Sunday, April 8, 2007

got this from

Your Birthdate: December 14

People wouldn't take you for a passionate person - and that's where they'd be wrong.
You can develop deep emotions quickly, and you're the type most likely to move in with someone after a few dates.

Number of True Loves You'll Have: 6

Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 3

You are most compatible with people born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd of the month.

Your True Love Will Find You Eventually
You definitely put yourself out there a little - but you could be doing more.If you're truly looking for love, try doing more things and meeting more people.You don't have to actively look for love, you just need to stay active.Be out there a little more, and the right person will find you!

You Are 61% Grown Up, 39% Kid
Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.

You Are Confident Sexy
You're one sexy chica, and you know it.You've got the confidence to strut your stuff...And approach any man who happens to catch your eye.You may make a guys run away, but the true men will appreciate your moxie.

Your Personality Is
Idealist (NF)

You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.
As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.
On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

Your Porn Star Name Is...
Ruby Lips

You Are Thong Panties
Woman, you are one hell of a ride!You're a total wild child - and you live for crazy times.Men are attracted to you like flies to honey, even though they know they should stay away.You need a expert cowboy who can keep in tune with your free spirit!

Your Love Type: INFJ
The Protector
In love, you strive to have the perfect relationship.For you, sex is nearly a spiritual experience, a bonding of souls.
Overall, you have high expectations for any relationship you're in.However, you tend to hold back a part of yourself.
Best matches: ENTP and ENFP

You Are A Romantic Realist
You tend to be grounded when it comes to romance.Sure, you can fall hard... but only for someone you've gotten to know.And once you're in love, you can be a total romantic goofball...But you'd never admit it to your friends!

You Are Pretty Happy
You generally have a happy, fulfilling life. But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it.Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career.Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is!

You Are 24% Control Freak
You have achieved the perfect balance of control and letting go.You tend to roll with whatever life brings, but you never get complacent.

Guys Like That You're Fun
You're the type of girl guys brag about knowingThat's because you're cool, funny, and laid backYou're smart enough to know how to be one of the guysBut flirty enough to know how to make them all want you

Your Lucky Underwear is Blue
You are caring and extroverted. You've made relationships your number one focus, and your lucky blue underwear can bring some balance to them.You thrive in one-on-one situations. You are a good listener and a natural born therapist.
Sometimes you let the concerns of others become too important in your life, leading to stress and worry.If you want more balance, put on your blue underpants. They'll help you take care of yourself first.

Your Seduction Style: Prized Object
The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get.You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them.The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase.
You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away.You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance.Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't!
You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors.Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor.You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for.

Your Nail Polish Color is Magenta
How you're unique: You're confident - and you show everyone the true you
Why your style rocks: You have the attitude to carry the most outrageous outfits off
What this color says about you: "Look at me. I know you want to!"

You Are a Soft Kisser
Your kissing style is understated, but effective
You give soft, sweet, and soulful kisses.
And the key is, you only give kisses to someone incredibly special
Because you don't just go around kissing anyone

Your Makeup Look Is
Pale Lips with Big EyesA little classic, a little retro - you look fantastic in this high fashion look.

Doesn't Look Like Cheating, But Be Careful
Chances are greater than not that your guy's not cheating...But there's always the possibility that he's a pro at covering things upThe best thing you can do for now is listen to your intuitionIf it seems like he's cheating, he probably is... unless you suspect every guy you date

What You Know About Your Guy: Very Little
Your guy is still a huge mystery to you(Hopefully, you at least know his last name!)If you have only been on a few dates, then this is okayBut otherwise, it's time to do some digging

You're a Tad Jealous
And who can blame you? It's a pretty normal emotion.You tend to keep your jealousy under wraps, except when it mattersYou have a good nose for telling if your own jealousy is petty or justifiedBut occasionally, you do let your passionate envy get the better of you

You Should Own a Yorkshire Terrier
Lively, sweet, and easy to carry.

aiya, tired alr la.
continue another day.

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