Saturday, June 7, 2008


At some point in our childhood most of us collected something either it was chewing gum stickers of stamps. Who can deny the thrill they felt on finding an object which completed their collection after weeks of searching? It is therefore not difficult to under stand why some people continue to collect objects into their adult years. People collect all kinds of things from beer mats to valuable works of art. For some it is simple a way of spending the time, while others see it as a wise way to spend their money. After all there are some who discover that their seemingly humble collections are actually worth a lot of money. What may be a fascinating collection for one person though may be quite dull and uninteresting for another. Visitors to the Hanley museum in Stoke-on-Trent might wonder at the interest that led a local millionaire to collect china cows. He donated a large amount of money to the museum no condition that the cows would be displayed alongside pieces of valuable antique porcelain. Why others may not always understand a collector’s passion these people continue to feel that their hobby is worthwhile and very satisfying.

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