Monday, October 30, 2006

eszter pagaent

Eszter has started this thing where she is going to post a photo of something-from-her-life every day for a year. She's on Day 3, so just shy of the 1% of way there. She tried to get me to do it, too, even enticing me with a picture of the Boy Detective sporting black and gold.

My reaction: I can't even manage to shave every day, how am I supposed to manage to remember to keep my camera with me and take a photo of something every day? In general, I am not very good at the concept of "every day," a principal part of my more general difficulty with that great secret to high human productivity, the "routine."

Although I do admit the idea is appealing. I think I also don't like the arbitrariness of doing it from a random day in October/November that same day one year hence. Presuming that Eszter is still going strong, I might join the project on January 1. If I do, you should, too. (Yes, I mean you.) If I do, I don't think I'd write the full descriptions of the photo that Eszter does, but rather just snap something quirky and give a couple of lines.

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