Thursday, April 23, 2009

LAST MINUTE POST! Tonight at Domy Books. Tim Kerr y mas Art Exhibit!

Just found out about this so I'ma just cut and paste from the site. But me, Eva and Elena will be in the house!!!!!

Domy Books is pleased to present,

tim kerr, bill daniel, cynthia connolly
rich jacobs & michael sieben

Thursday, April 23, 2009 at Domy Books, Austin
913 E Cesar Chavez, Austin, TX 78702

Exhibition runs April 23 – June 4

"This exhibition was conceptualized by Tim Kerr, one of the five exhibiting artists. Simply put, we have been friends for years and our friendship was struck by the admiration of the other by the artwork they had done and the vision we each have.

I met Tim Kerr in 1983 when he came through DC with his band the Big Boys. He was the only other person involved that I knew, in the dispersed punk scene who also did art, which at the time were NOT synonymous or accepted generally.

I met Rich Jacobs in about 1997. He contacted me to include me in a show that he was curating. I’m sure that Rich knew me from the punk music scene of the tour of “People from DC and their Cars” show.

I met Bill Daniel in the mid ’90s in San Francisco as I was trying to track him down, looking for old images of a band he shot in Austin Texas hanging out with the Big Boys called Minor Threat.

Rich knew Tim through the old punk scene, and Michael Sieben through the Austin art scene. Rich says, “I had done art for a Big Boys record, “Wreck Collections” and met Tim through that, and also through Sieben’s cooperative gallery, Camp Fig. I had a show there and told him if anyone from the Big Boys came in- to tell them to take any piece they wanted... just for fun, and kind of half thinking they may never see it... but Tim did!”

Michael Sieben and Tim know each other in the Austin art scene.

Bill knows Tim from seeing the Big Boys play an outdoor show in 1980 next door to a skate shop where he was working. They became friends and Bill went on the bands first California tour.

Bill met Rich through Tim. Bill met Michael a couple years ago in Austin. Cynthia is about to meet Michael at the exhibition install. Now we are all together in a show called FRIENDS." - Cynthia Connolly

(Also, personal note. I pre-ordered Cynthia's Banned in DC book as a youth and when I mailed her the money order I put in a note requesting an autograph and said it'd mean a lot to me and she signed it and it does mean a lot to me.)

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