie nog steeds al die gezichten op de foto voor me. Great talking to you Cobbers!! Bye for now and Good Health to all .
Bill Usher ( Canada) (vertaling: Hans Koert)

In deze zelfde periode gaf Graeme Bell een concert met Big Bill Broonzy in Duitsland. Je vindt hier een kort fragment uit de film Big Bill uit 1953, waarin je Graeme Bell en Big Bill Broonzy op tournee ziet ( in zo'n nostalgische jaren vijftig bus).

Dankzij Bill Haesler kan ik hieronder ook de ractie van Graeme Bell, nu 95 jaar oud, geven. Hij heeft geen internet, dus belde hij met Bill:

( 28 november, 2009) (in vertaling:)

Hij belde me zojuist op om te zeggen hoe geweldig hij het vond om zijn geheugen na 60 jaar weer eens te kunnen trainen met al die leuke anecdotes uit zijn drukke en met veel vrolijkheid omgeven muzikale carriere. Hij kon zich het camouflagepakverhaal niet meer herinneren noch het verhaal van de ramen zoals Bill dat vertelde, maar ze passen wel in die wilde vroege jaren: "We were all larrikans.", een Australische uitdrukking. Graeme herinnerde zich nog wel het concert van Donald Peers, waarbij hij tijdens de tweede helft van het concert in de zaal zat, luisterend naar deze voor hem volkomen onbekende populaire zanger. De manager van Graeme Bell's band, Mel Langdom, had het gerucht verspreid dat Graeme Donald Peers zou begeleiden - daar klopte helemaal niets van, maar goed, misschien dat het geholpen heeft wat meer bezoekers te trekken. Graeme herinnerde zich nog wel een jong zangeresje, maar is haar naam vergeten. Volgens Graeme moet de kwijtgeraakte foto die met de band zijn, waarbij hij in het midden zit met wat bladmuziek in zijn handen. ( = de foto hierboven). Graeme zal kijken of hij nog ergens een copie kan vinden daarvan en die voor Bill signeren; helaas kunnen de anderen niet meer tekenen want van de andere muzikanten leeft er niemand meer. Met de hartelijke groeten van Graeme Bell ( en ik (= Bill Haesler)) (vertaling: Hans Koert)
Groeten Bill

Hans Koert

Dit soort herinneringen over "die goeie ouwe tijd" zoals Bill Usher het noemt, kom je niet vaak tegen - toch zijn dit soort verhalen waard om vastgelegd te worden. Als je dit graag leest of eerdere bijdragen en je wilt grag "bij" blijven, word dan vriend van de Keep Swinging blog en ontvang regelmatig een nieuwbrief met de laatste bijdragen. Je kunt je hier aanmelden.

Oscar Aleman Choro Music Flexible Records Hit of the Week-Durium Friends of the Keep Swinging blog Keep Swinging Contributions

More Hip-Hop Shows In Austin This Week Than Maybe Anywhere Else On The Planet

Which is or is not a good look, I am not sure. Some good shit coming through tho for sure.

And all this is happening in the city that just lost its main "urban" radio station two weeks ago. Seriously, Hot 93 just disappeared into thin air. Not sure why, no one seems to know why, but it's not cuz there's no fans of "urban" music here.

Maybe they should have played more real hip-hop. Anyhoo, I don't know, but check this shit out. Click each flyer to see it full size.

Del the Funky Homosapien Dec. 1 at Aces

Young Buck Dec. 1st at Fuze

SEA Nominee Party Dec. 2 at Firehouse

Dorrough Dec. 3 at Aces

Aesop Rock Dec. 4 at Mohawk

Curren$y Dec. 4 at Aces

Dubb Sicks CD Release party with C-Rayz Wallz and more at The Scoot Inn!

Gorilla Zoe Dec. 6 at Aces

I mean seriously. I guess because of the position I am in, I hear a lot of talk about hip-hop in Austin and what it is and what it isn't. But real talk, it's pretty freakin' vibrant. New York City probably doesn't have as many hip-hop shows per year as we do, and I am not exaggerating. Per capita, that's for sure, but I am thinking real numbers here. It's always goin' down around these parts. I probably missed something in this post even, and we aren't even mentioning the weekly club nights.

Anyway, hope y'all can get out and about this week and support some of these shows!

Nina Dobrev High Quality Photos

>>Download Here<<

Date of Birth
9 January 1989, Sofia, Bulgaria

Birth Name
Nina Const Dobreva

5' 6½" (1.69 m)

Mini Biography

Nina moved to Canada at the age of two and has lived in Toronto, Ontario since. From a very young age she showed great enthusiasm and talent for the arts: Dance, Gymnastics, Theatre, Music, Visual arts, and Acting! Modeling jobs led to commercials, which then turned into film auditions. Shortly after, she booked roles in feature films "Fugitive Pieces", "Away From Her" and the popular television series "Degrassi: The Next Generation" on CTV.

Nina loves to travel and has often visited Europe both for pleasure, as well as competing internationally representing Canada in Aesthetic gymnastics. She enjoys playing volleyball, soccer, swimming, rock climbing, wake boarding, snowboarding, and horse back riding to name a few.

But above all acting is her passion, and she sees it as an adventure that has just begun; she believes that the journey and the characters we create along the way will help us understand ourselves.

Eva larue Celebrities leaving TV GUIDE Magazine's Hot List Party at SLS Hotel


Alineación a la izquierda
Dibujo de Malena Díaz, noviembre de 2009.

Is it Intrinsically Noble to stand between the Reviled and society?


BUT, that doesn't make a defense attorney's job any less noble.

Let's be clear here, we're not talking about people charged with something he didn't do; representing that person is clearly noble. We're not talking about someone overcharged or in danger of being over-punished; representing that person is noble. Nor are we talking about representing the immature, the mentally ill, a person who steals to eat. It is clear that standing between society and these people is intrinsically noble.

What we're talking about here is a Reviled One. Picture the most deservedly hated person you can think of. This is the person we're talking about (someone like the BTK killer, a 9/11 terrorist, the guy who ambushed and killed the four officers yesterday). He is a member of the small group of deservedly reviled and there is nothing intrinsically honorable or or noble in protecting him from society.

And yet, the defense attorney who takes that job and does the absolute best he can in defense of that person is noble.


(1) Because these cases are the ones which pose the greatest danger to society. If there isn't someone out there fighting tooth and nail for Reviled One these cases will inevitably end up with losses of rights and protections. These are the cases wherein everyone is going to cut corners, ignore rights, and crush protections in order to get to vengeance as quickly as possible. Someone has to stand in front of that bulldozer and frustrate its destruction of the rights and protections of all on the way to destroy the Reviled One.

(2) Because there is no way that society can be just if the Reviled One doesn't have the ability to access, understand, and properly avail himself of all the societal protections. A defendant cannot really represent himself well in court. Even if he is bright, he isn't experienced. Legal research is fairly arcane and even if he has access to a decent law library in the jail (unlikely) he is almost assuredly going to miss important things. He doesn't know written court rules. He definitely doesn't know the unwritten rules of practice, which vary depending on State, region, courthouse, and judge. Without an attorney even the brightest, most capable person is not going to receive a fair trial. By giving Reviled One all the access to laws, rules, procedures, and protections he should have the defense attorney provides an honorable and noble service.

Defense attorneys do serve justice. One could even say that they "seek justice" just as much as any prosecutor does. And I now say it. Defense attorneys seek justice. It's not the straight forward justice that prosecutors enjoy. It's a more esoteric form. Defense attorneys advocate for short term injustice and in the process they assure societal justice in the longer term. That's either seeking justice or having it occur as an unintended, collateral consequence. Forgive me if I'm a bit of an idealist, but I choose to believe that defense attorneys are seeking overall justice, not just providing it by accident.

Carly Simon

For details about the Carly Simon/James Taylor participation in the “No Nukes” concert album please browse the Blog Archive for the James Taylor entry under “November 2009” or go to:

Carly Simon - Playing Possum
Elektra 7E-1033 (1975) - US LP

Side One

1 - After The Storm
2 - Love Out In The Street
3 - Look Me In The Eyes
4 - More And More
5 - Slave*

Side Two

6 - Attitude Dancing
7 - Sons Of Summer
8 - Waterfall*
9 - Are You Ticklish
10 - Playing Possum

Carly Simon - Vocals, Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Background Vocals
Lee Sklar - Bass (5, 8)*
Klaus Voorman - Bass
Willie Weeks - Bass
Joe Mondragon - Bass
Russ Kunkel - Drums (5, 8)
Andrew Gold - Drums, Guitars, Tambourine
Andy Newmark - Drums
Ringo Starr - Drums
Jim Gordon - Drums
Irv Cottler - Drums
Lee Ritenour - Electric Guitar, Mandolin
James Taylor - Acoustic Guitar, Background Vocals
Alvin Robinson - Guitar
Jeff Baxter - Guitar
“Sneaky” Pete Kleinow - Pedal Steel (as Sneaky Pete)
Billy Mernit - 2nd Piano, Piano
James Newton Howard - Electric Piano, Arp Synthesizer
Dr. John - Piano
Trevor Lawrence - Alto Sax Solo
Lon Van Eaton - Clarinet, Sitar
Derrek Van Eaton - Flute
Tommy Morgan - Harmonica
Alan Estes - Percussion
Emil Richards - Percussion
Freddie Staehle - Percussion
Richard Perry - Tambourine
Eddie Bongo - Conga
Rita Coolidge - Background Vocals
Clydie King - Background Vocals
Rodney Richmond - Background Vocal
Vini Poncia - Background Vocal
Maxine Willard Waters - Background Vocal (as Maxine Willard)
Julia Tillman Waters - Background Vocal (as Julia Tillman)
Carolyn Willis - Background Vocal
Carole King - Background Vocal
Abigale Haness - Background Vocal
Kenny Moore - Background Vocal

Produced by Richard Perry

Carly Simon - String Arrangements (1, 10), Horn Arrangement (1)
Perry Botkin, Jr. - Orchestrations (1, 10), String Arrangements (2, 5), Horn Arrangement (5), Woodwinds Arrangement (5), Clarinets & Trombone Arrangement (9), String Conduction (2, 5), Horn Conduction (5), Woodwinds Conduction (5), Clarinets & Trombone Conduction (9)
Paul Riser - String Arrangement (6), Horn Arrangement (6)

Bill Schnee - Recording Engineer (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), Remix Engineer
Norm Kinney - Recording Engineer (3), Remix Engineer
Andrew Berliner - Recording Engineer (4)
Reed Stanley - Assistant Engineer
Larry Emerine - Assistant Engineer
Charles Beasley - 2nd Lieutenant

Recording Studios:
Sound Labs, Inc.
Sunset Sound Recorders (Additional Recording)
Crystal Sound (Additional Recording)
A&M Studios (Additional Recording)
Burbank Studios (Additional Recording)

Doug Sax - Disc Cutting Engineer

Mastering Studio:
The Mastering Lab

Personal Management: Arlyne Rothberg, Inc.

Glen Christensen - Art Direction
Norman Seeff - Photography, Design

“Special thanks to // Jake Brackman // Rodney Richmond // Donna Crowell and // Helen Wynn”.

Carly Simon
Jacob Brackman
Billy Mernit
Mac Rebennack
Alvin Robinson

source/pic: my records

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bill Usher: I drove the Graeme Bell coach (1952)

Bill Usher: I drove the Graeme Bell coach (1952) ( English) - Bill Usher: Ik reed de bus met Graeme Bell (1952) ( Nederlands)

90-years old coach driver contacts legendary Australian band leader.
BILL USHER: I drove the GRAEME BELL coach (1952)
Bill Usher - Hans Koert

This blog is founded to share our fascination and remembrances for jazz and jazz-related music. Bill Usher, now 90 years old, lives in Canada, and remembered that he was, in the 1950s, the driver of the Graeme Bell coach that had a one week concert tour along venues in England.

Graeme Bell and his Australian Jazz Band (ca 1950)

Graeme Bell is a legendary Australian band leader and piano player who directed a popular dixieland band in the second half of the 20th Century. He is now in his 90s and stil lives in Australia and active in promoting his music. This year
a great 2CD was released with all his recorded compositions. You can learn more about that issue in:
Graeme Bell - all His Recorded Compositions. He visited Europe for the very first time in the late 1940s, where he and his band impressed at the World Youth Festival in Prague. He performed in the Leicester Square Jazz Club, where his concert was a tremendous success playing danceable music in a traditional jazz style with new "fresh" tunes without forgetting the old traditionals. His music was promoted as: a happy Aussie outdoor feeling. Due to these successes he returned to Europe and toured along English venues with his Australian Jazz Band featuring musicians like Roger Bell, Geoff Kitchen, Ade Monsbourgh, Pixie Roberts, Lou Silvereisen, Norman "Bud" Baker, Deryck "Kanga" Bentley and John Sangster.

Enjoy the traditional "Oh When The Saints" by Graeme Bell Australian Jazz Band ( London Febr. 1951)

Bill remembers one of those small tours in 1952, when he had to drove Graeme Bell and his Australian Jazz Band along venues in England. He remembers this week very well and loved to share his cherished memories with Graeme Bell in Australia and the visitors of this Keep Swinging blog. film poster: The Clouded Yellow (1950)
My age is 90, Bill Usher starts; I have a fairly good long and short memory and can remember that short 7 day tour like it was yesterday. Thanks for you efforts to link me up with Graeme after so many years. As one gets older we tend to look back at the good old times. It was back in the 50's when I was very fortunate to be asked to drive the great Graeme Bell "Aussie" Jazz Band for a 7 day Tour of the UK. My late wife Doris was allowed to go with me and I shall never forget that lovely sunny Sunday morning when after loading band and luggage we set out for the 1st venue at the Montfort Hall, Leicester. At the start of the evening performance, I was in my element as Dixieland was and still is, my favourite music. So we travelled on next to Stockton on Tees, where in the afternoon we all went to see a movie, The Clouded Yellow, starred Trevor Howard, Jean Simmons and Anouk Aimee. I think, situate in parts in the Lake District of UK. Then for a beer in a local Pub before supper and show. Later on to Carlisle and then, as I was a Brit Tour Driver, took them through the Lake District and showed them the sights, having lots of fun on the way as they were a great lot of fellows.

Another 1951 Bell recording: Bullant Blues ( London, Juliy 1951)

What a crazy bunch these Aussie guys were, but as the hours went by, we began to love them, especially the music, our favourite kind. I wonder if you remember, Graeme, when we stopped in Carlisle and you had visited an army surplus store and purchased a suit of camouflage fatigues and came back to the coach wearing same. Later at a meal stop, you stayed in the coach, took off the cam suit, stuffed it with cushions etc; until it looked like some old tramp, so that when we returned it looked like some stranger had got in the coach, as it had a hat on and even a smokers pipe in it's mouth, at the time very funny to all of us.
Donald Peers
Next venue was Coronation Ballroom, Bellevue, Manchester. After the show we ate and then to our hotel, the Midland. It was like 4 walls and all the windows opened on to a kind of shaft. Later there was such a commotion from an upper level, windows sliding up and down and some "Idiot" shouting loudly, "Stop that noise up there", more sliding of windows more shouting etc; of course in the morning we found out that the perpetrator was Graeme himself.
Then we left for the Imperial Ballroom, Lancs. Then on the last night of the Tour at Oldham, Lancs. Jimmy Bell (no relation) he was your road manager; well he informed you that you were to be at the State Cinema, (largest Cinema in the UK) Kilburn, North London. by 2.30 pm. Sunday to rehearse for Donald Peers a singer, for an evening show. Your reply was "Who the h--- is Donald Peers" at that time he was #1 on the Music Halls. When we arrived at the State he wasn't there just his pianist, now you were really put out anyway. At that time my dear wife Doris and I had finished the tour with Australias greatest Jazz Band and reluctantly time to say goodbye, but the memories stayed with us all of these 58 years or so.

A copy of the photo ( without the signatures) ( Bill Haesler archive)
You gave me a signed photo by all the band members, but sad to say in moving it has been mislaid, if possible could you replace same. Although I can still see the faces in my minds eye. Sorry my computer skills are not the greatest, but I try. Great talking to you, Cobbers!! Bye for now and good health to all .
Bill Usher ( Canada)

During this same period Graeme Bell gave a concert with Big Bill Broonzy in Germany. Enjoy a footage of Big Bill from ca. 1953:

Thanks to Bill Haesler I can share with you the reply by Grame Bell, now 95 years old. He has no internet, so he phoned Bill:

He rang me just now to say how wonderful it was to have his memory jogged regarding almost 60-year-old humorous anecdotes from his busy and eventful and fun-filled musical career. He had quite forgotten about the camouflage fatigues and the window stories until prompted by your reminiscence. As he then admitted to me, this was way back in the band's wilder days when "we were all larrikans."; an Australian expression. Graeme certainly remembered the Donald Peers concert where he sat in the audience during the second half wondering about this (to him) unknown popular singer. Apparently the Bell band manager, the always enterprising Mel Langdon, spread a rumour that the band was going to accompany Donald Peers. Not true, but it helped bring in a few more customers. Graeme also recalls a fine young girl singer on the program, but not her name. According to Graeme, your mislaid/lost photograph of the band was the one with the band gathered around him, seated, looking at some music. Graeme said that he will try to locate a copy and autograph it for you, but unfortunately the other members of the band
can't as they are no longer with us. With best wishes to you from Graeme (and me). Very kind regards, Bill.

Thanks Bill Usher, Graeme Bell and Bill Haesler for sharing your remembrances!

Hans Koert

If you like these stories or previous contributions and you love to know what blogs will be published in the near future, become a friend of this Keep Swinging blog and receive a message each time a new contribution has been posted. Please register, and I'll keep you informed.

Oscar Aleman Choro Music Flexible Records Hit of the Week-Durium Friends of the Keep Swinging blog Keep Swinging Contributions