Monday, November 6, 2006

can't have nothing nice

You know how I was complaining about how I can't find the cord for my digital camera, and I wondered how many pairs of gloves I would lose this year? Instead, I appear to have lost my pre-winter coat. With my barely-one-week-old iPod in the pocket. It's gone: nowhere in my house or office. For all I know, it could have been stolen. This is the thing with being somebody who is absent-minded and chronically misplacing things: miscreants could actually be ripping you off all the time, and you just attribute it to your own psychological failings.

Anyway: I am very unhappy about this. Given other demands on my cognitive space, I am trying to repress thinking about it for the time being, although this is harder to do when I go outside and notice how cold it is and how everyone else is wearing a coat.

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