Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lost Ring Returned to Northlander 51 Thanksgivings Later

In 1958, Northlander John Osborn was a proud graduate of North Kansas City High School, and he wore his class ring with pride. Not long after graduation, he was serving his country in the U.S. Navy and stationed at a base along the Gulf Coast of Texas. He was involved with pilot training, and it was a 24/7 operation. So when the base shut down for Thanksgiving, he was more than ready.

John and his buddies loaded up a car and headed to the beach. It was his first time to experience the gulf waters. It was cold in late November, so they didn’t really, swim, but they ran through the water’s edge and played football in the sand.

Sometime that day he noticed his treasured class ring was gone. His ring finger was empty and he couldn’t recall when it had disappeared. Perhaps while he tossed the football or when he and his pals were rough-housing in the sand. It really didn’t matter how. It simply was gone, seemingly forever.

Fast forward 51 years later.

A couple from Idaho recently was visiting a beach outside of Brownsville, Texas. As they strolled the beach, they noticed something dull yet golden nestled in the sand. It was an old-fashioned, distinctive looking class ring that appeared to be from the North Kansas City High School class of 1958.

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